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B-KUL-F0UY1A Literature from a transnational and transcultural perspective (2019-2020)

Anke Gilleir – Nadia Lie – Pieter Vermeulen

(Wednesdays 9 am-12 am; HOGC 02.22)


12/2: Introduction: what is transnationalism/transculturalism? (N. Lie)

13/2: event Boochani (Hollands College - Leuven)

Section I: Transnational Communities, Transnational Places

19/02: Jorge Luis Borges, “The Argentine writer and tradition” (1951, essay) / “Pierre Menard”
(1941) / “The South” (1953) (short stories) - (N. Lie)

26/02: Carlos Fuentes, The Crystal Frontier (1995) – selection: “Malintzin las Maquilas”, and
“The Crystal Frontier”] (N. Lie)

04/03: Reading week

11/03:– Lina Meruane, Seeing Red (2013) – (N. Lie)

18/03: Behrouz Boochani, No Friend but the Mountains: Writing From Manus Prison (2018) -
(P. Vermeulen)

25/03: Reading week

Section II: Transnational Memories, Transnational Identities

01/04: Joseph Roth, Radetzkymarsch [English: The Radetzky March] (1932) (A. Gilleir)

Easter break

22/04: W.G. Sebald, Austerlitz (2001) (A. Gilleir – P. Vermeulen) – part I

29/04: W.G. Sebald, Austerlitz (2001) (A. Gilleir – P. Vermeulen) – part II

[collective viewing of The Act of Killing (to be determined)]

06/05: Joshua Oppenheimer, The Act of Killing (2012) (P. Vermeulen)

13/05: Viet Thanh Nguyen, The Refugees (2017) (P. Vermeulen)

20/05: spill-over

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