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Radiographic Positioning
- refers to the study of the correct techniques in positioning the different parts of the body in order to get
an informative radiographs of the desired structures.

- refers to the proper alignment of the Central Ray, body part and image receptor in order to obtain a
good view of anatomical structure for proper diagnosis.
The human body in erect position facing the observer, both arms hanging by the sides of the body with
the palms of the hands facing forward. Used as “REFERENCE” for other positioning terms.
Medial - Lateral
Anterior – Posterior
Proximal – Distal
Cephalad – Caudad
Supine – Prone
Vertical – Horizontal
Greater – Lesser
Ipsilateral - Contralateral
Perpendicular - Parallel
Flexion – Extension: Invertion – Eversion: Supination – Pronation
Elevation – Depression: Abduction – Adduction
THE GENERAL RULE is to display them so that the patient is facing the viewer with the patient in
anatomical position (as if you were shaking hands with the patient). This is true for either AP or PA
projections of the chest, abdomen, spine, skull and proximal upper and lower limbs with the exceptions of
the hands and feet, which generally are placed on the viewbox pointing upward.
PROJECTION - refers to the path of entry and exit of the CR respectively. This is the
term used by Radiologist or Technologist.
VIEW - is the opposite of projection and is the way body part is seen on the x-ray film.
the patient is lying with the CR
DECUBITUS Horizontal
AXIAL - refers to all images obtained when the CR is angled 10 o or more along the long axis of the body
or of the body part.
TANGENTIAL (Projection) - when CR is positioned so that it skims the body surface or parts to profile
a body and project it free from superimposition

STRUCTURE 90o difference


JOINT OBLIQUE to demonstrate joints space



1. Patient’s preparation
2. Choice of size/s and placement of cassette/s.
3. Proper patient’s position. (Body and body part)
4. C.R. (Central Ray)-center of the x-ray beam is angulated or perpendicular.
5. R.P. (Reference Point)- a point of the body where the CR is pointed.
6. S.I.D. or FFD- Source to Image receptor Distance
7. Patient’s maneuvering/instruction.


Fingers (4) PA , OBLIQUE , LATERAL
Wrist PA , PALO , LATERAL (Radial Deviation or Ulnar Flexion)
GAYNOR - HART (Tunnel or Carpal Canal view),
Forearm AP , APLO , LATERAL (COYLE for Radial Head)
Elbow Joint AP , LATERAL , JONES
Arm AP ,LATERAL (Supine or Upright) - TRANSTHORACIC
(Lawrence method)
- Infero- Superior Projection (Lawrence, West point, Clements)
- SUPERO - INFERIOR Projection
Scapula AP , LATERAL (Y - VIEW)
Clavicles AP , PA , AXIAL (Tangential 25 Tangential 25o BILATERAL)
A - C Joint AP , (Vertical) PA (Vertical) UNILATERAL or BILATERAL
with and without weights
1. HAND PA Projection
 * All metallic object should be removed within the clinical area of interest.
FS 8” x 10” LW and table top
Pos. The patient is seated beside the end of the table, with the affected hand on
top of the film holder.
Fingers are spread slightly and completely extended.
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP 3rd metacarpo-phalangeal joint
SID 36” to 40”
PM do not move
2. HAND Oblique Projection
FS 10”x 12” CW medial half
Pos. From the PA position, rotate the hand laterally until it forms a 45 0 angle with the film
holder. The thumb is fully extended for the fan type (while the rest of the fingers are
slightly flexed the finger tips resting on top of the film holder for a modified view).
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP 3rd metacarpo-phalangeal joint
SID 36” to 40”
PM do not move
3. HAND Lateral Projection
FS Lateral half of the 10”x12”
Pos. From the oblique position, rotate the hand laterally until it is perpendicular to the film
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP 3rd metacarpo-phalangeal joint
SID 36” to 40”
PM do not move
HAND AP Oblique (Norgaard Method, Ball Catcher)
FS 8”x10” CW Table top
Pos. Patient is seated beside the table. Place both
hands on top of the film holder palms up, as if
catching a ball. Fingers slightly separated with
thumb sides slightly elevated for about 150.
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP Center of the film holder
SID 36” to 40”
1. WRIST JOINT PA Projection
FS 8”x10” medial third
Pos. Patient is seated at the end of the table with the affected wrist flat on the film holder.
Fingers are arched to avoid magnification
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP mid-wrist joint
SID 36” to 40”
PM do not move
2. Wrist Oblique Projection
FS 8”x10” middle third
Pos. from the PA position, rotate the hand laterally to form a 45 0 angle with the image receptor.
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP mid-wrist joint
SID 36” to 40”
PM do not move

