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Research Design

This study designed as a quantitative study using a phenomenological theory, aiming to

define the close relationship of classroom environment to the learning performance of Grade 12

senior high students. The main focus is on the assumptions underlying the quantitative research

and some of the misconceptions that many researchers have when they are conducting a research

study (Sukamolson, 2007).

Among the quantitative research methods, survey research was used in this study to

determine the close relationship of classroom environment to the learning performance of grade

12 senior high school students by using the appropriate data gathering tool.

Locale of the Study

John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation – Bacolod will be locale of the study. The

researchers decided that this will covered within the community of the school, and with right

proximity of information that will get on the study, but not too close either, to influence biases,

as well as use values.

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