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LifeSkills Workbook Rules

1. Your workbook does not leave this classroom.

a. unless you were absent; therefore, you must make up what you
b. If the workbook leaves the classroom, it is YOUR responsibility to
bring it back.
i. If you lose it, you don't automatically get a new one. You
might have to pay for a new workbook.

2. Your name must be written on the front cover AND on the inside first page
(just in case your cover comes off)

a. Use Sharpie/permanent marker (not Expo marker, pen, pencil, etc.)

b. Make sure your name is written so it can be easily seen (large and

3. Do not deface, doodle, rip, etc. the cover of your workbook.

4. Do not doodle on any page inside of your workbook.

5. All portions of workbook need to be filled out/completed.

a. Absent? Then you need to copy answers from what you missed from
a reliable peer.

6. You will turn your workbook in to me on Monday, May 4 for a workbook

check. This workbook check is worth 50 points. I am going to

a. ensure all portions of the workbook are filled out,

b. ensure the cover is not defaced or doodled on, and

c. ensure there are no doodles inside of the workbook.

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