3. Wrist Lateral Projection

FS 8”x10” lateral third
Pos. from the PA position, rotate the hand laterally to form a 90 angle with the image receptor.
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP mid-wrist joint
SID 36” to 40”
4. Wrist Radial Deviation/Ulnar Flexion
FS 8”x10” medial half
Pos. Patient is seated at the end of the table with the affected wrist flat on the film holder.
Moved the elbow (or hand) laterally w/o moving the hand (or forearm).
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP mid-wrist joint
SID 36” to 40”
5. Wrist Ulnar Deviation/ Radial Flexion
FS 8”x10” lateral half
Pos. Patient is seated at the end of the table with the affected wrist flat on the film holder.
Moved the elbow (or hand) medially w/o moving the hand (or forearm).
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP mid-wrist joint
SID 36” to 40”
Gaynor Hart (Carpal Tunnel) Projection
FS 8”x10” Table top/LW
Pos. patient is seated beside the table, w/ the
affected hand on top of the film holder, from
the PA position, hyperextend the hand until it
is perpendicular with the cassette.
CR Collimated and angulated 200 – 300 caudad
and directed to the
RP base of the palm
SID 36” to 40”
Carpal Bridge Projection
FS 8”x10” Table top/LW
Pos. patient is seated beside the table, w/ the affected hand on top of the film holder, from the
PA position, hyperflex the wrist so that the posterior aspect of the hand is flat on the film
holder and the forearm is in acute angle with the
CR Collimated and directed vertically to the
RP wrist joint
SID 36” to 40”
STETCHER (PA Axial) Projection for Navicula
FS 8”x10” table top
Pos. Patient is seated at the end of the table with the
affected wrist flat on the film holder. Fingers are
arched to avoid magnification.
CR Collimated and vertically projected 150 - 200 to the
RP mid-wrist joint (Navicula) SID 36” to 40”
PM do not move
1. FOREARM AP Projection
FS Medial half of 10”x12” LW Table top
Pos. client is seated beside the table, w/ the affected forearm extended over the film holder,
shoulder and elbow joints on the same plane.(Include the wrist and elbow joints.)
CR Collimated and directed vertically to the
RP mid-forearm
SID 36” to 40”
PM do not move
2. FOREARM Lateral Projection
FS Lateral half of the 10”x12” LW (table top)
Pos. from the AP position, adduct the forearm to form a
900 angle w/ the arm. Rotate the forearm medially
until it is perpendicular to the film holder. Shoulder
and elbow joints on the same plane.
CR Collimated and directed vertically to the
RP midshaft of the forearm
SID 36” to 40”
FS 10”x12” LW Center portion (table top)
Pos. from the AP position, rotate the forearm laterally until it is in 45 0 to the film holder.
Shoulder and elbow joints on the same plane.
CR Collimated and directed vertically to the
RP midshaft of the forearm
SID 36” to 40”
1. ELBOW JOINT AP Projection
FS Lateral half of 8”x10” CW Table top
Pos. client is seated beside the table, w/ the affected elbow extended over the film holder w/ the
palm in supination, shoulder joint on the same plane.
CR Collimated and directed vertically to the
RP mid-elbow
SID 36” to 40”
2. ELBOW JOINT Lateral Projection
FS Medial half of 8”x10” CW Table top
Pos. client is seated beside the table w/ affected elbow extended over the film holder. Flex the
elbow to form a right angle and rotate the arm medially, shoulder joint on the same plane.
CR Collimated and directed vertically to the
RP superimposed condyle
SID 36” to 40”
PM do not move
ELBOW JONES Projection
FS Central portion of 8”x10” Table top
Pos. from AP position, adduct the forearm towards the humerus to form an acute angle.
CR Collimated and directed vertically to the
RP olecranon process
SID 36” to 40”
PM do not move

ELBOW COYLE Position (Radial head)

FS Medial half of 8”x10” CW Table top
Pos. client is seated beside the end table w/ affected elbow extended over the film holder. Flex
the elbow to form a right angle and rotate the arm medially, shoulder joint on the same
plane. If possible the palm is in pronation.
CR Collimated and directed 45 angle towards the client to the
RP radial head
SID 36” to 40”
PM do not move
ELBOW COYLE Position (Coronoid process)
FS Lateral half of 8”x10” CW Table top
Pos. same position as above however the elbow is flexed 400
CR Collimated and directed 450 from the head towards the elbow
RP Coronoid process
SID 36” to 40”
PM do not move
1. HUMERUS AP Projection
FS 11”x14” LW (Bucky)
Pos. client in erect position w/ back against the VCH (Vertical Cassette Holder)
Center the humerus w/ the hand in supination. (Opposite shoulder is elevated slightly for
better contact.) Include the elbow and shoulder joints.
CR Collimated and directed vertically to the
RP mid shaft of the Humerus
SID 36” to 40”
PM do not move / suspended breathing
2. HUMERUS Lateral Projection
FS 11”x14” LW (Bucky)
Pos. from AP position, slightly adduct the affected arm, then
flex the forearm, allowing it to rest on the abdomen.
Include the elbow and shoulder joints.
CR Collimated and directed vertically to the
RP mid shaft of the Humerus
SID 36” to 40”
PM do not move / suspended breathing
LAWRENCE Method (translateral, transthoracic) lateral
projection of Humerus
FS 11”x14” LW (bucky)
Pos. client is standing with the affected side fully extended
and against the VCH. Opposite extremity is flexed and
placed on top of the head. (Include the elbow and
shoulder joints.)
CR horizontally projected passing through the chest.
RP level of surgical neck humerus
SID 36” to 40”
PM continuous shallow breathing, long exposure technique 5 – 10 seconds.


1. SHOULDER JOINT AP Projection (Neutral Position)

FS 8”X10” or 10”x12” CW (bucky)
Pos. client is standing w/ the back against the VCH. Affected shoulder is placed so that the CR
is 2” below the coracoid process. Hand in neutral position. (Sterno-clavicular joint may be
CR horizontally directed to the
RP gleno-humeral joint
SID 40”
PM suspended respiration
2. SHOULDER JOINT AP Projection (Internal rotation)
FS 8”X10” or 10”x12” CW (bucky)
Pos. client is standing w/ the back against the VCH. Affected shoulder is placed so that the CR
is 2” below the coracoid process. Hand in pronation. (Sterno-clavicular joint may be
CR horizontally directed to the
RP gleno-humeral joint
SID 40”
PM suspended respiration
3. SHOULDER JOINT AP Projection (External Rotation)
FS 8”X10” or 10”x12” CW (bucky)
Pos. client is standing w/ the back against the VCH. Affected shoulder is placed so that the CR
is 2” below the coracoid process. Hand in supination. (Sterno-clavicular joint may be
CR horizontally directed to the
RP gleno-humeral joint
SID 40”
PM suspended respiration
SHOULDER Inferosuperior Axial Projection (Lawrence Method)
FS 8”x10” no grid
Pos. patient supine over a decubitus pad. Affected arm is abducted, forming a 900 angle w/ the
MSP of the body w/ arm in external rotation. Place film holder on top of the shoulder,
perpendicular to the table top.
CR directed horizontally 150 – 300 medially to the
RP axilla (acromio-clavicular joint)
SID 40”
PM suspended respiration
SHOULDER Inferosuperior Axial Projection (West Point
FS 8”x10” non-grid LW
Pos. patient in prone over decubitus pad. Affected
arm is abducted, forming a 900 angle w/ the
MSP of the body w/ arm resting on the edge
of the table. Place film holder on top of the
shoulder, perpendicular to the table top.
CR directed horizontally to the (50 – 150 medially
if arm is partially abducted)
RP axilla (acromio-clavicular joint)
SID 40”
PM suspended respiration

SHOULDER Inferosuperior Axial Projection (Clements Modification)

