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Stage 1.

4: Going on a trip 
Go to unit 1.4. Going on a trip in the Knowledge environment and develop all the

1. Post the indicated activities (pronunciation –do not record yourself, just write
the exercise in the forum- and Writing) from the unit in the forum.
Rewrite the following passage in the past-tense of the underlined verbs. Be aware
of irregular verbs and write them correctly in the past tense

Hi Mum,

John and I are having a wonderful time here in Ireland. Every day we got
up early and go for a long walk in the country. When we returned we
usually had a very big Irish breakfast which normally consisted two eggs,
three slices of bacon, toast and jam. We usually ordered a cup of coffee
after breakfast: Colombian coffee, of course.

After breakfast we sometimes went swimming in the river. We

often met children who like to swim there. They were very nice. At night
we nearly always drunk a few pints of Guinness in the pub�s bar before
we went to bed. We always slept well after that, I can assure you.

Send your instructor your complete version in the past by e-mail for next week.
Dear Mum.
John and I had a wonderful time in Ireland. Every day we were there was amazing
knowing new places and talking with new people. We met a lot on a restaurant
called the Mississippi which is a place where you can go and read on the walls
history about Ireland.
People in there was so strangely short that made us felt like if we were buildings or
something. They used to look at us and laugh but our feelings are ok, it doesn´t
matter because at home this tall is so normal anyways I’m just freaking out and so
desperate for meeting you please write me anytime you can.
b. Write a short note in the forum telling what you did last
Las vacaciones pasadas estuve pasando fechas especiales con mi familia en
Valledupar exactamente todo Diciembre la pasamos increíble, festejamos el
cumpleaños de mi mama y la navidad al mismo tiempo todos muy felices.
Luego que finalizara el mes de diciembre fuimos a pueblos y sitios recreacionales
aledaños a la ciudad y dentro de ella como San Juan del Cesar, La Mina, Badillo,
Guatapuri, etc los típicos paseos de hoya olla.
Last holidays I was spending special dates with my family in Valledupar exactly all
December we had an amazing time, we celebrated my mom’s birthday and
Christmas at the same time all very happy. After the end of December, we went to
villages and recreational sites near the city and inside it like San Juan, La Mina,
Badillo, Guatapuri the typical olla rides. Then we returned to our hometown
Stage 2: What's the weather like? 1.3
a. What should we do when there is a thunderstorm? 
Complete the following dialogues. Give a solution to the following problems using the
subjunctive and these subjects:

We People Schools City Officials They You

Problem 1 is done for you:

Problem 1: What should children do when there is a thunderstorm?

Solution: When there is a thunderstorm, it is important that children not go

Problem 2: What should people do when it is sunny?

It is important for people to use an umbrella to cover their skin from the sun

Problem 3: What should you do when it is windy?

You could try wearing a scarf and some gloves to keep yourself warm

Problem 4: What should city officials do when a hurricane is coming?

They advice people to keep everyone safe turning on the alert

Problem 5: What should we do when there is a blizzard?

We used to close Windows and doors to avoid any kind of deasses and damage

Problem 6: What should schools do when it is extremely warm?

The schools adapt their áreas to improve the condition of weather

Problem 7: What should they do when it is cold?

They should turn on the heating and wear warm clothes to keep themselves hot

b. Describe the weather in the place you visited and use the following
The weather in Valledupar is warm making an exception with December when is
rarely cold but I like it.
c. What do you recommend to do in your city? (See the Subjunctive in unit
It is recommended that when you go to Valledupar you lead whit you a
swimsuit to take a bath on the river or any place you wanna go
Stage 3: You should keep your passport!
Go to unit 1.2.
Practice 5
1.I should let my home locked
2.I ought to be five minutes before the trip
3.Youd'd better charge my phone before the trip
4.You shouldn't forget your identity card
5.I ought not to eat too much
6.I'd better not doing your baggage
Write your paragraph on the clipboard and save it on a text document. Send it to
your instructor by mail.
I'm Lilleyra, I like a lot Valledupar because it is a beautiful city, people is really nice
whit you. There is this amazing place called Jerry's fast food where the food is
delicious and cheap. You should lead whit you fresh clothes to the many places it
have to take a bath. You should know that this city is pretty hot sometimes and its
activity is farm job
b. Read the following recommendations and write some recommendations
according to your travel experience:
a. What should people do in the place you visited last vacation?
People should visit the Guatapuri River
b. What shouldn’t people do in the place you visited last vacation?
People shouldn't throw garbage in the streets, behave badly according to the
culture of Valledupar

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