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Ally Larkins

Example 2

Link To Quizlet:

For this artifact I created a study tool of flashcards on Quizlet. I chose a third grade

science standard that focuses on interdependent relationships in ecosystems. The standard is

3-LS4-3, “Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat some organisms can

survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.”. Instead of creating an

artifact on the animals survival success in a habitat, I chose to focus on the topic of what exactly

ecosystems, habitats, and organisms are. I wanted to help the students really understand what

these terms are and what kinds of habitats there are before they get into sorting animals based

on habitats.

Students may be passive in learning this because they are all new and big words.

Understanding what these terms mean and what they look like in the real world might be
Ally Larkins

difficult. Memorizing these terms and remembering what they mean can also be challenging.

That is why I think Quizlet, in this case, is a great tool. This site offers so many ways to learn the

terms/material. Students can use the traditional flashcards and practice, they can test

themselves, they can play games to make memorization more fun. The variety of ways the

students can manipulate the material is what will get the student more engaged and help the

information to stick.

While I do like Quizlet and the different ways students can study from it, I do think this

would be better paired with an interactive smartboard game or video clip, or some other type

of scaffold. I think this is a great addition to a lesson and other artifacts and it can be strong on

its own, but it would be stronger with other artifacts supporting it as well.

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