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Name : Ulil Mahfut

Regency : Kendal

On this occasion i am going to raise my opinion concerning with THE


Then what is the relation of madrasah in changing the leader? Does madrasah
have the role?

When we talk about the leadership, it means we are talking about the leader in
this country. Sometimes we are always doubt and feel uncertain with many elections
of leader that is voted for leading our country.
We can take examples, recently today is election but last week we heard the
case about leader candidate. It seems to be dropped or was likely to dropped. It is not
good because they open the rival disgrace.
Beside it, we must know that the factors of human leadership are born from
education process. Many leaders in our country have gotten education from madrasah.
Everyone knows and we can mention such as Gus Dur, Hidayat Nur Wahid, and
In Madrasah there are many sciences that are learnt by teacher to the students,
not only life sciences, but we are taught akhirat sciences to. Students are shaped for
having Islamic characters. It is different with the formal schools generally. Students
are only given exact and life sciences. They get religion knowledge only 4 hours in a
week. Although we know that in a week there are 48 hours or period of lesson.
Students who has religion knowledge, it can be good foundation for them in
growing their mental to be the right person. Madrasah gives many parts in building the
next leader for our country. Because only in madrasah, the next leader get lesson about
religion and also akhlak education.
Recently we know and we can see that many our leaders get less religion
education. We recognize that our country is not fully Islamic countries. It is only
country that many parts of people have Islam religion. But we must think to, every
religion educates their followers to be the right person. Madrasah educate us to be
honest and unselfish.
Being smart only is not enough. Many smart leaders but they do corruption;
they do money politics although we know that they all have high education
background. It is caused they don’t have akhlaqul karimah or good moral. Those all
that we must recognize now.
As you know, in madrasah we get many lessons, one of it is the history of
Islamic culture, or we can call it SKI and in some madrasah we know it as Tarikh. The
lesson though us many stories about the leadership of islam. We know the great leader
in islam, he is our prophet Muhammad SAW, and then there were Khulafaur rosyidin.
And in 15 centuries, there was a great leader who conquered contanstinopel when he
was 19 years old. Many stories about the leader of islam and it can give us many
motivations and inspirations.
Here, Madrasah’s participation is very important in preparing the next leader in
the future. Because, it is only in madrasah they are educated akhlak, and also religion.
It can grow character of Islamic leadership. We need it for our country.
Allah said in holy Qur’an

Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what
is in themselves ( Ar Ra’d : 11 )
According to the verse above the condition of people will not change by Allah
except from themselves and we should know that a people should have the leader. So,
good or not their leader will influence a people condition. So, our participation as
madrasah’s students in changing the national leader they are:
1. When we have been 17 years old or more we should use our right vote in
general election.
2. When we are in madrasah we can practice the general election such as the
election of osis and the others.
3. The last and the most important, we are madarsah’s student should study
hard because we are generation who will be leader in the next generation.
So we must prepare ourselves by studying right now.
I think enough here my speech that I can deliver in front of you all. Remember,
Madrasah can create the great next leader. So, don’t be shy being madrasah’s students.
I am Muslim, I am Indonesian and I am proud being Madrasah student. Thank
you very much for your attention, I am sorry if I make a mistake. See you next time.

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