FS 8”x10” LW non-grid
Pos. patient lying on unaffected side (lateral decubitus). Affected arm is abducted, forming a
900 angle w/ arm in external rotation. Head is supported with a pillow. Place film holder
on top of the shoulder, perpendicular to the table top.
CR directed horizontally to the
RP axilla (acromio-clavicular joint)
SID 40”
PM suspended respiration
SHOULDER SuperoInferior Axial Projection
FS 8”x10” LW curved cassette may be used
Pos. patient seated beside the edge of the table. Place film holder under the axilla parallel to the
table top. Have the patient lean laterally over the film holder. Elbow is flexed 90 0on the
table with palm in pronation.
CR directed vertically 50 – 150 laterally to the
RP axilla (acromio-clavicular joint)
SID 40”

1. CLAVICLES PA Projection (non-trauma)

FS 8”x10” CW (Unilateral) table top (11” x 14” bilateral LW)
Pos. Patient is standing with the affected clavicle pressed against the film holder. The head is
rotated away.
CR directed horizontally
RP mid clavicle (Jugular Notch if bilateral)
SID 40”
PM suspended respiration
2. CLAVICLES PA AXIAL Projection (non-trauma)
FS 8”x10” CW (Unilateral) table top (11” x 14” bilateral LW)
Pos. Patient is standing with the affected clavicle pressed against the film holder. The head is
rotated away.
CR directed horizontally 250 – 300 caudad
RP mid clavicle (Jugular Notch if bilateral)
SID 40”
PM suspended respiration
1. CLAVICLES AP Projection Axial (trauma)
FS 8”x10” CW (Unilateral) table top (11” x 14” bilateral LW)
Pos. Patient is standing or supine position.
CR directed horizontally (vertical if lying down)
RP mid clavicle (Jugular Notch if bilateral)
SID 40”
PM suspended respiration
2. CLAVICLES AP Projection Axial (trauma)
FS 8”x10” CW (Unilateral) table top (11” x 14” bilateral LW)
Pos. Patient is standing or supine.
CR directed horizontally 250 – 300 cephalad
RP mid clavicle (Jugular Notch if bilateral)
SID 40”
PM suspended respiration

1. SCAPULA AP Projection
FS 8”x10” LW table top
Pos. Patient is standing with the affected scapula against the film holder. The unaffected side is
elevated 50 - 100.
CR directed horizontally to
RP mid scapula
SID 40”
PM suspended respiration


FS 8”x10” LW table top
Pos. Patient is standing facing the VCH. The body is rotated until the scapula is perpendicular
to the film holder. The elbow is slightly flexed and abducted.
CR directed horizontally to
RP mid border of scapula
SID 40”
PM suspended respiration






Foot AP , APMO , MEDIO-LATERAL – AXIAL (Stressed Proj.)

Kite & Kandel Method (CLUBFOOT)
Calcaneus PLANTO - DORSAL Projection, LATERAL
Ankle Joint AP , APMO , Lateral Mortise and Stressed Projections
Knee AP/PA , LATERAL , APMO , Weight Bearing AP/PA
INTERCONDYLAR NOTCH (Homblad/Beclere/Camp–Coventry)
Patella LATERAL and Tangential (Sunrise/Settegast/Hugston/Skyline,Kuchendorf)
Hip Joint AP (FROG LEG and CLEAVES Modified)
LATERAL (Lauenstein & Hickey method)
Axio-lateral , RAO/LAO positions
Acetabulum RAO/Lateral , (Teufel Method, Judet approach, Sufero-inferior
Oblique position)


1. FOOT AP (Dorso-plantar) Projection
FS 10” x 12” LW (Medial Half) table top
Pos. *Client sitting or lying down on top of the table. Affected lower extremity is flexed at the
knee joint with the affected foot placed on top of the film holder, sole flat on the cassette.
CR collimated and vertically directed 100 – 150 cephalad to the
RP proximal end of the of the 3rd metatarsal bone
SID 40”
PM do not move **use Anode Heel Effect
***Note: Removed shoes and socks.
2. FOOT Oblique (APMO) Projection
FS 10” x 12” LW (Lateral half) table top
Pos. (Client sitting or lying down on top of the table.
Affected lower extremity is flexed at the knee joint
with the affected foot placed on top of the film
holder, sole flat on the cassette.) from the AP
position, rotate the foot medially to form a 450 angle
with the film holder.
CR collimated and vertically directed to the
RP proximal end of the of the 3rd metatarsal bone
SID 40”
PM do not move
3. FOOT Lateral (Medio-lateral) Projection
FS 8” x 10” or 10” x 12” LW table top
Pos. (Client sitting or lying down on top of the table. Affected lower extremity is flexed at the
knee joint with the affected foot placed on top of the film holder, sole flat on the cassette.)
from AP position, rotate the foot until the lateral malleolus comes in contact with the film
CR collimated and vertically directed to the
RP mid-foot
SID 40”
PM do not move
FOOT Axial (Weight-bearing) Projection
FS 8” x 10” or 10” x 12” LW table top
Pos. patient standing on top of the table. Place the foot on the center of the film holder and the
unaffected foot one step backward. (First exposure) Then one step forward for the 2 nd
CR collimated and vertically directed
(1st exposure) 150 toward the calcaneus
(2nd exposure) 250 toward the toes
RP (1st exposure) mid-foot
(2nd exposure) mid malleoli
SID 40”
PM do not move

FOOT Lateral (Latero-Medial) Weight-bearing Projection

FS 8” x 10” or 10” x 12” LW table top
Pos. patient standing on top of a wooden
block on the table, with the weight of
the body equally distributed on both
feet. The film holder is placed
vertically on its side between two feet
CR collimated and horizontally directed
to the
RP side of mid-foot
SID 40”

Note: Both sides are examined for comparison and to demonstrate the structural status of the
longitudinal arch.
KITE Method
FS 8” x 10” or 10” x 12” CW table top
Pos. *Client sitting on a chair on top of the table. Both
feet are placed on top of the film holder, sole flat
on the cassette.
CR collimated and vertically
RP between feet
SID 40”
PM do not move **use Anode Heel Effect

***Note: Removed shoes and socks.

KANDEL Method (Medio-lateral)
FS 8” x 10” or 10” x 12” LW table top
Pos. (Lying down laterally on top of the table. Affected lower extremity is flexed at the knee
joint with the affected foot placed on top of the film holder) from AP position, rotate the
foot until the lateral malleolus comes in contact with the film holder (sole perpendicular
w/ cassette.).
CR collimated and vertically directed to the
RP mid-foot
SID 40”
PM do not move

