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There are certain attributes and behaviors that make a great leader, as well as common
misconceptions about its role. However, there are only a few key points when it comes to
characteristics of all leaders, the rest is situational and it’s up to a leader to identify on
appropriate and effective approach that suits the needs of team and organization.

It is important for one to realize that there is no universal archetype of a leader and the
treats and characteristics of a successful leaders will differ enormously. Also, one needs to
recognize that will given the opportunity to become a leader in society because of specific
personality and capability.

This paper will critically examine what are the skills and qualities of a Supreme Student
Government leader. This issue has been quiet to all of us in electing a leaders in our society,
without knowing their capabilities and personal backgrounds in managing a team. At the end of
this paper you will know the side of our respondent on how they lead their organization in a good


The purpose of this study is to understand how leaders define success and how they use this
as a means for guiding their approach. To identify what a sense of purpose means in the context
of successful leadership. To develop leadership skills in leading an organization to understand
deeper what is the purpose of being a leader. And, lastly to give information/knowledge about
the skills and qualities of a Supreme Student Government leader to the next generation.


The importance of this study is to gain knowledge about the skills and qualities of a great
leader that can be useful in the future in leading an organization. All of us should realize that
being a leader is not easy, we need to follow the rule and know our responsibility as a leader. It
also help ourselves to cope up challenges and to prepared in adult life.


Skills – the ability to do something that comes from training, experience, or practice

Qualities – how good or bad something is

Leader – the person who leads or commands a group, organization or a country

Enormously – to a very great degree or extent

Capabilities – power or ability

Approach – a way of dealing with something

Misconception – a view or opinion that is incorrect

Attributes – usually good quality or feature that someone or something has

Organization - the act or process of planning and arranging

Archetype – the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type

Literature review has shed a light upon essential qualities for individuals holding leadership
positions in organization having clear vision and the ability of articulating it in an efficient
manner appears as one of the most important leadership skills in the majority of sources.
According to Wart (2008) effective leaders are able to formulate motivating vision and create a
situation where the vision is organization.

Communication skills are also crucially important to be possessed by organizational

leaders (Gallos, 2008, Bertocci and Bertocci, 2009). Gallos (2008) explains the importance of
communication skills for organizational leaders by referring to the fact that leaders need to
communicate with different organizational stakeholders in a daily basis and each category of
these stakeholders pursue varying aims and objectives.

According to Stanfield (2009) and Bertocci and Bertocci (2009) decisiveness marks
important trait for organizational leaders. When discussing this specific leadership trait Stanfield
(2009) refers to The Great Man leadership theory, and argues that individuals born with
leadership skills are tend to be more decisive than individuals who have acquired their leadership
skills on the course of their lives. However, Stanfield (2009) does not offer any evidences based
on empirical studies to justify this viewpoint.

Similarly, self-confidence has been viewed by Goldsmith et al. (2010) and Gold et al.
(2010) as another important leadership trait. Goldsmith et al. (2010) conclude that the value of
self-confidence as a leadership trait increases in times of crisis when leaders need to be able to
take decisions while a wide range of factors remain uncertain.

In their analysis of an alternative leadership quality, integrity, Gold et al. (2010)

convincingly argue that the lack of integrity associated with any organizational leader is difficult
to conceal in modern times due to the rapidly advancing levels of internet and various forms of
information technology.

Moreover, a high level of dedication to work is perceived to be highly important

leadership skills by Shriberg (2010). To justify his stand Shriberg (2010) mentions the case
studies of successful arganizational leaders such as Apple’s late Steve Jobs and former CEO of
General Electric Jack Welch, where high level of dedication to the company and employees have
enabled organizational leaders to achieve unparalleled success.

Additional important leadership skill and competencies identified as a result of literatures review
include assertiveness (Wart, 2007, Kreitner and Cassidy, 2012), humility (Gallos, 2008), sense of humor
(Stanfield, 2009, DuBrin, 2012), openness (Goldsmith et al. 2010), creativity (Kezar et al. 2011) and
fairness (Stanfield, 2009, Kezar et al. 2011).

https://research-methodology. net

Research Method

In conducting our research, the type of research that we used is qualitative research. This
research use to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions and motivations of the
researcher. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypothesis about the
topic, “Skills and Qualities of a Supreme Student Government Leader”.

