Meeting Phrases

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Leading a meeting in “There are [number] items on the agenda.


“Today I would like to outline our plans for”

“As you (all/ should/ probably/ might) know,…”

Good morning / afternoon” “As I wrote in my email (yesterday/ about this meeting/
“Let’s begin” sending the agenda),…”

“I’d like to welcome everyone” “The main reason for this meeting is…”

“Since everyone is here, let’s get started” “What we need to decide/ talk about/ think about
today is…”
“I’d like to thank everyone for coming today”
“The (main) topic/ subject/ aim/ objective/ purpose/
“… let’s get down to business/ I think we should make a goal of this meeting is…”
start/ shall we get started…”

Defining action points to be

After greeting them, introduce yourself: completed before the next
meeting- When the meeting has
“I’m [your name]. I’ll keep this meeting brief as I know finished, give an overview of
you’re all busy people” what needs to be completed
“I’m [your name] and I arranged this meeting before the next meeting
“[Name], can you have these action points finished by
next week’s meeting?”
Asking others to introduce
“Before the next meeting, I want [action point]
themselves completed so we can discuss the results”
“Let’s go around the table and introduce ourselves, “By the next meeting, we’ll have [action point] in
[name] do you want to start?” progress”
“Let’s introduce ourselves quickly - please state your
name, job title and why you are here” How to interrupt politely
Setting the agenda- Likewise, it “Sorry, but just to clarify”
is important to start the meeting “Sorry I didn’t quite hear that, can you say it again?”
by outlining the agenda clearly “That’s an excellent point [person’s name], what about
and the key objectives of the doing [action point] as well?”

meeting. The objectives can be “From our department’s perspective, it’s a little more
stated with the following complicated. Let me explain”

phrases “Excuse me for interrupting”

“I've never thought about it that way before. How does

“I've called this meeting in order to”
it affect [this point]”
“We’re here today to discuss”
Asking questions You might be right./ You could be right./ You may be
“Can you repeat that please?”
I suppose you’re right./ I guess you’re right.
“Can you run that by me one more time?”

“Can you repeat that in a simplified way?”

Strongly disagreeing
“I don't fully understand what you mean. Could you
explain it from a different angle?” (I’m sorry but) I really don’t agree.

“Could you explain to me how that is going to work?” (I’m afraid) I have to disagree.

“Just to be clear, do you mean this [repeat the

explained point in the way you understand it]” Weakly disagreeing/ Politely disagreeing
(I’m afraid) I don’t really agree.
Giving strong opinions I’m not sure that I agree.
I really think… I mostly agree, but…
I strongly believe/ I really believe/ I firmly believe… (That’s a) good point, but…
I’m (absolutely/ completely/ 100%) certain/ convinced/ I feel almost the same way, but…
positive that…

Making suggestions/ Coming up with ideas (when

Giving weak opinions brainstorming etc)
I would suggest/ I would recommend/ I would advise…

I’m no expert on this, but… My (main) suggestion/ recommendation/ advice would

be to…
(I’m not sure/ certain, but) I would guess/ I would
imagine/ I would suppose… The best solution/ The best course of action would
probably be…
This is only my opinion, but…
We should (probably) consider/ think about…
I would probably say that…

In my limited experience,…

Sorry to interrupt, but…

Strongly agreeing
Can I come here (for a moment)?
I totally agree.
(Before you go on,) can I just say…?
(That’s/ You’re) exactly right./ Exactly!
If I can just (interrupt) (for a moment),…
(You are/ That’s) absolutely right!/ Absolutely!

I feel exactly the same way./ I feel just the same way.
Allowing people to speak/ Inviting people to
speak/ Allowing people to interrupt
Weakly agreeing/ Reluctantly agreeing (Of course/ Sure), (please) go ahead. (What would you
like to say?/ Please have your say.)
“Are there any areas of this project we are not thinking
Stopping the other person interrupting/ Keeping
the turn
Introducing your topic
Sorry, can I just finish this one point (first)?/ Sorry, can I
just what I’m saying (first)? “Thank you for getting here on time. Today we’re here
to discuss”
Sorry, just one (more) thing before you have your say,…
“We’re here to discuss the progress on [name of
project] project”
Getting the turn back/ Getting the discussion back “Due to issues identified in [project name], we’re here
on track to come up with a quick resolution”
(Now) where were we? Oh yes,…/ (Now) where was I?
Oh yes,…
The presenter can also outline the presentation
(Anyway/ Well), as I was saying…
procedure to ensure clarity, with the phrases such
Requesting “We’re going to run through the main points of the
Could you (possibly) give me a hand with/ lend me a
hand with…? “The presentation will cover these [number of points]
Checking/ Clarifying/ Dealing with communication
Concluding your presentation
Sorry, what do you mean by…?
“To summarize then, let me just run through what
(By…) do you mean…? we’ve agreed here”
So (in other words), what you’re saying is… “Before we end, let me just summarize the three main
Sorry, did you say… (or…)? points”

“To sum up what I’ve presented”

Helping come to an agreement (when people “That brings me to the end of my presentation, thank
can’t agree) you for listening”

Maybe we can decide this with a show of hands.

