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1. Which account do you use more often?

If it is Facebook , then use

Facebook for this activity.
2. Do not tell your friends that you are temporarily deactivating your Facebook
Yes. I didn’t tell them because its for my security purpose.
3. For two straight days without Facebook, write about what you feel, do you think
you are missing a lot? Do you think people ‘miss’ you why?
1. Facebook has been a part in our everyday activity, I must say that I really miss
it.Because without Facebook, I wouldn’t be aware with what’s going on social
2. I don’t think so.
4. What did you do during the time that you were supposed to be online?
I was busy taking care of my child. And did a lot of household chores.
5. Write your experience in an essay entitled , ‘two days without logging into.
Two days without logging into Facebook
We all know that Facebook has been a part in our everyday activity.It is one way
to explore and express our feelings especially when we feel sad.Facebook is for
fun.Facebook is also a way for us to reach out our relatives and families who are far
away from us.
Two days without logging into Facebook is so boring.It feels like my day isn’t
complete without logging in.I can’t connect with my friends. I can’t connect with what’s
happening especially outside our country.

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