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Confidence is a feeling that makes one think that he or she is capable of doing

something with ease and calmness. It makes an individual optimistic and pleased with

himself/herself. But confidence is not the feeling where one can think he is superior to

others. Self-confidence is central to good psychological adjustment, personal happiness

and effective functioning in children and adults. Children with high self-confidence can

easily communicate with others, dared to express their opinion, and not easily

influenced by others. On the other hand, children who do not have enough self-

confidence remain in doubt, don’t dare to give their opinion, are easily influenced by

others and not even dare to try new things. Such children who lack confidence are more

likely to give up while facing difficulties. Confidence is the ability to take appropriate and

effective action in any situation, however challenging it appears to you or others.

(Burton & Platts, 2006). Genuine self-confidence is the forerunner of achievements.

Self-confidence integrates the powers of mind and body and focuses them towards the

goal. Only such a concentrated energy can reach the goal. Self-confidence is the first

step to progress, development, achievement and success.

Ziegler et al. (2000) indicated that girls already expressed significantly lower

levels of self-confidence regarding chemistry than the boys. Huang et al. (2001)

reported that perceived respect from professors as the strongest determinant of female
academic self-confidence whereas the perceived quality of teaching is the strongest

predictor among male students. Purwar (2002) investigated the self-confidence,

intelligence & level of aspirations among urban and rural schedule caste boys and girls.

The results revealed that self-confidence is positively correlated. Martin (2003) found

that, for one particular sample of Indian students, a significant negative association did

exist between grade level and the classification of self-confidence. The students in the

higher grade levels tended to check fewer skilled competencies than did the students in

the lower grades. Aggarwal and Mishra (2005) found that rejection, demand, symbolic

reward love and object reward affects the self-confidence of students significantly. Mittal

(2010) studied self-confidence and scholastic achievement of the girls of working and

non-working mothers and the results indicates that daughters of non-working mothers

were relatively higher on achievement and confidence but they suffered from greater

inferiority feelings as compared to daughters of working mothers.

Self-confidence is an individual feature, the core of which is the positive

assessment of the individual’s own skills and abilities, as sufficient for him to achieve

significant goals and meet its needs. Self-confidence, as a basis for adequate behavior,

should be distinguished from self-sufficiency. The basis for the formation of self-

confidence is a sufficient behavioral repertoire, the positive experience in solving social

problems and success in achieving of the individual’s own objectives (needs). Positive

subjective evaluation of the results of the individual’s own actions and evaluations,

which are recognized by other individual, opinion of which is respected by the individual

is more important to form self-confidence than an objective standard of success, social

status, money, etc., by the individual himself. The positive assessment of the
availability, quality, and efficiency of his own skills and abilities determine social courage

in setting new goals and tasks, as well as the initiative which the person manifests at

their implementation. General self-confidence is a positive assessment of your own

skills and abilities and very similar within the meaning of the concept of the general self-

efficacy by Albert Bandura. Social courage is the opposite of social fears and is

expressed in positive emotional background that accompanies any, including new,

social contacts. Initiative in contacts is in readiness for such contacts.

A high level of self-confidence reduces fear and leads to risky behavior. A

confident person tends to diminish the real risks and ignore the real threat. Therefore,

overconfidence may affect the perception of your own health (confident people can

sincerely believe that they can, say, smoking and abusing alcohol, and there will not be

any consequences). Overconfidence often creates and nourishes the false expectations

(for example, people wrongly believe that they can easily give up bad habits).A person,

who behaves with confidence, speaks loud enough, clearly. It explicitly formulates its

demands and desires, and reasons for them, it accurately expresses its feelings and

emotions and uses the word “I” for self-determination. Its body muscles are relaxed.

Facial expressions and gestures affirm what he says. People with the lack of self-

confidence, on the contrary, speak quietly and hesitantly. Their words are imprecise and

uncertain. They bring extensive and unnecessary explanations. Instead of directly

expressing their emotions and their demands, they try to express them indirectly and

frequently use the impersonal sentences. They often hide or do not claim their own

demands. The lack of self-confidence also shows in the pose and posture. Persons with
the lack of self-confidence behave abnormally, avoids eye contact; there are almost no

gestures and facial expressions.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effects of lack of self-confidence among

selected students in Baras Senior High School. On the basis of this aim, some specific

questions were formulated:

1. What is the Profile of Respondent in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex; and

1.3 Strand?

2. What is the effect of lack of self- confidence on the academic performance of the


3. How do teachers affect student’s lack of self-confidence and their academic

performance on Baras Senior High School


Lack of Self- Confidence among students greatly affects their academic performance.
Significance of the Study

Evaluation of students’ progress is very essential since it serves as a basis on

which education decisions concerning students are made. It is for this reason that

knowledge of factors that influence the outcome of academic achievement are to be

clear to the educators, parents and students so that standards of academic

performance could be enhanced. Lack of Self- Confidence serves as hindrance to those

planning and implementing the curricular, not only within the confines of the family, but

also within the school environment. Greater understanding of how lack of Self-

Confidence influences adolescents would help to facilitate the development of training

curricular and enrichment programs that complement the cognitive aspect of knowledge


The negative effects of lack of a healthy sense of one’s confidence have

been highlighted by several studies (Mwiti 1989). These effects are however, amenable

to change and this would facilitate the development of positive interest in the learner to

excel academically. Such information would be useful to the stakeholders.

Scope and limitation

The study was conducted in Baras Senior High School town of Baras on the

province of Rizal. Baras Senior High School was selected because it was thought to

have subjects who were reasonably homogenous. Some respondents were honest in
volunteering information on their perception of lack of self-confidence. This study is

limited only to the students currently enrolled on the said institution and also

experiencing of having Lack of Self- Confidence.

Definition of Terms

Confidence. It is the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something.

Capable. This refers to having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve

a specified thing.

Influence. It is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or

behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.

Doubt. It is a feeling of uncertainty of lack of conviction.

Lack. This means the state of being without or not having enough of something.

Integrates. It is the combination of one thing with another so that they become a whole.

Courage. This is the ability to do something that frightens one.

Efficiency. This refers to the state of quality of being efficient.

Achievement. It is a thing done successfully.

Perception. It is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the


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