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Parents are legally responsible for their child until they reach the age of 18 and

also morally responsible for their child. If the child becomes a rebel and simply does not
listen to his/her parent then it is their job to restrict the child. If a child does some harm,
such as breaking someone’s window, then parent is responsible for the damages, even
though parent themselves did not cause the window to break. If there are no damages
aside from someone’s ego or someone’s “belief” that the moral standards have been
breached, then it’s up to the parent on how to settle this or whether this can be settled.
Furthermore, if the parent neglects to pay the child attention then they are in fault because
how will the child learn if the parent does not teach. It is their job - their responsibility -
to teach their children these certain things as to avoid disciplinary issues. Parental
responsibility is necessary to teach childhood responsibility. Children learn by example
and the example that holds the most influence is that of their parents. In order for the
child to learn responsibility, the parent must behave responsibly. Yet who is to say that
the punishment is just, fitting or appropriate? While no parent is perfect, as a convention,
we leave the discipline of the child to the parents, and then hold the parents accountable
for the child's behavior. The existence of failures or flaws are inevitable. The point of
raising a child is to ensure that they can successfully integrate into society in an
independent fashion and continue to behave without direct supervision. A child is a child
and therefore can’t quite know everything that we, adults, know, so certain leeway needs
to be given, unless a child is of an age when s/he ought to know better, unless of course, a
child has no capacity to distinguish right from wrong. A popular saying from Benjamin
Franklin, once said “Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion
and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have
done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes

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