Research Respondents

The subject respondents of this study was 15 SSG leaders from different high school in the
vicinity of Municipality of Placer were randomly selected.

Research Instruments

The instruments that we used is survey research. This survey used to ask questions to a
sample respondents, using various types of paper questionnaires survey. The questions will be in
the form of close-ended and open-ended questions. The response of the respondents to the
questionnaires will be tabulated and the result will be presented in the form of graphs and as well
as textual discussions.


Irrespective of how we define the word leadership, we can’t deny that certain individuals
can greatly impact the lives of others based on their experience and insights.

While we’re all living different timelines on the journey of life, we look to leaders for
guidance and advice.

While some leaders seem like they were naturally born that way, leadership skills can be
learned. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t led before. There are certain qualities through teaching
and learning the skills over time.

According to Steve Jobs, “Management is about persuading people to do things they do

not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they

Here are the most important leadership qualities and skills to look for in a great leader;


If you’re in a leadership role, good communications skills are absolutely crucial. Using
language to perform one-to-one communication is really all that we have as human beings. There
are non-verbal cues, but being able to express yourself openly and build empathy with other
people is the foundation of effective leadership.


Right up there with empathy, the only way to get people to follow you is to make them
feel heard.

According to Dale Carnegie quotes, “Talk to someone about themselves and they’ll listen
for hours.”

The more you make real eye contact and sincere interest in the lives of others, the more
people will be magnetically drawn to you and passionately speak about their lives. They’ll
become inspired, feel heard, and begin to know, like and trust you.

Alternatively, when you show no interest, lack eye contact, and pretend not to care about
personal stories that the other people tell, they will automatically shut down, stop sharing as
much, and feel self-conscious about their own interest.


According to Lewis, “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching”.

Without integrity, no real success if possible. You can’t expect your followers to be
honest when you lack of integrity in yourself. An honest leaders succeeds when they stick to
their word, live by their values, lead by example, and follow through. Integrity is the cornerstone
of all other leadership qualities

There are many things to look for in people with integrity, including;

 Apologizing for mistakes

 Highlighting the work of their employees and downplaying their own contributes
 Giving the benefit of the doubt when circumstances are unclear
 Being appreciate of people’s time


According to Arnold Glasow, “A good leader takes little more than his share of the blame
and little less than his share of the credit”.

A strong leader is accountable for the team’s results, good or bad. They hold themselves
and their members accountable for their actions, which creates a sense of responsibility among
the team.

They give credit where credit is due, and take responsibility for blame when necessary.
Being accountable and leading by example is one of the quickest ways a leader can build trust
with their team.


A true leader has enough open-mindedness to understand their follower’s motivations,

hopes, dreams, and problems so that they can forget a deep personal connection with them.
Empathy is understanding.

Empathy isn’t just being a nice person. It’s a mindset that enables leaders to:

 Make better predictions

 Improve work strategies
 Inspire loyalty among their teams
 Better their negotiations tactics
 Increase creativity

Understanding where people are coming from helps facilitate a more human environment
where team members are more productive and leaders thrive.


When it comes to leadership, it can be tempting to become enamored with a new little or
status. However, great leadership style focus on problem-solving and team dynamics much more
than self-promotion. A great leader will never be effective in they’re more concerned with
themselves than with the well-being of their team.

According to Thomas Merton, “Pride makes us artificial and humility makes as real”.

Being humble and vulnerable with their team members will make a leader much more
relatable and effective.


The true grit of a leader is not how they perform during good times but how they roll up
their sleeves and produce when times get difficult.

Great leaders with positive attitudes lead by example and rally their team no matter the
circumstances. It’s this inherent positively that helps react to situations with a calm, collected
manner and focus on solutions rather than on problems.

Resilience is a leadership trait that comes with experience.


According to Jack Welch, “Good leaders create a vision, articulate the vision,
passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion”.

