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Chasing the Green

Introduction: An orc army approaches the Valley

of Kyros. The local Captain needs strong heroes
to help in the defense.

A 2 to 3 - hour adventure for 1st level characters

by Kristjan Matthiasson

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Chasing the Green
The village mage has a small library which he will
allow any player mage to use for research for a
An empire is not built in a day, but
when you live forever you have time.
small fee (2gp /day).

-Saarith. The local cleric can heal the players for a donation
of a few gold pieces.

DM’s background The blacksmith will allow the players to use his
This adventure is a sequel to “A Disturbed forge if they were helpful in this or previous
Breakfast” which is also available in the DM Guild adventures.
store. It can also be played as an independent
adventure with some small tweaking of the initial The mayor has a map of the area which the players
dialogues. can copy after this adventure should you wish to
use this as a start of a campaign.
This adventure is meant to introduce Saarith. A
Lich and major character for the developing story.
Saarith was a troublesome and driven man in his Part 1 – A new proposition
life, he quickly rose in power as a wizard in a
faction simply known as the Kyros. Obsessed with The players are sitting in a tavern having their
eternal life, he turned his studies towards dinner when rumors of a skirmish at the mountain
necromancy and gained the knowledge and power pass comes to the tavern. The rumor is that the
to turn himself into a Lich. This terrified the Kyros defending force took serious casualties in the fight
which cast him out and trapped him in a stasis but held their ground.
spell. Soon after trapping Saarith, the Kyros was
destroyed by unknown entities and the existence If asked for the source for of this information the
of Saarith was forgotten. tavern patrons will report having seen the local
militia arrive to the village in pretty bad shape.

The adventure occurs in and around the village of
Mud Creek and stretches to the southern
mountain range. Mud Creek is located in the valley
of Kyros that is enclosed from all sides except the
east with mountains. The area around the village
is flat and scattered with farmsteads with some
forests to the south east of the village. The area to
the far east has not been properly explored, but
there exists an old map that details that area.
The village of Mud Creek
Mud Creek is a village with about 50 people living
there. It is located at the outskirts of civilization so
the folks there are hardy, no-nonsense pioneer
type people. The village has a single tavern, a
mayor, a small four men militia, a sawmill, a
blacksmith, a single shrine dedicated to Chauntea
and a village mage. There is also a windmill close
by and a few farmsteads in the area.

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While the tavern patrons are discussing this news Reaching the defenders camp will take the players
the village mayor enters the tavern and heads to a couple of days. The journey there is without
the players table and speaks to them. encounters, however it starts to snow lightly on
the second day of their journey. If the players
follow the directions given by the mayor, they will
Greetings friends. find a moderate army located at the entrance of a
tight pass that leads through the mountains.
I was hoping to catch you together as
I have another proposition for you. The army has constructed a barricade in front of
the mountain pass to defend against an incoming
As you know there has been trouble horde. There are also a few watchtowers behind
brewing at the northern pass and the the barricade.
local militia have been occupied
there lately. As they approach they are challenged and asked
for their papers. If the players co-operate they are
Now, last night our men came welcomed and taken to see the captain.
limping into town with a message
from their Captain asking for more A difficult persuasion check (DC 20) will also get
men to assist in their place. the guards to take the players to see the captain.
But you see we need the men here
during harvest season or the village
will fall on hard times this winter.

So I would ask of you to assist the

force at the northern pass until our
men are recovered enough to take
their place. In turn the town will pay
you 150gp.

If the players ask the mayor for more details he

can tell them little, he only knows that a
detachment of orcs has been attempting to force
their way into the valley.

Should the players ask for a greater reward he will

increase the pay to 200gp.

If the players accept the mayor gives them

directions to reach the fighting force and papers to
prove their identity. He then tells them to head out
in the morning and that they will be paid when
they return.

