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Student Name: Kate Topete

Date: 09 February 2020

Artifact Description: Create your own web icon page to where you students have an

easy and creative document for all their education programs.

What You Learned: The biggest opportunity I learned from creating this web launcher

was that there are always was to spice up anything in your classroom. This is a fun

document students can store away and reopen when needed. Even though this is made

for communication benefits; it still is an exciting task for students. This colorful and out

of the box element adds excitement to the activity the students will be doing. Peaking

their interests is the first step to effective communication.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S

Addressed: Standard #6a - Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for

meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: When creating this technology-based

applications through Microsoft I usually like to create a basic sketch of what I expect my

outcome to look like. I cut of 8 paper boxes and laid them out. I moved them around to

arrange a distorted but organized look. I added a rectangle paper at the top to act as the

tittle. Then I was able to translate this to my word document. I selected the websites for

the web launcher first. Next time, I will design the photos first because I was

overthinking the whole concept. I tried adding the URL’s while designing the icons. I
should have designed all the icons first. Then arranged everything to where I wanted it.

Finally, I should have at the URL’s at the end of this process. Once all the designs have

been put into place, it would have been much easier to simply insert links for every icon.

This would have created a steady work flow.

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