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Part 1: Analysis of “Go back to where you came from” Series one

Episode One

1. Watch the above you tube clip from “Go back to where you came from”.

a. What information about the refugee issue does the news footage tell you?
b. Do you believe news media portrays the issue objectively? Why or Why not?
c. What does Dr Dave take from the participants and how do they react?

2. Refugees Bahati and Maisara have each experienced severe persecution and terror in their
homelands. However, now with their five sons, they are living a secure and content life.

a. Describe how they are coping with the memory of their past trauma.
b. How have their lives changed now that they live in Australia?
c. What is this family doing to improve their ability to contribute to Australian society?

3. Your agenda is to ‘discover’ information about the participants and ascertain their personal
opinions in relation to asylum seekers and refugees. Choose 3 participants.
 Gleny Rae – singer from Newcastle
 Adam Hartup, Cronulla lifeguard
 Raquel Moore, unemployed from Western Sydney
 Darren Hassan, businessman from Adelaide
 Raye Colbey, retired social worker from Inverbrackie, SA
 Roderick Schneider, Financial planner from Brisbane

a. What discoveries does the participant make about themselves?

b. What discoveries does the participant make about asylum seekers and refugees?
c. What changes are evident and what discoveries brought about these changes

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