A company vision only goes as far as a leader’s influence over others. A great leader
clearly sets the organizational directions and exercises keen decisiveness. Decision-making is
key to new ideas, ensuring team members know the bottom line, and understand the goals and
the mission in front of them.

True leaders inspire loyalty, enthusiasm and commitment, help remind everyone of the
big picture and challenge people to out do themselves. Sharing vision and compelling others to
act is a secret trait of successful leaders.


Some leaders believe that when they attain a certain level of leadership status, respect will
automatically be given to them.

This is not the case.

Leadership and influence are not interchangeable and respect has to be earned, not given.

Here are some things that leaders can do to increase influence;

 Clearly state what they want

 Connect with people emotionally
 Make others feel important
 Be vulnerable and charismatic
 Work toward commonly shared goals
 Ask for suggestions and inputs
 Build, real lasting relationships
 Have self-awareness


Leaders inspire their team not based on their own goals or outcomes, but on their
exhibited behavior, life outlook, and attitude in any given situation.

This comes down to positivity. Even the calmest workplaces can get stressful at times –
it’s more important how leaders react to stress with a positive outlook rather than get flustered
and place blame.


A difficult transition for many leaders are shifting from doing to leading.

Many new leaders are accustomed to doing all work themselves and struggle to let other’s
handle responsibilities on their own. Great leaders must elevate their team – they must be more
essential and less involved.

This requires leaders to shape others’ thoughts and ideas toward a common goal. They
give their team everything they need to be successful and get out of the way, not directing their
path, but setting clear expectations and explaining where the finish line is.


To be an effective leader, you need to roll up your sleeves and take charge. This includes
being confident enough to lead, knowing that your plans and vision are not only viable for the
team but the absolute best decision possible.

If you lack of confidence in leadership role, people will spot that quickly, “Make it ‘til you
make it”, they say about confidence – and that is 100% true. The more that you believe in
yourself, the more you’ll be able to manage any stressful situation.

True leaders are the ones that don’t just talk about problems but come up with their own
solutions fearlessly.

Table 1

 Are you able to delegate responsibilities efficiently?

Answer Total
Strongly Agree 3
Agree 11
Disagree 1
Strongly Disagree 0


Stronly Agree
Stronly Disagree


Based on the table and graph above, 73% of the respondents are agree that they are able to
delegate responsibilities efficiently, while 20% of them are strongly agree and 7% are disagree.

Table 2

 Are you able to collaborate with others and accept new ideas?

Answer Total
Strongly Agree 5
Agree 10
Disagree 0
Strongly Disagree 0


Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


Based on the table and graph above, 67% of the respondents are agree that they are able to
collaborate with others and accept new ideas, 33% of them are strongly agree.

Table 3

 Are you striving for independence more than accountability?

Answer Total
Strongly Agree O
Agree 7
Disagree 7
Strongly Disagree 1


Strongly Agree
47% Agree
Strongly Disagree

Based on the table and graph above, 47% of the respondents are agree likewise to disagree
that they are striving for independence more than accountability, while 7% of them are strongly

Table 4

 Did you choose to show up with a positive leadership presence?

Answer Total
Strongly Agree 4
Agree 10
Disagree 1
Strongly Disagree 0



Strongly Agree
Strongly Diagree


Based on the table and graph above, 67% of the respondents are agree that they choose to
show up with a positive leadership presence, while 27% of them are strongly agree and 7% are

Table 5

 Are good leaders good at everything?

Answer Total
Strongly Agree 4
Agree 4
Disagree 6
Strongly Disagree 1


Strongly Agree
40% Disagree
Strongly Disagree


Based on the table and graph above, 40% are disagree that good leaders are good at
everything, while 7% are strongly disagree and 27% says strongly agree and agree.

Table 6

 Do you allow others to lead?

Answer Total
Strongly Agree 4
Agree 11
Disagree 0
Strongly Disagree 0

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


Based on the table and graph above, 73% of the respondents are agree that they are allow
others to lead, while 27% of them are strongly agree.

Table 7

 Did you know your role as a leader?