1. ANKLE JOINT AP Projection

FS 8” x 10” CW and table top
Pos. The patient is seated on top of the table, with the affected extremity fully extended. Ankle
joint is placed on the medial half of the film holder with toes pointing upwards (foot is
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP Ankle joint (midway between two malleoli)
SID 40”
PM do not move
2. ANKLE JOINT Oblique Projection
FS 8” x 10” CW and table top (lateral half)
Pos. from AP position, rotate the ankle medially to form a 450 angle with the film holder.
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP Ankle joint (midway between two malleoli)
SID 40”
3. ANKLE JOINT Medio-Lateral Projection
FS 8” x 10” CW and table top
Pos. The patient is seated on top of the table, with the affected extremity fully extended. From
AP position, rotate the ankle laterally until the lateral malleolus comes in contact with the
film holder.
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP Ankle joint (tip of medial malleolus)
SID 40”
PM do not move

ANKLE JOINT AP Stress (Inversion) Projection

FS 8” x 10” CW and table top (Medial half)
Pos. The patient is seated on top of the table, with the affected extremity fully extended. Ankle
joint is placed on the medial half of the film holder with toes pointing upwards (foot is
dorsiflex) and foot is forcibly inverted using a radioluscent band.
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP Ankle joint (midway between two malleoli)
SID 40”

ANKLE JOINT AP Stress (Eversion) Projection

FS 8” x 10” CW and table top (Lateral half)
Pos. The patient is seated on top of the table, with the affected extremity fully extended. Ankle
joint is placed on the lateral half of the film holder with toes pointing upwards (foot is
dorsiflex) and foot is forcibly everted using a radioluscent band.
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP Ankle joint (midway between two malleoli)
SID 40”
PM do not move
ANKLE JOINT Mortise Position (APMO)
FS 8” x 10” CW and table top
Pos. The patient is seated on top of the table, with the affected extremity fully extended. Ankle
joint is placed on the film holder with toes pointing upwards (foot is dorsiflex) and foot is
inverted. Rotate the leg and foot from the hip joint 15 0 – 200 until the malleoli are parallel
to the cassette.
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP Ankle joint (midway between two malleoli)
SID 40”
PM do not move
1. CALCANEUS Planto-dorsal (Infero-superior) Projection
FS 8” x 10” CW and table top
Pos. The patient is seated on top of the
table, with the affected extremity fully
extended. Affected os calcis is placed
on the medial half of the film holder.
Using a long bandage or belt, placed
around the balls of the foot, keep the
foot perpendicular by pulling it
towards himself.
CR Collimated and projected 400- 450
cephalad to the
RP calcaneus, near the bases of the metatarsal bones

CALCANEUS Dorso-plantar (Supero-inferior) Projection

FS 8” x 10” CW and table top
Pos. The patient is standing on top of the table, affected calcaneus placed on top of the film
CR Collimated and vertically projected 450 to the
RP Calcaneus (behind the ankle joint)
SID 40”
2. CALCANEUS Lateral (medio-lateral) Projection
FS 8” x 10” CW and table top
Pos. The patient is seated on top of the table, with the affected extremity fully extended. From
AP position, rotate the ankle laterally until the lateral malleolus comes in contact with the
film holder.
CR Collimated and vertically projected to the
RP mid calcaneus
SID 40”

1. LEG AP Projection
FS 14” x 17” (Diagonal to include Ankle and Knee) (table top)
Pos. Client sitting or lying down on top of the table. Affected lower leg is extended and placed
on top of the film holder, sole is perpendicular to the cassette with toes slightly pointing
medially. Include knee and ankle joints.
CR collimated and vertically directed to the
RP mid shaft of leg
SID All the way up
PM do not move

2. LEG Lateral (medio-lateral) Projection

FS 14” x 17” Diagonal (table top)
Pos. Client is lying down on the affected side. Opposite leg is flexed and placed anteriorly.
Affected leg is slightly flexed (200 – 300 angle) and is placed on top of the film holder.
Include knee and ankle joints.
CR collimated and vertically directed to the
RP mid shaft of leg
SID All the way up
PM do not move

1. KNEE JOINT AP Projection

FS 8” x 10” LW (table top/grid)
Pos. Client sitting or lying down on top of the table. Affected knee is extended and placed on
top of the film holder.
CR collimated and vertically directed 50 - 70 cephalad to the
RP 1 cm. below the patellar apex
SID 40”
PM do not move
*** Note: Removed pants and provide a patient’s gown.


KNEE JOINT Medial Oblique (APMO) Projection

FS 8” x 10” LW (table top/grid)
Pos. Client lying down on top of the table. Affected knee is extended and rotated internally 45 0
CR collimated and vertically directed 50 - 70 cephalad to the
RP 1 cm. below the patellar apex
SID 40”
PM do not move

2. KNEE Lateral (medio-lateral) Projection

FS 8” x 10” LW (table top/grid)
Pos. Client is lying down on the affected side. Affected knee is flexed (200 – 300 angle) and is
placed on top of the film holder.
CR collimated and vertically directed to the
RP knee joint (mid condylar plane)
SID 40”

KNEE PA (Patella) Projection

FS 8” x 10” LW (table top/grid)
Pos. Client in prone. Affected knee is extended and placed on top of the film holder.
CR collimated and vertically directed to the
RP mid patella (mid popliteal crease)
SID 40”

3. PATELLA (Sunrise) Projection

FS 8” x 10” CW (table top)
Pos. Client sitting on top of the table. Affected knee is flexed with sole of the foot flat on the
table. Half of cassette, placed parallel to the distal thigh.
CR collimated and horizontally directed parallel to
the plane of patella.
RP patello-femoral joint
SID 40”

PATELLA (Settegast) Projection

FS 8” x 10” LW (table top)
Pos. Patient in prone on top of the table. Affected knee
is *flexed 900 (or until the patella is vertical).
CR collimated and vertically directed 150 – 200
RP patello-femoral joint
SID 40” or 102 cm.
* not recommended for fractured patella

PATELLA (Hugston) Projection

FS 8” x 10” LW (table top)
Pos. Client in prone position. Affected knee is flexed 550. (Rest the foot on collimator or other
CR collimated and vertically directed 450 cephalad.
RP patello-femoral joint
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move

FS 8” x 10” LW (table top)
Pos. Client is lying down on the affected side.
Affected knee is flexed (200 – 300 angle) and is
placed on top of the film holder.
CR collimated and vertically directed to the
RP mid border of the patella
SID 40”

4. INTERCONDYLAR FOSSA (Tunnel, Homblad, PA Axial) Projection

FS 8” x 10” LW (bucky)
Pos. Client in kneeling position with weight on unaffected knee. Leg parallel on the table with
1100 – 1200 flexion between thigh and leg.
CR collimated and vertically directed
RP just above the popliteal crease
SID 40” or 102 cm.

