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Philippines is a country surrounded by bodies of water and because of that rain is expectedly to occur

oftentimes, and floods are also not that unusual especially if there is heavy rainfall. However, due to
different things such as garbage accumulation on the land and watern , lack of trees, climate change and
other things, flooding nowadays is so frequent even the rainfall is just low. And floods mean that
transportation will be difficult. It’s hard to commute on those days. On the other hand, we all know
what a normal bicycle is and its sole purpose is to transport. It is only for land transportation. And the
students came up with a product which is called biking. It is just like a normal bicycle but with extended
features. Its wheels have this buoyant feature making it possible to be used as a mode of transportation
on flood. Another feature is that it can filter dirty water, such as flood, and turn it into potable and clean
water with its filtration system installed in the bicycle. This product will be a huge help for those people
especially in the rural are who don’t have enough supply of clean and drinkable water. And lastly, the
pedals are made with materials that are piezoelectric that is why it’s able to convert mechanical stress,
from pedaling, to electrical energy. Its capability of electricity generation is a great assistance to those
experiencing limited electrical energy. In addition, according to the department of energy, the
Malampaya gas field that supplies 40% of the gas-fired plants in Luzon may run out of gas in the next 3
to 5 years, hence, implying that the country is at risk of electrical shortage for the next few years. This
product cannot resolve that problem but it just offers an alternative to those who are in need of
electricity. In summary, the product, biking, with its buoyant capability, water filtration system,
electricity generation features can provide great help to those people who are experiencing frequent
flooding, water shortage, and limited electrical accessibility. It may not be an excellent resolution to the
major problems of the country for it is just another step of creating new innovations.

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