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ART Goals:

1. Limit phone activity

a. Do not go on your phone while in class, while eating, or while walking.
Time Bound
b. Deadline for this is 3 weeks, March 31st
c. If I am on my phone during one of these times, I have to write it down. Thus this is how I will measure if I have
achieved this goal.
d. This is definitely achievable, because I never actually need to be on my phone at any of these times.
e. This is relevant because I feel like I am becoming lost in my phone and I want to actually be living my life.
2. Focus on quality not quantity
a. Before submitting anything, I will review it in its entirety and check that I have done the best work I can do.
b. If doing a long task, stay with it for at least 30 min with no distractions. Do not skip from one task to another.
c. Deadline is March 18th.
d. Every time I review a HW assignment I can put a mark on my Trello board for it. I can measure 30 min out for each
e. This is also achievable if I give myself time to do things and review them, which should be possible if I am staying o
my phone (previous goal).
f. This is relevant because I feel like I do so much school work that is worthless to me in the long run. If I am trying to
retain this information then I need to be focusing on how I can improve, not jus how I can finish.

3. Making my own website

a. I want to have a website with at least 3 pages (About me, and 2 experiences I’ve been a part of)
b. The website should incorporate 3 or more elements of Javascript/CSS programming
c. Deadline is April 10th.
d. It will be very easy to see if I have 3 pages done and have written three javascript/css elements.
e. This is achievable. I plan on working on one page every week and watching 20 min a day of the Javascript course,
then I think it should be doable.
f. This is very relevant to marketing myself to other people, and will help me realize how I can frame different
experiences I’ve been a part of.

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