INTERCONDYLAR FOSSA (Camp-Coventry) Projection

FS 8” x 10” LW (table top)
Pos. Client in prone position. Affected knee is flexed 600 angle between thigh and leg. Cassette
is placed below the knee joint.
CR collimated and perpendicular to tibia or leg
RP patella
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move

INTERCONDYLAR FOSSA (Beclere, AP axial) Projection

FS 8” x 10” LW (curved cassette)
Pos. Client in supine position. Affected knee is flexed 600 angle between thigh and leg. Cassette
is placed below the knee joint.
CR collimated and perpendicular to tibia or leg
RP 2 cm. below patella
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move
1. KNEE JOINT AP (Weight-Bearing) Projection
FS 8” x 10” LW Unilateral (table top/grid) 11” x 14” CW Bilateral
Pos. Client standing facing the tube against the VCH. Toes straight ahead w/ weight equally
CR collimated and horizontally directed to the
RP level of patellar apex (between for bilateral)
SID 40”

2. KNEE JOINT PA (Weight-Bearing) Projection

FS 8” x 10” LW Unilateral (table top/grid) 11” x 14” CW Bilateral
Pos. Client standing facing the VCH. Toes straight ahead w/ weight equally distributed. Bend
the knees 300 - 600
CR collimated and horizontally directed to the
RP level of patellar apex (between for bilateral)
SID 40”


FS 14” x 17” LW (Bucky)
Pos. *Client in supine position. Affected thigh extended and centered on the table.
CR collimated and perpendicular to the
RP mid shaft of femur
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move **use Anode Heel Effect
2. FEMUR Lateral (medio-lateral) PROJECTION
FS 14” x 17” LW (Bucky)
Pos. *Client lying on affected side. Affected thigh is centered on the table and is slightly flexed
at the knee. Opposite thigh is flexed and place anteriorly
CR collimated and perpendicular to the
RP mid shaft of femur
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move **use Anode Heel Effect
FEMORAL NECK Danelius-Miller (Infero-
superior) Projection (Unilateral Hip)
FS 8” x 10” LW (grid)
Pos. Patient in supine. Elevate the pelvis
with a decubitus pad. Flex the knee
and hip of the unaffected side. Place
cassette vertically in contact with
the lateral surface of the body
(above the crest of ilium), parallel
with the long axis of the femoral
neck. Internally rotate the leg 150 if not contraindicated.
CR collimated/coned and horizontally perpendicular to the long axis of
RP femoral neck
SID 40”
Femoral Neck (Supero-Inferior, Leonard-George) Projection (Unilateral Hip)
FS 8” x 10” LW (curved cassette)

Pos. Patient in supine. Elevate the pelvis with a decubitus pad. Flex the knee and hip of the
unaffected side. Place curved cassette vertically in the groin. Internally rotate the leg 15 0 if
not contraindicated.
CR collimated/coned and horizontally perpendicular to the long axis of
RP femoral neck (lateral surface of the hip joint above the soft tissue
SID 40”

Hip Joint AP (Bilateral and Unilateral)

FS 14” x 17” CW or 14” x 14” Bilateral and 10” x 12” CW Unilateral (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in supine position with the MSP centered. Feet are rotated internally 150.
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP Symphysis pubis (midway between Symphysis pubis and Iliac crests for
SID 40” or 102 cm.

Hip Joint AP (Bilateral) FROG LEG (Modified

Cleaves Method)
FS 14” x 17” CW or 14” x 14” (Bucky) 10”
x 12” CW Unilateral
Pos. Patient is in supine position with the
MSP centered. Hips and knees are flexed
and draw the feet towards the buttocks
(soles of the feet together).
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP 1 inch superior to Symphysis pubis
(midway between ASIS and SP drop 1
inch medially for unilateral)
SID 40” or 102 cm.

Hip Joint AP (Bilateral) FROG LEG (Original Cleaves Method)

FS 14” x 17” CW or 14” x 14” (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in supine position with the MSP centered. Hips and knees (40 0 ) are flexed and
draw the feet towards the buttocks (soles of the feet together).
CR collimated and parallel to long axis of femur (400 cephalad) to
RP Symphysis pubis (midway between ASIS and SP drop 1 inch medially for
SID 40” or 102 cm. PM do not move

Hip Joint LATERAL (Lauenstein & Hickey method, Medio-lateral) Projection

FS 10” x 12” CW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in supine position with affected hip centered. Flex the affected knee and draw
the thigh flat and near right angle position. Extend and place support to opposite limb.
Opposite side of pelvis is slightly elevated.
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP Hip joint (midway between ASIS and Symphysis Pubis)
1. perpendicular for Laeunstein projection
2. 200 to 250 cephalad for Hickey method
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move
Hip PA Oblique (RAO/LAO) positions HSIEH Method
FS 10” x 12” CW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in prone position with the MSP centered. Elevate the unaffected side 400 450.
Center affected iliac bone. Center cassette at the level of the superior border of the greater
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP between posterior surface of the iliac blade and dislocated femoral head
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move
Acetabulum (RAO/Lateral Position, Teufel Method) PA Axial Projection
FS 10” x 12” CW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in prone position with the affected hip centered over midline of table. Unaffected
side is elevated 380
CR collimated and vertically directed 120 cephalad to
RP Acetabulum (inferior level of coccyx)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move/ suspended respiration

