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Past Continuous

El Past Continuous se forma con was / were + gerundio (-ing).

afirmativa negativa interrogativa
I was playing I wasn’t playing Was I playing?
You were playing You weren’t playing Were you playing?
He He he
She was playing She wasn’t playing Was she playing?
It It it
We were playing We weren’t playing Were we playing?
You were playing You weren’t playing Were you playing?
They were playing They weren’t playing Were they playing?

(Para consultar las reglas para la construcción del gerundio, puedes consultar el “repaso” del
presente continuo del tema anterior.)

El Past Continuous se utiliza para expresar una acción que estaba

ocurriendo en un momento concreto del pasado.

No Sir, I was not talking on my

cell phone … I was watching a TV
show on my iPod …

© Gonzalo Orozco
Ejercicio 1 ¿Qué estaban haciendo estas personas ayer a las 11
de la mañana? Escribe frases afirmativas utilizando el past

1. Tom _______________ (sit) in class.

2. The baby _______________ (cry).

3. They_______________ (run).

4. The boy _______________ (wait) at the bus stop.

5. The ladies_______________ (drink) a cup of tea.

Ejercicio 2 Contesta con respuestas largas a las siguientes

preguntas. Cuando la respuesta sea “no” escribe la respuesta correcta.

1. Was Danny studying English last night?

___No, Danny wasn’t studying English last night.____
___He was watching TV._______________________

2. Were Paul and Emma dancing last night?



© Gonzalo Orozco
3. Was Christine swimming yesterday?

4. Was Mrs. White playing tennis yesterday?


5. Was Mrs. Brown teaching History?


Ejercicio 3 Escribe preguntas tipo Yes/No para las siguientes


1. __Were you waiting on the corner?________________________

Yes, I was. I was waiting on the corner.
2. ___________________________________________________
Yes, the children were sleeping when you phoned.
3. ___________________________________________________
Yes, he was. Alan was speaking to his new girlfriend when I saw him.
4. ___________________________________________________
No, I wasn’t watching TV. I was revising 1 the English vocab.
5. ___________________________________________________
No, they weren’t arguing. They were rehearsing2 for the school play3.

obra de teatro

© Gonzalo Orozco
Ejercicio 4 Escribe preguntas con partícula interrogativa para
estas respuestas. Recuerda que debes usar el past continuous.

1. _______________________________________?
The dog was sleeping on her bed.
2. _______________________________________?
The children were playing basketball.
3. _______________________________________?
We were going to the cinema.
4. _______________________________________?
She was crying last night.
5. _______________________________________?
The plumber4 was fixing the tap5.

Ejercicio 5 Traduce estas oraciones al inglés.

1. Ayer, a las siete de la tarde, yo estaba jugando al fútbol.

2. Mi madre estuvo trabajando todo el día.
3. Ricardo no estaba haciendo sus deberes cuando le llamé.
4. ¿Estabas escuchando música?
5. ¿Por qué estaba Lisa llorando anoche?



© Gonzalo Orozco

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