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I learned that there are numbers that we can added by a consecutive

numbers to get a sum of 1 to 100. Consecutive numbers are numbers that

follow each other in order. They have a difference of 1 between every
two numbers. Those numbers that we can get by adding a consecutive numbers
are what we called “happy numbers”. We can get those numbers by adding 2 or
more numbers that follow each other (e.g., the sum of first three numbers is 6,
where in 1 + 2 + 3 = 6). But there are numbers that we can’t get by adding those
consecutive numbers and can we get those numbers by only adding a random
numbers, those numbers that we can’t get by adding numbers that follow each
other are what we called “lucky numbers”.

In the first place, it is hard to get and to identify the lucky and happy
numbers from numbers 1 to 100, so I tried to add consecutive numbers and look
for the sum. I used the “try and error” method” to get the happy numbers from
numbers 1 to 100, there are numbers that I get by adding those consecutives,
but there are some numbers too which are can’t get by adding consecutive
numbers or the lucky numbers. After I found out that the number 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,
32, 64 are the lucky numbers and the rest are the happy numbers. I suddenly
realized that to find the lucky numbers from numbers 1 to 100, simply twice the
first number and also the product of it (1x2=2, 2x2=4, 4x2=8,..) so that you can
get the lucky numbers and the rest are the happy numbers. In the first place, this
is very difficult to know the lucky and happy numbers, but when you continue
what you do you can get it easily.
Christian Joshua C. Coronel
Gr. 10-Gold

Ernesto Balubar Jr.

Teacher in Mathematics

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