Acetabulum (RAO/Lateral Position, Judet Method) PA Axial Projection

FS 10” x 12” CW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in prone position with the affected hip centered over midline of table. Unaffected
side is elevated 450
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP Acetabulum (Affected side up) and/or (affected side down)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move/ suspended respiration

Acetabulum Superior Oblique (Dunlap, Swanson, and Penner Method) Projection

FS 14” x 17” ½ each side or 14” x 17” CW Bilateral (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in seated upright position on the side of the table, thighs together. Move back the
patient far enough to place the popliteal in contact with the edge of the table. Center the
midline of the longitudinal half of the cassette opposite the side being examined to the
median sagittal plane of the body. Crossed the arms over the chest. Mark of the position of
grid so that it can be moved back to this position for the 2 nd exposure w/o disturbing the
patient’s position: then center the opposite half of the film to the MSP of the body for the
1st exposure.
CR collimated and vertically directed medially 300 to
RP crest of the Ilium L and R
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move
Cervical Vertebra AP and OPEN - MOUTH (OTENELLO), LATERAL
RAO and LAO or RPO and LPO
Cervico-Thoracic Joint PAWLOW or TWINNING or SWIMMERS

Thoracic Vertebra AP , LATERAL - RAO and LAO (15o - 20o)

Lumbar Vertebra AP , LATERAL - RPO and LPO (35o)
L - S Joint AP and LATERAL

S - I Joint RPO /LPO (AP oblique)

RAO/LAO (PA oblique), Chamberlain method of demonstrating
abnormal sacro-iliac motion
Pelvis AP
Rib Cage AP , RAO / LAO and RPO / LPO


SUPINE Position
Patient is lying down flat on his
The MSP is centered to the
midline of the table.
Both upper extremities are extended along the sides of the body with the hand in
supination. Shoulder and hip joints are in the same transverse plane.

LPO and RPO (Semi – supine)

From supine position, the opposite upper extremities made to cross over anteriorly with the hand
grasping the edge of the table.
The opposite lower extremity is
flexed and placed anteriorly.
The entire body is then rotated 450 towards the dependent side. Keep the shoulder and hip joints
on the same plane.
Patient is lying down flat on his abdomen.
MSP is centered to the midline of the table. Both upper extremities are flexed and
placed parallel to the head, with
hands in pronation. Both lower
extremities are
extended. Forehead is touching the
table. Shoulder and hip joints are in the
transverse plane.
LPO and RAO (Semi – prone)
From prone position, the opposite
lower extremity is flexed and
placed anteriorly. The body is then
rotated 450 towards the dependent
side. The opposite hand and knee
remain in contact with the table for
support. Keep the shoulder and hip
joints on the same plane.
The patient is lying on either side. The MAP of the body is centered to the midline of the table.
Both upper extremities are flexed and placed on the head. Both lower extremities are flexed for
support and stability.

Left Lateral Decubitus Right Lateral Decubitus

1. Cervical Vertebra AP Projection
FS 8” x 10” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in supine or standing position with chin slightly extended
CR collimated and vertically directed 150 cephalad to
RP C4 or Thyroid cartilage
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move/ suspended respiration

2. Cervical Vertebra OPEN - MOUTH

FS 8” x 10” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in supine position. The mouth is opened as wide as possible. Mastoid tip and
upper incisors line should be perpendicular to table top. (Have the patient to say “AHH” to
depress the tongue and prevent its shadow from projecting in to the atlas and axis.
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP open mouth
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move/ suspended respiration
(OTENELLO Modification, Chewing view)
FS 8” x 10” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in supine position. The mouth is opened as wide as possible. Mastoid tip and
upper incisors line should be perpendicular to table top. Ask the patient to open and close
the mouth.
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP Symphysis menti (C4)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move/ suspended respiration

3. Cervical Vertebra LATERAL Projection

FS 10” x 12” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in lateral recumbent or standing position (with either side against the VCH).
Center the long axis of the cervical vertebra to the midline of the table, chin is slightly
elevated. Shoulders are depressed by sandbags or pulled down.
CR collimated and vertically directed 150 cephalad to
SID 72 inches
PM do not move/ suspended respiration

4. Cervical Vertebra RAO and LAO Position

FS 8” x 10” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in standing position facing the VCH. The body is rotated 45 0 (either side) with
the head in true lateral position. Center the long axis of the neck with chin slightly
elevated. Upper extremities are fully extended
CR collimated and horizontally projected 150 caudad to
SID 72 inches or not less than 48”
PM do not move/ suspended respiration

Cervical Vertebra RPO and LPO Position

FS 8” x 10” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in standing position back against the VCH. The body is rotated 45 0 (either side)
with the head in true lateral position. Center the long axis of the neck with chin slightly
elevated. Upper extremities are fully extended.
CR collimated and horizontally projected 150 cephalad to
SID 72 inches or not less than 48”
PM do not move/ suspended respiration
FLEXION and EXTENSION studies (Lateral projection)
FS 10” x 12” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in standing or sitting in lateral position.
1. Flexion – Patient is asked to draw his chin as close as possible to his chest and the
exposure is taken. Shoulders are depressed and upper extremities are fully extended.
2. Extension – Patient is asked to raise his chin as much as possible for the 2nd exposure.
CR collimated and horizontally projected to
SID 72 inches
PM do not move/ suspended respiration
** Note: contraindicated by fracture or dislocation

Modifications (Grandy, Fuchs, Judd, Kasabach


Cervico-Thoracic Joint PAWLOW Method (traumatic

patients) (Lateral projection)
FS 8” x 10” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in lateral recumbent position
(with either side against the VCH). Center
the coronal plane to the midline of the
table. Dependent upper
extremities is placed along the side of the
head with opposite extremity as if reaching
the posterior aspect of the thigh to draw the
shoulder downward. Move the humeral
head anteriorly or posteriorly.
CR collimated and vertically directed 30 – 50 caudad to
RP C7 – T1 junction (level of vertebra prominens)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move/ suspended respiration

TWINNING Modification
FS 8” x 10” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in upright position (with either side against the VCH). Center the coronal plane
to the midline of the table. Dependent upper extremities is placed along the side of the
head with opposite extremity as if reaching the posterior aspect of the thigh to draw the
shoulder downward. Weight of the body is equally distributed. Move the humeral head
anteriorly or posteriorly.
CR collimated and horizontally projected 30 – 50 caudad to
RP C7 – T1 junction (level of vertebra prominens)
SID 40” or 102 cm.

