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Gerunds & Infinitives

Gary's Troubled Life

The students were prohibited from  (smoke) in the school, but Gary often broke the rules.  Once he
attempted  (cheat) on an exam and he enjoys  (skip) classes.  
Gary's parents really wanted him  (be) a doctor, but he hopes  (be) an actor.  His parents asked him  (work)
harder and he promised many times  (focus) on his school work.  Even so, Gary couldn't resist  (make) poor
choices and he often got into trouble.  

When Gary lit up a cigarette in the stairwell at school, the principal smelled the smoke.  Gary put out his
cigarette and pretended  (be) studying.  When the principal approached him, Gary denied  (smoke) and
managed (convince) the principal that he was innocent.  Even so, the principal was suspicious and told Gary
that if he breaks one more rule, he will risk  (be) expelled from the school.  
Gary went home and thought about the situation all evening.  He realized that he can't afford  (be) expelled. 
His parents were paying  (send) him to a nice private school and they would be so disappointed in him. 
They already blamed him for  (cause) most of the problems in the family.
Gary decided  (talk) to an old friend about his problems.  He felt like (get) some advice because he knew it
was time to make some changes in his life.    He hadn't seen Suzanne in over a year, but she agreed  (come)
over to his house.  He told her he regretted  (break) so many rules at school.  He said that he couldn't
stand  (get) in trouble all the time and he admitted (make) many mistakes in his life.  

Suzanne advised Gary  (go) to all of his classes and she told him that he deserves  (be) happy in life.  She
offered  (help) Gary with his homework so he could improve his grades, and she suggested  (study) for at
least 2 hours every night.   
Gary thanked Suzanne for  (give) him such great advice and he gave her a big hug.   He said he doesn't want
to keep  (disappoint) his parents and he hopes  (become) a better person.  He told Suzanne he missed (spend)
time with her and he apologized for not  (call) her in so long.  Suzanne forgave him for not  (be) in touch
and she smiled sweetly.  
That night Gary dreamed about  (have) a successful life and  (be) a good, honest person.  He couldn't
wait  (start) on his new path.  He planned (call) Suzanne soon and he couldn't wait  (see) her again.

1. They should not deny  (be) involved.
2. I desire  (finish) it as soon as possible.
3. They have always detested  (gossip) about such things.
4. I will try to encourage him  (resume) studies.
5. They should not allow him (participate) in this battle.
6. She will definitely invite us  (stay) for dinner.
7. She cannot afford  (do) it any longer.
8. You must not risk  (behave) like that.
9. He can instruct us  (do) the work properly.
10. She soon commenced  (write).
11. I have always detested  (trespass).
12. He will encourage the children  (tell) the truth.
13. I expect you  (come) on time.
14. Do you fancy  (wait) for him here?
15. I am afraid you will have to admit  (fail) everything.
16. I fully appreciate your  (warn) us.
17. They begged  (give) them some more time.
18. She has claimed  (be) able to do it alone.
19. I thoroughly like (read) adventure books.
20. You will have food enough  (feed) everyone.
21. The man was made (apologize) for (steal) the wallet.
22. Have you ever tried (knit) and (sew)?
23. How could I forget (prepare) for the quiz?

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