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Tatiana Rivera

EDU 299

09 Feb 2020

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

Education has always been a huge part of my life, from elementary to college. I did not

always know that I wanted to be a teacher. I had other prospects in life, but I realized that it is

my true calling. I must the Praxis Core Exam because after attaining my associates in Early

Childhood Education I plan on transferring to Nevada State College to purse my bachelor’s in

Early Elementary with an Emphasis in Special Education. The passing score for the Reading

Exam is 156, the passing score for the Writing Exam is 162 and the passing score for the Math

exam is 150.

Exam Preparation

I prepared as best as I could, considering I have not taken the exam. I did however look

through the requirements and what to expect. I also looked at some of the practice questions on

ETS. I believe I could have prepared a bit more even if it was just a practice test.

Exam Results

In the Math practice exam, I scored in the 71% range, which means I am borderline to

pass when I take the official exam. In the Reading practice exam, I scored in 27% range, which

means I need significant improvement to pass the official exam. In the Writing exam, I scored in
the 58% range, not including the essay portions but I still need significant improvement to pass

the official exam.

Future Exam Preparation

To pass all three exams I plan on purchasing a book, Praxis for Dummies, as a friend

recommended that it worked for her. I also plan to study from the free Praxis websites that have

been provided. I may consider working with a tutor as I am aware how important these exams


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