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Obesity Statistics

 More than 1 in 3 U.S. adults

are obese (CDC, 2017).
African Americans are more
likely to be obese compared
to other ethnic groups (CDC,
What You
For more

North Carolina has the 16th
information contact: Should
highest adult obesity rate in
the nation (RWJF, 2017).
Brianah Williams, BS
 Obesity is common, serious, Phone: (336) OBE-SITY
and costly (CDC, 2017). (336) 623-7489 A healthier you is a better you!
 Obesity can be prevented. Email:
What About Obesity?

 Obesity is a chronic condition

affecting 78.6 million adults in
the U.S. population.
 Obesity occurs when there is an Tips for Healthy Diet Tips for Physical Activity
abnormal or excessive fat
accumulation in the body  Limit red meat like  Take the stairs instead of the
presenting a risk to health or a hamburger and steak elevator
BMI greater than 30.  Avoid bacon, cold cuts, and  Park at the far end of the lot
 You may be at risk for obesity if other processed meats  Walk around when talking
you are physically inactive,  Use healthy oils like canola on the phone
consume an unhealthy diet, and oil and olive oil for cooking  Do squats, sit-ups, or push-
have a family history of obesity.  Eat a variety of vegetables ups during commercial
 If you are obese, you are at risk  Eat plenty of fruits of all breaks
for developing type 2 diabetes, colors  Turn up the music and dance
high blood pressure, heart  Limit sugary drinks like  Join a local YMCA
disease, stroke, some forms of juices and sodas  Find a walking buddy
cancer, and more.  Drink plenty of water  Get up and move every hour

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