SWIMMERS Position (Backstroke)

FS 8” x 10” LW (Gridded) and placed vertically
Pos. Patient is in supine recumbent position. Right upper extremities is placed along the side of
the head with opposite extremity as if reaching the posterior aspect of the thigh to draw the
shoulder downward. Move the humeral head anteriorly or posteriorly.
CR collimated and horizontally projected 30 – 50 caudad to
RP C7 – T1 junction (level of vertebra prominens)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move/ suspended respiration
1. Thoracic Vertebra AP Projection
FS 11” x 14” or 14” x 17 LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in supine position. MSP centered on the midline of the table.
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP T7 (3”- 4” below the jugular notch)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended full exhalation respiration ** Anode Heel Effect
2. Thoracic Vertebra LATERAL Projection
FS 11” x 14” or 14” x 17 LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is lying on either side. Long axis of the spine centered to the midline of the table.
Support the head with a pillow. Draw the arms forward to avoid superimposition of
scapulae with vertebra.
CR collimated and vertically directed (100 F to 150 M cephalad) to
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended full expiration. ** Anode Heel Effect
Thoracic Vertebra RAO and LAO (15o - 20o) Position (for apophyseal joints)
FS 11” x 14” or 14” x 17 LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in lateral position. Rotate the body 15o - 20o anteriorly. Center the spines to the
midline of the table.
CR collimated and vertically directed to
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended respiration
(Scoliotic Series) PA Left & Right Tilt, Lateral

1. Lumbar Vertebra AP Projection (versus PA)

FS 11” x 14” or 14” x 17 LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in supine position. MSP centered on the midline of the table. Lower extremities
are flexed from the knees. Hands on chest.
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP L3 or 2 cm. above the level of (L4-L5 interspace if sacrum is included) iliac crest
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended full expiration
2. Lumbar Vertebra LATERAL Projection
FS 11” x 14” or 14” x 17 LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is lying on either side. Long axis of lumbar centered to the midline of the table.
Lower extremities are flexed from the knees.
CR collimated and vertically directed to (may be angulated 100 to 150 caudad)
RP L3 or 2 cm. above the level of Iliac crest (L4-L5 interspace if sacrum is included)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
** Anode Heel Effect
3. Lumbar Vertebra RPO and LPO Positions
FS 11” x 14” or 14” x 17 LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in semi-supine on either side (35o rotation) position. Center the spines to the
midline of the table.
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP L3 or 2 cm. above the level of iliac crests
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended respiration
** Anode Heel Effect
Lumbar-Sacral (L5 – S1) Joint AP Axial Projection
FS 8” x 10” (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in supine position. MSP centered on the midline of the table.
CR collimated and vertically directed 300 cephalad M to 350 cephalad F to
RP L-S joint (1 ½ inch superior to symphysis pubis)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended expiration

5. Lumbar-Sacral (L – S) Joint LATERAL Projection

FS 11” x 14” or 14” x 17 LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is lying on either side. Long axis of lumbar centered to the midline of the table.
Lower extremities are flexed from the knees.
CR collimated and vertically angulated 50 to 100 caudad, directed to
RP L-S joint (1 ½ inches below elevated iliac crest)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended respiration ** Anode Heel Effect

1. Sacrum AP Projection
FS 8” x 10” (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in supine position. MSP centered on the midline of the table.
CR collimated and vertically directed 100 to 150 cephalad to
RP mid-sacrum (level of ASIS)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended full expiration

2. Sacrum LATERAL Projection

FS 8” x 10” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is lying on either side. Long axis of spine centered on the midline of the table.
CR collimated and vertically directed to

RP Mid-sacrum; level of ASIS (look for PSIS-dimple)

SID 40” or 102 cm. PM suspended respiration

1. Coccyx AP projection
FS 8” x 10” (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in supine position. MSP centered on the midline of the table.
CR collimated and vertically directed 50 to 100 caudad to
RP mid-coccyx (2 inches above Symphysis Pubis)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended expiration

2. Coccyx LATERAL Projection

FS 8” x 10” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is lying on either side. Long axis of spine centered on the midline of the table.
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP mid-Coccyx
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended expiration

S - I Joint RPO /LPO (AP oblique)

FS 2 (10” x 12”) LW (Bucky)
o 0
Pos. Patient is in semi-supine on either side (25 – 30 rotation). Side of interest is elevated.
Align joint of interest to the centerline of the table.
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP 1 inch medial to elevated ASIS
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended respiration

S - I Joint LAO /RAO (PA oblique)

FS 2 (10” x 12”) LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in semi-prone on either side (25o – 300 rotation). Side of interest is down. Align
joint of interest to the centerline of the table and/or cassette.
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP 1 inch medial to lower ASIS
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended respiration

Symphysis Pubis PA Projection (Chamberlain method ) sacro-iliac motion

Requirements 1. L-S lateral with patient in upright position.
2. Two PA projections of the pubic bones, with the patient in the upright position
and with weight bearing on the alternate limbs in cases of S-I slippage or relaxation.
(Requires 2 blocks 6 inches high removed alternately to allow one leg to hang free.
FS 8” x 10” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in upright facing the VCH standing on two blocks. MSP centered on the midline
of the VCH. Patient grasping the sides for stability.
1st exposure – remove one of the block so that one leg hangs free like a dead weight
2nd exposure – replace the first support and removed the opposite one permitting the 2 nd
leg to hang free.
CR collimated and horizontally directed to
RP Symphysis pubis
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended expiration
Pelvis AP Projection
FS 14” x 17” CW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in supine position MSP centered on the midline of the table. Feet are rotated 150
medially. Place the upper edge of the film 2” above the iliac crests.
CR collimated and vertically directed to
RP center of cassette
SID 40” or 102 cm. PM suspended expiration


1 Sternum LATERAL
FS 8” x 10” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is standing on either side. Long axis of the sternum centered to the midline of the
VCH. Draw the arms backward. Place cassette 1 ½ inch above jugular notch
CR collimated and horizontally directed to
RP mid sternum
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended full inspiration.

