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Conversation about a Johns first day at

What's the conversation about? 

This conversation follows on from the conversation about going for A Job interview.
John was hired as a financial analyst by Lintel after is interview. Today is John’s first
day at work. Lintel is a computer chip manufacturing company.

 First day at work conversation

Mike: Good morning, John.

John: Good morning, Mike.

Mike: Let me take you to your cubicle and then I will give you a tour of our facility.

Mike: Here is your cubicle, your “home away from home” from 8:00 to 5:00 every day,

John: Oh, very nice!

Mike: Drop your belongings here, and let’s go!

John: OK, I am ready Mike.

Mike: That is Mary over there. She is our senior financial analyst. You will be working
with her in the future. Let’s go say hi to her.

Mike: Mary, this is John, our department’s new addition.

Mary: Welcome aboard, John. I am very glad to see you. Boy! I was swamped with
work the last couple of weeks. But, I can see myself going home at a more decent time
from now on.

John: Thank you. I am very happy to be here. Just let me know whenever you need
me. I am glad to be of any assistance.

Mike: I am giving John a tour of our facility so that he knows his way around here.

Mary: See you later, John.

John: OK, Mary.
Mike: We are now in the Finance department. Next to us, on your left, is the Accounting
department. On your right is the Human Resources department. Go downstairs and we
are in the Engineering department. Further down, at the end of the hallway is the
Production area. Seventy percent of our merchandise is produced right here in this
facility. We also have one smaller manufacturing facility overseas that handles the rest
of the production. You will be dealing with Steve, the Production manager. I will
introduce you to him later because he is in a meeting at the moment. Let’s go back to
your desk so that we can talk about your duties.

John: OK.

Mike: Like I said during the interview, one of your daily jobs is to deal with the bank to
keep track of our financial resources. Every morning, you will access our account
through the Internet to get financial information.

John: I should have a login and password, right?

Mike: Yes, I will call our bank and inform them that you are our new employee. Your
next task is to call overseas to get other necessary information.

John: What kind of data do I need to get from our people overseas?

Mike: You will need financial data about their current and future projects.

John: Do they need any information from me?

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