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Vietnam Philippines

Vietnam’s EDSA People Power

democratization Revolution
Colonized by the French Colonized by the Spaniards
French — The French also burdened Spaniards — Taxation To support the
the Vietnamese with an extensive colony, several forms of taxes and
taxation system, which included monopolies were imposed. Direct: The
income tax on wages, a poll tax on all tithe is the payment of the 10% of an
adult males, stamp duties on a wide individual’s annual income to the
range of publications and documents, government. The sanctorum is the tax
and imposts on the weighing and being paid as support to the church.
measuring of agricultural goods The tribute(buwis) is the tax or rent
given to the landlord a resident is
under. It may be in cash or in kind
(tobacco,chickens, produce, gold,
blankets, cotton, rice, etc., depending
on the region of the country), fixed at
8 reales and later increased to 15
French — imposing forced labor -> Spaniards — Forced Labor (Polo y
The Vietnamese were subject to servicio) Polo y servicio is the forced
forced labour, heavy taxation and labor for 40 days of men ranging from
French monopolies on salt, alcohol 16 to 60 years of age who were
and opium obligated to give personal services to
community projects. One could be
exempted from polo by paying the
falla, a daily fine of one and a half
real. In 1884, labor was reduced to 15
days. The polo system was patterned
after the Mexican repartimento,
selection for forced labor
Phan Boi Chau — A few scholar- Jose Rizal — While in Europe, José
officials collaborated with the French, Rizal became part of the Propaganda
but most did not. Among those who Movement, connecting with other
refused was a group of several Filipinos who wanted reform. He also
hundred scholars who became wrote his first novel, Noli Me Tangere
actively involved in the anticolonial (Touch Me Not/The Social Cancer), a
movement. The best known among work that detailed the dark aspects of
them was Phan Boi Chau, a scholar Spain's colonial rule in the Philippines,
from Nghe An Province, trained in the with particular focus on the role of
Confucian tradition under his father Catholic friars. The book was banned
and other local teachers. In 1885 in the Philippines, though copies were
Phan Boi Chau observed at close smuggled in. Because of this novel,
range the actions of French troops in Rizal's return to the Philippines in
Vietnam Philippines
crushing scholar-gentry resistance to 1887 was cut short when he was
the colonial overlords. For the next targeted by police.
decade he devoted himself to his Rizal returned to Europe and
studies and finally passed the regional continued to write, releasing his
examination with highest honors in follow-up novel, El Filibusterismo (The
1905. During the following five years, Reign of Greed) in 1891. He also
he traveled about the country making published articles in La Solidaridad, a
contacts with other anticolonial paper aligned with the Propaganda
scholars and seeking out in particular Movement. The reforms Rizal
the survivors of the Can Vuong advocated for did not include
movement, with whom he hoped to independence—he called for equal
launch a rebellion against the French. treatment of Filipinos, limiting the
power of Spanish friars and
representation for the Philippines in
the Spanish Cortes (Spain's

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