2 STERNUM RAO Position

FS 8” x 10” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is standing facing the VCH. Elevate the left shoulder/side 150-200. Long axis of
the sternum centered to the midline of the VCH. Place cassette 1 ½ inch above jugular
CR collimated and horizontally directed to
RP mid sternum
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM breathing technique
FS 14” x 17” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in standing position facing the VCH. Place the cassette 2” above the shoulders
and extend the chin over the upper border of VCH. MSP centered on the midline of the
table. Place the back of the hands on the hips. Depress the shoulders on the same
transverse plane and rotate them forward in contact with VCH.
CR collimated and horizontally directed to
SID 72 inches.
PM 1st exposure: suspended full inhalation
2nd exposure: end of suspended full exhalation **use anode heel effect
**Removed all metallic object and upper garment and provide a patient’s gown
Chest LATERAL Projection
FS 14” x 17” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in standing position left side against the VCH. Place the cassette 1 ½ ” above
the shoulders and raise the chin up. MAP centered on the midline of the table making sure
that the shoulders and pelvis on the same transverse plane . Place and extend the arms
directly upward along the side of the head. (Elevate cassette 2” higher from PA)
CR collimated and horizontally directed to
RP center (level of T7)
SID 72 inches.
PM suspended full inspiration **use anode heel effect
Chest APICO - LORDOTIC (LINDBLOM method) Projection
FS 14” x 17” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in standing position facing the tube. Ask the patient to move one step forward
and lean backward against the VCH. Place the cassette 2” above the shoulders and raise
the chin. MSP centered on the midline of the table. Place the back of the hands on the hips
and roll them forward. The shoulders on the same transverse plane.
CR collimated & horizontally directed to(may be angulated 50 – 200 cephalad)
SID 72 inches or 180 cm.
PM suspended full inspiration **use anode heel effect
**Removed all metallic object and upper garment and provide a patient’s gown


Chest Supine or Dorsal DECUBITUS
FS 14” x 17” LW (Gridded casssette)
Pos. Patient is in supine position on the table with a decubitus pad. Place the cassette vertically
2” above the shoulders. Extend the arms along side of the head.
CR collimated and horizontally directed to
SID 72 inches.
PM suspended full inspiration **use anode heel effect
**Removed all metallic object and upper garment and provide a patient’s gown
Chest AP Projection Lateral Decubitus Position
FS 14” x 17” LW (Gridded cassette)
Pos. Patient lying on either side with decubitus pad. Place the cassette 2” above the shoulders
and extend the chin. Extend the arms well above the head.
CR collimated and horizontally directed to
RP T4 to T7 depending on the area of interest
SID 72 inches or 180 cm.
PM suspended full inspiration **use anode heel effect
**Removed all metallic object and upper garment and provide a patient’s gown
FS 14” x 17 LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient in supine or erect position. MSP centered on the midline of the table.
CR collimated and perpendicular to film holder
RP T7 (3”- 4” below the jugular notch) T12 if below diaphragm
SID 72” or 180 cm.
PM suspended full inhalation ** Anode Heel Effect
Rib Cage RAO / LAO
FS 14” x 17 LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient in upright position facing the VCH. Rotate the body 45 0. MSP centered on the
midline of the table.
CR collimated and horizontally directed to
SID 72” or 180 cm.
PM suspended full inhalation ** Anode Heel Effect

Rib Cage RPO / LPO

FS 14” x 17 LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient in upright position back against the VCH. Rotate the body 45 0. MSP centered on
the midline of the table.
CR collimated and horizontally directed to
SID 72” or 180 cm.
PM suspended full inhalation ** Anode Heel Effect

Bones, Sutures, Planes, Classification of Skull

Basic Skull Projections
1. PA
2. Caldwells
3. PA Axial (Haas)
4. Townes-Chamberlain
5. Waters
6. Submento-Vertex
7. Lateral

SKULL PA Projection
FS 10” x 12” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in erect or prone
position. MSP centered on the
midline of the table. Nose and forehead against film holder. OML orbito-meatal line is
perpendicular to film holder.
CR collimated and perpendicular to film holder
RP Glabella
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move / suspended respiration **Removed metallic objects

SKULL Caldwells
FS 10” x 12” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in erect or prone position.
MSP centered on the midline of the
table. Nose and forehead against film
holder. OML orbito-meatal line is
perpendicular to film holder.
CR collimated and angulated 15 0 cephalad
to film holder (MODIFIED)
RP Nasion
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move / suspended respiration
**Removed metallic objects

SKULL PA Axial (Haas) Projection

FS 10” x 12” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in erect or prone position. MSP
centered on the midline of the table. Nose and
forehead against film holder. OML orbito-
meatal line is perpendicular to film holder.
CR collimated and angulated 25 0 to film holder
RP Sella Turcica (1 ½ “Inferior to EOP and 1 ½ “
Superior to Glabella)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move / suspended respiration **Removed metallic objects
SKULL Parieto-Acanthial (Waters) Projection
FS 10” x 12” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in erect or prone
position. MSP centered on the
midline of the table. Chin
against film holder. OML
orbito-meatal line forming 370
with film holder.
CR collimated and perpendicular
to film holder
RP Acanthion
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move / suspended
**Removed metallic objects

SKULL Townes Projection

FS 10” x 12” LW
Pos. Patient is in erect or
supine position. MSP
centered on the
midline of the table.
film holder. OML
orbito-meatal line is
perpendicular to film

CR collimated to film holder with angulations of 30 0 – 35 0 caudad

RP Sella Turcica (between EAM)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move / suspended respiration **Removed metallic objects

SKULL Lateral Projection

FS 10” x 12” CW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in erect or prone
position. Head is place in true
lateral with Mid Coronal Plane
centered on the midline of the
table body in oblique rotation.
Interpupillary line perpendicular
to the film. Check for tilting or
CR collimated and perpendicular to
film holder
RP 1 ½ inches anterior and superior
to EAM (2 inches above EAM)
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM suspended expiration **Removed metallic objects

SKULL SMV (Submento-Vertex) Projection

FS 10” x 12” LW (Bucky)
Pos. Patient is in erect or prone position. MSP
centered on the midline of the table. Nose and
forehead against film holder. OML orbito-
meatal line is perpendicular to film holder.
CR collimated and perpendicular to film holder
RP Glabella
SID 40” or 102 cm.
PM do not move / suspended respiration
**Removed metallic objects


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