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1620- Magflower Compact

Puritan Period (total submission and obedience)

Predestination- God already decided what happens with people after death-
salvation and condemnation.
The believed that God give visible signs who will be taken to heaven.
Providence- active presence of God. God‘s hands and eyes are upon you. If you
are good you will be rewarded, if bad punished.

Fact Oriented Literature

Theatre banned:
Didactic texts (journal reports)
Poetry-well expressing feelings
50 years after end of Puritanism there was a document concerning theatre
acceptance (Boston)

Clergyman- duchowny
1636- Harvard College estabilished by Puritans

Jonathan Edwards (infuence of the Enlightenment)

Deism- belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who

dies not intervene in the universe.

Common sense- distance between God and human is bigger than expected

1765 New York Congres

Stamp Act- taxation with reprezentation

George the III

1773- Boston tea party
1775- 76 Congres, Declaration of Independence
Colonies are united

The Enlightenment—Eighteenth Century John Locke

Three people rights after birth: right to live, to be happy and to be free – Locke

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