Answer Total
Strongly Agree 4
Agree 10
Disagree 1
Strongly Disagree 0



Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


Based on the table and graph above, 67% of the respondents are agree that they know their
role as a leader, while 27%% of them are strongly agree and 7% are disagree.

Table 8

 Do people believe that you want to hear their ideas and you will value them?

Answer Total
Strongly Agree 8
Agree 7
Disagree 0
Strongly Disagree 0

Strongly Agree
47% Agree
53% Disagree
Strongly Disagree

Based on the table and graph above, 53% of the respondents are strongly agree that they want
to hear their ideas and they will value them, while 47% them are agree.

Table 9

 Do you consider yourself as a good leader?

Answer Total
Strongly Agree 1
Agree 12
Disagree 1
Strongly Disagree 1

7% 7%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree


Based on the table and graph above, 79% of the respondents are agree that they consider their
selves as a good leader, whereas 7% of them are likewise with the disagree and strongly

Table 10

 At works, do people opinions seem to count?

Answer Total
Strongly Agree 2
Agree 12
Disagree 1
Strongly Disagree 0

7% 13%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree


Based on the table and graph above, 80% of the respondents are agree that people’s opinion
seems to count while 13% of them are strongly agree and 7% are disagree.



All it takes to be a leader, in name at least, is to hold the dominant position in a group,
organization or location. However, this is a very simplified definition for what a leader should
be, let alone what a great leader is, because the measure of a great has much less to do with how
you define their role and more about their actual impact on others. The skills and qualities of a
Supreme Student Government leader should possess are empathy, humility, communication,
resilience, integrity, accountability, vision, influence, positivity, delegation, and confidence.

A leader should show up a good attitude toward others, inspire them by doing great things
such as helping others to stand alone. Conduct a better policies and regulations to
discipline/influence the members and by helping them to grow a good citizen.

Leaders start by trusting themselves, being true to your character and values and doing the
right thing (to the best of your ability or knowledge). Whether leading an organization, a group,
family of yourself, the easiest path is to start by leading with your own true self – your character.

And lastly, being a leader is not about the power of your position, it is a capability to leave
legacy that always be remember.


No matter where you are in your life, it’s never too early or too late to start or continue to
develop leadership skills.

Here are the tips to develop a great leadership;

 Have a Vision, know where your group is headed and be able to articulate it well
 Be more strategic
 Effectively get work than through others
 Be more self-aware and always grow your capability
 Be result focused
 Get good at dealing with conflict
 Make high-quality decisions
 Be goal-oriented
 Learn to lead by example
 Take responsibility
 Become a master of communication
 Be courageous and assertive


The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information about the background of respondents
and the topic.


1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?
3. What is your position in Supreme Student Government?


1. What are the skills and qualities of a great leader?

2. What can you do to motivate a team?
3. What key leadership lessons you would want to pass along to others?
4. Who are the people in your life who make you a better leader?
5. What was a difficult decision you had to make as a leader?
6. How do goals help you become a leader?


Title of the study: “Skills and Qualities of a Supreme Student Government Leader”

Researchers: Roger D., Mary-rose Q., Cheryl Y., Charity A., Carmel O., Arnel V., Elmar p.,
Rosemary N.,

Purpose of the Study

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete a demographic questionnaire

yourself. You will be asked to answer a questionnaire about skills and qualities of a great leader.


While there is no anticipated risk in participating in this study, there is a possibility that you
feel uncomfortable after completing the questionnaires. If you feel any such discomfort you have
the right to discontinue at any time and seek assistance.


The information you provide will help us to understand what are the skills and qualities of a
great leader have.


Eurica Mae Baguna: The 18 years old SSG Secretary

Eurica Mae stated that the skills and qualities of a great leader should have is being a
responsible one. She says that you should be aware of your own responsibilities as a leader so
that you would be able to be a good role model to your fellow students.

Leah May Ytang: The 18 years old SSG Vice-President

Leah May stated that the lessons she want to pass along to others is be responsible one and
always do your obligations as a leader. A good leader is not easy. You must be patient and be a
good follower.

