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Customer (Cust_Id, FName, LName, Address, Phone, Email, DOB, Credit_Score)

Account (AccountNo, Balance, Interest_Rate)

AccountType (ID, Type)
Deposit (DepositID, Amount, Timestamp, Comment)
Withdrawal (WithdrawalID, Amount, Timestamp, Comment)
Transfer (TransferID, Amount, Timestamp, Comment)

Have (Cust_ID, AccountNo) #Cust_ID is a foreign key referencing Customer

#AccountNo is a foreign key referencing Account

To (AccountNo, DepositID) #AccountNo is a foreign key referencing Account

#DepositID is a foreign key referencing Deposit

From (AccountNo, WithdrawalID) #AccountNo is a foreign key referencing Account

#WithdrawalID is a foreign key referencing Withdrawal
From&To (AccountNo, TransferID) #AccountNo is a foreign key referencing Account
#TransferID is a foreign key referencing Transfer
Has (AccountNo, Balance, Interest_Rate, ID, Type)
#(AccountNo, Balance, Interest_Rate) is a foreign key referencing Account
#(ID, Type) is a foreign key referencing AccountType

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