Answering questions
Please raise your hand if…
“Any final thoughts before we close the meeting?”
I think I can suggest a compromise.
“If you have further questions or want to discuss any of
Can anyone suggest a (possible) compromise? it in more detail, we can meet privately or you can send
me an email [have email address on the final
presentation slide]”
The person leading the meeting or giving the
“I’d like to thank everyone for sharing their time today
presentation can also ask:
and any feedback would be valuable”
“Are there any more comments?”
“So do we think this is the correct way to proceed?”
“What do you think about this proposal?”
“Are there any objections to what I covered?”
Additional business “We haven’t covered everything we needed to, shall we
set up another meeting?”
meeting phrases
When holding off an interruption, you can say: When the meeting is on a tight schedule and the
discussion is dragging on
“Can we come back to that point later? Let me just
finish what I was saying” “I'm afraid that's outside the scope of this meeting”
“Can I just finish making my point?” “Why don't we return to the main agenda of today's

“We’ve gone slightly off topic, let us get back to [main

Likewise, apologize for being late by saying:
“Excuse me for being late, I was”

“Sorry for not getting here on time, I was”

If not sure on how to answer a question

"I’m actually not sure about that, but I will look into it"
Giving suggestion "I actually don't know about this, but I will look into it"
“I hear what you’re saying, however our senior manager "I’ll get back to you later once I have done research"
is very clear on this one”

“I understand that we can’t do that, but can we discuss

some other alternatives?” Delaying a decision/ Continuing the discussion
“I agree with what you are saying, however have you
considered [different method]?” We don’t seem to be making much progress (on this),
so let’s continue this discussion by email, shall we?
“How about this as an alternative [proceed to explain
your alternative method]” Maybe we can come back to that later/ in a later
meeting (if we have time).

Maybe we should sleep on this and try again next week.

If you want to leave a meeting early, gather your
stuff quietly and politely excuse yourself by
Changing topic/ Moving on
“Excuse me, unfortunately I have to leave early. I need
Okay, we’ve still got a few points to get through, so…
to be [briefly explain where you need to be]”
Right, I think we’ve covered that, so…
“I’ve got to shoot off, I’ve got overlapping meetings”
…let’s move on to the next point/ topic on the agenda,
“Sorry I’m going to have to leave now, [reason for
shall we?
leaving early]“
…let’s turn our attention to…

You can plan a future meeting by saying:

“I’d like to set up a meeting with you at your earliest The most useful phrases for ending
convenience. When are you free?” meetings
“I’d love to continue this conversation at a second
meeting, when are you next free?”
Checking agreement (by everyone/ about Thanks for making the time to meet us./ Thanks for taking the
time to meet us.
Thanks for inviting us.
Are we (all) agreed?
It was great to see you (again).

It was (so) nice to (finally) meet you.

Summarizing what you have discussed and
agreed, and responding to that
Have a good weekend/ a good trip/ fun/ a good time/ a safe
So, to summarise our discussion/ So, to sum up our journey.

Checking there’s nothing left to talk about,

and replying to that
Is there anything else that we need to discuss (before we

No, I think we’ve covered everything, thanks.

Actually, there is just one more thing (that I’d like to discuss/
that we need to discuss).

Smoothly finishing/ Giving reasons for finishing

the meeting, and responding to that
Anyway, I’m afraid I have another meeting in 10 minutes, so
we’ll have to stop there (if you don’t mind).

Well, I think someone is waiting for this room, so shall we call

it a day (if that’s okay)?

So, I’d like to be able to discuss this more, but I know (name)
has to be somewhere, so we’ll have to come back to it
another time, I’m afraid.

Bringing the actual meeting to a close

So/ Okay/ Right (then), let’s call it a day/ wrap it up there
(and continue…) (, shall we?)

Polite and friendly language at the end of a

Thanks, that was very useful./ Thanks, that was very

Thanks for (all) your (great) contributions/ ideas. (They were

very helpful).

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