Regilyn Condrillon: The 18 years old SSG SECRETARY

Regilyn stated that to motivate a team do your responsibilities as a leader so that you can
manage them and continue to serve what your fellow students wants.

Yanilyn Malaque: The 18 years old SSG SECRETARY

Yanilyn stated that skills and qualities of a great leader is being a responsible to do the
assigned tasks. Be open-minded to accept new ideas about the problem.

Edrelyn Abacial: The 18 years old SSG SECRETARY

Edrelyn stated that a great leader should know their responsibilities about their position.

Jeah Bedrijo: The 18 years old SSG VICE-PRESIDENT

Jeah stated that the skills and qualities of a great leaders are responsible, patience, God-
fearing, strong, understandable, and knowledgeable.

Racky Alburo: The 19 Years old SSG AUDITOR

Racky stated that the people in his life who make them a better leader is his family, friends
and teachers.

Ivy Medillo: The 18 years old SSG PRESIDENT

Ivy stated that to motivate a team you need to show that you are a good role model, always
positive and have self-confidence.
Wendy Mae Pardilla: The 18 years old SSG VICE PRESIDENT

Wendy Mae stated that to motivate a team you should always encourage your team and be a
good model to others students.

Mary-Rose Parado: The 18 years old SSG PRESIDENT

Mary-Rose stated that the skills and qualities of great leader should know how to manage
time and as well as your responsibilities as a leader.

Fernando Delarama: The 19 years old SSG SECRETARY

Fernando stated that the skill and qualities of a great leader should possess are responsible,
patience, self-discipline and respectful.

Rea Saraga: The 18 years old SSG AUDITOR

Rea stated that to motivate a team you should be a good leader and treat them equally.

Mary Gene Illustrisimo: The 18 years old SSG PRESIDENT

Mary Gene stated that to motivate a team, a leader should show up a good attitude toward
others, inspire them by doing great things to your school such as helping in different events.
Conduct a better policies and regulations to discipline students and by helping them to grow a
better person.

Ivy Jumao-as: The 18 years old SSG VICE-PRESIDENT

Ivy stated that to motivate a team you should offer opportunities for self-confidence and
self-development. Don’t punish failure and set clear goals.

Demelyn Amit: The 17 years old SSG PRESIDENT

Demelyn also added that being a leader is not about the power of your position, it is a
capability to leave legacy that always be remember.



This dissertation is a long time and difficult process. There are several individuals that we
would like to thank who helped us along this process and freely gave their time and expertise.

First and foremost, we would like to thank the almighty heavenly father for bringing his
glory and spirit while we do all these-for giving us good health, strength, peace of mind, and for
guiding us to make this research possible.

Second, we would like to extend or warmth gratitude to our beloved parents. Thank you for
your love, prayers, care, and sacrifices for educating and preparing us for our future! You are our
strength throughout life difficulties.
Next, we would like to express our sincere of gratitude to our very own research adviser Ms.
Jinelyn P. Caloña, for her patience, motivation, enthusiasm, immense knowledge, unforgiving us
enough time to finish our thesis. It is a great privilege and honor to work and study under her
guidance. We could not have imagine having a better adviser and mentor for our research. You
are truly one of a kind!
Then, we would also like to thank our respondents: Eurica Mae Baguna, Lea Mae Ytang,
Regelyn Condrillon, Yanilyn Malaque, Edrilyn Abacial, Jeah Bedrijo, Racky Alburo, Ivy
Medillo, Wendy Mae Pardilla, Mary-Rose Parado, Fernando Delarama, Rhea Saraga, MaryJean
Illustrisimo, Ivy Jumao-as, Demelyn Amit.
Finally, we thank all of our groupmates:

 Roger Dumoran Jr.

 Mary-rose Quisay
 Cheryl Ybañez
 Charity Ancero
 Carmel Orcales
 Rosemary Nolla
 Arnel Villacarillo
 Elmar Ponce
for the sleepless nights we were working together before deadlines, and for all the fun we have
had since day 1.
A million thanks to all of you! This research could not have been done without all of you.
Your contribution is highly appreciated.


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