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Presentation for English Lesson.

Aldy : On behalf of my company, I would like to welcome you today. I am Reynaldi Akbar and
next to me Mr. M. Khidir. We are from Aramsa Consulting Company.

Aldy : In this opportunity, we would like to discuss Global Warming In Jakarta; Who is
responsible; Government or Public?

Mr. MK : Have you ever felt hot enough nowadays? or the weather is run into Pancaroba? That
is caused by Global Warming. Global Warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature
of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by pollutants.

Aldy : Then, I'll begin by the fact of pollutants in this beautiful city, Jakarta. Did you know that
common people in Jakarta usually using private transportation to do their daily activities? Based
on the Dinas Perhubungan Jakarta journal, the largest pollutant that causing global warming is
from vehicles.

Mr. MK : Yet the increase in the use of private vehicles is caused by the government. Policies
about the purchase of vehicles are watered-down and unlimited. Hence, the government is the
one responsible for Global Warming.

Both : Thank you

Aldy : Does anyone have any questions? We will be happy to answer your questions.

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