As the players enter the captains tent they see a

Part 2 - The defenders camp formidable man in his late 40’s standing over a

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map. He then turns around and greets the players mountain. The orcs clearly entered the cave but
in a rich timber voice. there is no sight of them leaving again.

Good day!
Part 4 - The Cave
Your arrival is timely as I have need
for you. The mayor of Mud Creek sent As the players approach the cave entrance you
me word of your exploits and to expect should mention to your magic using players that
you.. there is a sense of old magic, nearly spent, coming
from the cave.
It so happens that I need a group to go
after a few orcs that managed to As they enter the cave the see a winding entrance
sneak past our defenses last night. that turns from their point of view. As the go
deeper into the cave they trigger a magical
They should be easy to follow as their mechanism that slides a slab of rock rather fast
tracks are in the snow but I just didn’t across the entrance and seals them inside the
have the men for the task until you cave. There is no way for the player to move the
arrived. slab of stone from this side of the trap.

So those are your first orders. Hunt There is no light in the cave so the players must
down those orcs and return to me use torches, lanterns or other forms of light to see.
when done. There is a white mist that covers the floor and it is
fairly cold inside the cave.

Captain Darion will answer the players questions

if they concern the orcs, otherwise he will say that 1. The Antechamber
the information is classified.
This chamber is clearly not natural. It is 20 feet
The players are then dismissed. wide and 30 feet deep with a celling about 20 feet
above. In the middle of the chamber there is an
altar dedicated to no god the players know.
Part 3 – The hunt is on.
If they players ask for assistance they will be taken As the players walk across the chamber two
to where the orcs trail starts. The tracks lead skeletons rise from the mist an attack the players.
westward following the mountain range and are
clearly visible. It seems that the orcs were in a There is an array of near spent torches in the
hurry and didn’t try to hide their tracks at all. chamber and the players can light up this chamber
if they wish.
When the players follow the tracks they will come
upon a dead orc in about 2-hours. A successful If the players search for valuables and pass a
wisdom check will reveal that the tracks suggests successful investigation check (DC15) they will
that he was killed by the other orcs after an find a small secret compartment in the altar with
argument. The tracks then lead on westward. The an ornate dagger worth 35gp if sold.
orc has no valuables if searched.

Following the orc tracks the players will soon

come upon a well-hidden cave in the side of the

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Should the players search for valuables in these
rooms they will a cracked gemstone affixed to
each sarcophagus, a total of four worth 15gp each.

4. The grand burial room.

This room is clearly the burial ground of someone

important. The room contains three
sarcophaguses with skeletons in two of them. On
the floor in front of the third sarcophagus the
remains of three orcs lie dead on the floor.

As the players enter the room the skeletons

crumble to dust and they hear a ghostly laughter
coming from the western door.

There are no valuables in this room. But should

the players search for secret doors a successful
perception check against DC15 will reveal the
secret door to the north.

The door to the west has a single sigil. A magic

user will sense a weak magic coming from it. The
magic of the sigil has tarnished with time. Should
the players touch the door or try to force it open
they will be struck by a small spark giving 1d4
2. The crossroads. damage and the door will crumble to dust.

Here the players can see their path break into

three ways. If the players decide to go straight 5. The secret room.
forward and try to open the door they will hear
scraping sounds from the other two chambers. This room is in total disarray as if something just
The skeletons in those chambers will rise and exploded. There are metal and wood fragments
attack the players from behind. everywhere. In the center of the room is a
shattered crystal. In one corner there lies a
skeleton in rusted armor with an untarnished
3. The burial rooms shield and sword.

These rooms are identical. There are two Should the players attempt to take the shield and
sarcophaguses in the chamber which both contain sword from the skeleton it will rise up and attack.
a single skeleton that lies with their sword on their The skeleton is just a regular skeleton with
chest. The walls are covered with strange symbols weapon attack +5, AC 15 and 20 hp.
that are unknown to the players.
The shield is a shield +1 and the sword is a sword
As the players enter the rooms the skeletons rise +1.
from the sarcophagus and attack the players.

