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Joshua Rodriguez

English 1311

Opinion Piece

Bullying- An Unspoken Truth

Bullying is an issue that has been affecting the nation in an awful way. It has caused

thousands of people to lose their: brothers, sisters, cousins, etc. One significant age group that is

affected the most is the teenage age group. This bullying issue is so aggravating because it is a

preventable problem. One particular issue with bullying is that it has led to many suicides. This

problem has become a huge social issue throughout the United States. Here I will discuss the

many ways to recognize, prevent, and hopefully end teenage bullying everywhere.

First I would like to begin with the importance of understanding that bullying is a form of

abuse. It involves repeated attacks that can be both physical and mental. The whole point of

bullying is to gain power over an individual. Two reasons why people are picked on are because

of physical appearance and social status. Recognizing when someone is being bullied is a key

step towards helping an individual end the emotional distress that it causes. One way to

recognize it is to look for bruises or any type of physical wounds. If these wounds seem to

appear on a regular basis then this could be as a result of bullying. If you notice a drastic change

in the individual’s attitude it may be because of bullying. Bullying can not only leave physical

marks but mental marks as well. Some examples of emotional marks are: depression, loneliness,

anxiety, and of course low self esteem.

There are many ways to prevent the issue of bullying. One way is to keep a close

connection with your child. Make them feel that they can come to you for whatever problem they

may have. Help them understand that bullying is not only wrong but is also against the law. You

should also take time to talk to the school principal so that you can know the procedures being

done to prevent bullying. If you feel it is a huge issue among the community don’t be afraid to

take the issue to the next level. Writing to government officials can be an effective way to rid

your community of the problem by attempting to make more legislation on this issue. If you are a

friend of someone who is being bullied you should discuss the issue with an adult that you feel

comfortable with. Let them know the situation and how severe the problem is. Most of all

become as supportive as possible. During this period it is crucial to let your friend know that

he/she has someone that they can go to for help.

Bullying is an extremely important issue to address. There have been millions of suicides

throughout the United States because of bullying. This is a severe issue that must be taken

seriously and addressed. If you are someone that is currently being bullied I encourage you to

ask someone for help. If you know someone who is currently being bullied I urge you to help

them. During this time it is crucial for everyone to stand up against bullying. Don’t allow anyone

to suffer at another person’s whim, be the difference.

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