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Test A: Music

I. Choose the letter of the correct answer inside the box.

talking voice
whispering voice
shouting voice
1. You use this to singing voice tell others about your thoughts and ideas.
2.You use this to perform a set of words with music.
3.You use this when you need to call out to someone from afar. You also
use it to cry for help.
4. You use this when you need to say something very softly.

II. Match the kind of voice that can be used in the situation shown in each picture.

Talking Voice

Shouting Voice

Singing Voice

Whispering Voice

III. Tell how each instrument is played. Check the box that shows the correct way of playing the instruments.

1. Guitar blowing

2. Flute blowing
3. Tambourine

4. Violin
5. Trumpet
6. Triangle

Test B. Art
I. Study and identify the objects. Write 2-D or 3-D on the blank after picture.

II. Answer Yes or No.

___1. A sculpture is a 2-D object.
___2. many- sided objects are 3 dimensional.
___3. you can go around a sculpture.
___4. the rizal monument in lucena can be viewed in front only.
___5. clay is a material that is hard to use.
___6. a glass figurine is a sculpture.
___7. sculptors are people who collect sculptures.
___8. knead, roll, press, pull, pound, and throw are ways to handle clay.
___9. a sculpture can be viewed from only one angle.
___10. a sculpture can be any shape or figure.

III. Fill each blank with the correct word. choose your answer from the box.

theme texture
many-sided 1. a ____________ is a moving sculpture.
angles 2. the _______________ of the objects should be balanced.
weight 3. you can use ________________ materials for your mobile.
sculptor 4. a mobile should look nice from different ______________ .
2D 5. decide on only one _____________ for your mobile.
6. a sculpture is an example of a ______________ artwork.
7. a painting is a ______________ art work.
8. an artist that makes sculptures is called a ______________ .
9. the smoothness and roughness of an object is called ___________________.

IV. Write Yes if the art work is a sculpture and No if not a sculpture.

Test C: P.E and Health

Test I. Put a check on the line next to the correct movement shown in the picture.

skip around ___ jump forward ___ arms forward ___

skip towards ___ jump over ___ arms toward ___

crawl over ___ swing under ___

crawl under ___ swing backward ___

II. Put a check next to the things you should do and remember when joining group games.
___1. share what you know with your teammates.
___2. Practice with your team.
___3. try to be better than everyone in the team.
___4. be happy when you are able to do your best for the team.
___5. shake hands with the other team whether you win or lose.
___6. give other players a chance to play and do their role in the team.
___7. blame the bas players when your team loses.
___8. always do your best.

III. What important information in your ID should you know in case of emergency? Put a check on the blank next to
your answer.
___1. name
___2. nickname
___3. address
___4. telephone number
___5. date of birth
___6. palce of birth
___7. name of contact person
___8. number of contact person
___9. hobby
___10. sport

IV. Draw a smiling face if the sentence tells about a kid following rules. draw a sad face if it does not.
___1. Mike is chasing Tina down the stairs.
___2. Timmy left a broken soda bottle near the swing.
___3. Katie told her father about the stranger at the gate.
___4. ben had a tummy ache. He asked his mother for helped.
___5. Nicole chose to wait for her school bus. She did not accpt a ride with a stranger.
___6. Jeff joined 3 other big kids riding the seesaw for smaller kids.

V. Musical Patterns

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