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Jaipuria Institute Of Management

Minutes of Meeting


Meeting Name: project of Earn Goodwill LT7 group meeting (AMC)

Date of Meeting: 30/01/2020 Time: 04:30 pm
Course Faculty: Prof. Kajal Srivastava Location: College

1. Meeting Objective
 Discussed about project Earn Goodwill in which we have to study Management Functions and increase
the donors and funding of NGO
 Planned to increase the awareness.
 Discussed what to do in NGO and how to prepare for report and presentation.
 We also discussed what to ask in NGO and how can we help them.

2. Attendees with Assigned Work

Name Enrollment
Aman Roy JL19PG021
Muskan Garg JL19PG080
Sibeli Mukherjee JL19PG156
Priyanka Tripathi JL19PG106
Harsh Srivastava JL19PG051

3. Meeting Agenda
1/ The Project work is divided in three parts and also in the group for research
i/ About NGO , ii/ Work Plan, iii/ Corporate Pitching
2/ Prepare the questions with the help of collected primary Data, Annual report and programme activity.
3/ Visit the organisation and collect their working data.

Minutes Submitted by: Harsh Srivastava (on the behalf of LT 07)

Minutes approved by: All the members of the group

Submitted by: [LT7]

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