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6. Saarith
What year is it?
When the door crumbles the players see a long
corridor that turns south and what appears to be
[wait for answer]
light coming from the other end.
I see.

My name is Saarith. I have now been

held in this underground prison for
more than 300 years. Trapped by the
Kyros I have been in stasis, but awoke
from my slumber a few weeks ago.

I must thank you for completing the

task my unwilling minions failed. The
door to my right will lead you to the
trapping mechanism and some small
reward for your service.

There is much for me to do now. I must

be going. Perhaps we shall meet


The person then rises and the players see that is

in an undead being. It waves its hand and is gone.

If the players search this room they will find

under the throne four gemstones that are
cracked but still worth 15gp each.
As the players enter the room they notice that
there are torches lighting the room. In the center
there sits a person upon a throne. The room is 7. The sideroom.
otherwise empty. As soon as they approach the
person it will speak in a rasping dark voice. Here the players find a small desk with a chair
and some writing material. In the corner there is
also a chest.

On the desk the players see a drawing of a vale

surrounded by mountains with a river running
through it. The map has a short annotation in
ancient Kahlar.

Should the player try to have the map translated

after the adventure the village mage can tell them
that it only says “Location of new stronghold?”

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The chest is unlocked and contains 127gp and It does not matter if the players freed Saarith or
234sp. It also contains two vials of potion of not. The captain will inform the players that the
healing (common). orc forces have withdrawn from the immediate
area for now.

8. The laboratory Should the players inform the captain of them

freeing Saarith he will look grim and tell them that
This room looks like an old laboratory, there is this information needs to be sent to the capital at
broken glass and upturned tables in every corner once and calls for a messenger.
and in the center there are charred remains of a
summoning circle. In one corner there is a He also tells the players that he has gotten orders
bookshelf that contains remains of old tomes. from the king to build a permanent fortress here.
To do so he will need a large amount of rock and it
Should a magic used search the tomes he will find just so happens that there is an old quarry, two
a book with an intact copy of the Identify spell. days south from Mud Creek.

He then thanks the players and tells them to get

9. The trap room some rest and return to Mud Creek. He adds that
he will send a message there should he require
Here the players will finally find the trapping their assistance in the future.
mechanism that trapped them in the dungeon.
When they return to Mud Creek the mayor will
The mechanism seems to be no more than a thank them for their service and hand them the
simple slide that a slab of rock rests on with a agreed amount of gold.
small pin to hold the stone in place. The trap was
sprung by somehow shifting the pin from the
other side of the wall. Part 6 – In the end

The players can band together to drag the stone After the adventure is over the players can get a
slab across the floor to open the way out. deserved rest.

After the slab is moved the players are free to Experience gained from the adventure.
return to the defense camp.
150 experience points each player
Part 5 – Back in the camp 480 experience points divided equally between
When the players return to the captain he greets the players.
them and asks if they were successful and for a full

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Map of the defense camp

Bitter Pass is an approximately 100 feet wide and 3 miles long pass with sheer cliffs on either side. It is
the only passable way through the mountain range that does not require climbing gear. On the other side
of the pass is a lawless land dominated by orc tribes. In the last few years, aggressive orc chieftains have
attempted to breach the defense, but have always been pushed back.

The defense perimeter is a multi-layer defense starting with a stone wall 30 feet high with four towers
and a two-fold gate at the center. At either side of the wall and behind are defense towers armed with
ballistae. Should the enemy breach the wall a wooden fence 10 feet high meets them that funnels the
attackers into the center, slowing any advance. Surrounding this is another 10 feet high wooden fence
that is riddled with potholes big enough to fire arrows through. At the west side of this last fence there is
a small gate.

The force defending consists of a 150 men army lead by captain Darion and his two lieutenants. The army
camp is arranged into two blocks with command in the center. Should an enemy force breach the defense
they have standing orders to retreat to Mud Creek.

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Saarith’s prison

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