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About the Author

Professor M.S. TAJAR, lecturer, University of the Philippines, Almustafa International

College and Languages International/Manila, is an specialist on Islam, Political Science, Middle
East Studies, the Persian Civilization, and a linguistics master, all rolled into one!

Some 45 years of continous research, lectures and writings, in three countries of Iran,
Pakistan and the Philippines, have made him well positioned to explain to us the nature of
Political Islam, the liberal Islam, the Fundamentalism in the Middle East, as well as the Shiah,
the Sunnah and the Wahhabi sectarian conflicts around the world.

Also having written 50 books, in four languages of Persian, Arabic, English and Spanish,
plus many articles on the Internet ( have
greatly added to his credentials, as an Islamic Scholar, and an authority on various topics, such
as the world religions and governments, etc.

The Professor’s mastery of 12 languages makes his research works very interesting; especially
when it comes to the etymology of the ancient words, i.e. the Biblical and the Qur’anic
terminology. That’s very visible in those classical languages like the Arabic, Hebrew, Sanskrit,
Latin as well as the Avestan-Persian. His composition of Poetry in six languages can also be
searched on the Internet.

The present book is a revised edition of Professor Tajar’s Thesis, in Political Science
(M.A.), from the University of Manila, in 1985.

Now we are very pleased to present its 2nd Edition, to our loyal readers, after updating it,
to include the present realities in the world politics, and the new developments in the Muslim
countries- e.g. Islamic Revolution in Iran, the Arab Spring, Israel-Palestine conflicts, Taliban of
Afghanistan, ISIS, ISIL, Shabab, Abu Sayyaf, etc. (Note: The First Edition of this book was
published by the Iranian Muslim Students Association, in the Philippines /1988)

Prof. Tajar, was born in 1952, in Tajar Village (named after “Tachar Palace” of King
Darius of Persia, 500 B.C.) near the City of Malayer, in Iran.

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