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1.) Can a person without influence be a leader?

Does having influence automatically make

someone a leader? (answer the question in not less than 500 words)

No, a person without influence cannot be a leader. Leadership without influence doesn’t have
any foundation to build a successful objective, true core values and integrity.

A good leader lead through influencing, they influence people by mobilizing them around a
strategic vision of the future. Through a central basic foundation influence is built upon the
following important concepts;

1) Foundation of Trust – Trust matters, if a person is not trusted there is a firm limit on
their ability to create and use influence. Trust is the glue that binds the leader to her/his
followers and provides the capacity for organizational and leadership success.
Experienced leaders know that the best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to
trust them first. Trust is the fundamental principle that holds all relationship together.
Teamwork build trust and trust builds growth.

2) Making Others to believe and Invest in the Successful – A good leader is not a self-
centered, They will work as a Team to win the mission. Success required the leaders to
truly believe they could succeed and then clearly communicate that belief to the team.
The more you invest in people and lift them toward their potential, the more likely they
are to view you as their leader. True leaders bring out the personal best in those around
them. Leadership is not about positions or titles but one life influencing to another.

3) Extend Honor to receive respect – Influence doesn’t come to us instantaneously, it

increases gradually, it grows as we purposefully take action by extending honor and
receiving respect from others in return. The key to successful leadership is influence, not
authority. Leaders must be close enough to relate to others but far enough ahead to
motivate them. If you truly want people to respect you as a leader, you must prove to
them they can survive and thrive even without you.
4) Serve Others before Yourself – the best use of your time and leadership is to lose
yourself in the service of others. You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do. The
growth and development of people represent the highest calling of leadership. A leader
who puts other first creates an uplifting, motivating culture that inspires confidence
among their teams.

5) Lead with Character – It’s long been said that you want to test someone’s character,
give them power. Leading with character means doing what’s right, however hard it is.
People will follow you when you exhibit strong character and integrity. Leaders are
responsible for connecting with their people and relating to them in a way that increases
their own influence. When you connect with people, you can begin to form relationships
and relationships are the basis of influence to empowerment. Always show kindness and
attention to others. Your words might be filling the empty places in someone’s heart. It
does not matter who is assigned to your team, what matters is who they will become
because of you. Leaders should influence others in such a way that it builds people up,
encourage and edifies them so they can duplicate this attitude in others.

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