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2 More HOP tests

Which method is more effective for treating epilepsy: surgery or drugs? In a study reported in the SGV Tribune
(7-2-01), 15 of 36 patients who had a portion of their brain removed were free from seizures a year after the
operation. However, only 1 of the 40 patients who received the standard drug treatment were free of seizures.
Is there a significant difference between the treatment methods?

Using the TI-83 for Homogeneity of Proportions tests:

 In matrix A, enter the observed counts
 Stat: Test: c -test

 Output gives c , P-value, and df. Expected counts are put into matrix B.

 This test only works when the table is at least 2x2, so it won’t work for goodness of fit tests.

5 Steps:
Observed Surger Drug Tota Expected Surger Drug Total
y s l y s
Seizure free 15 1 16 Seizure free 7.6 8.4 16
Not seizure 21 39 60 Not seizure 28.4 31.6 60
free free
Total 36 40 76 Total 36 40 76

1. At first glance, it appears that surgery is more effective than drugs in treating epilepsy since the
proportion of patients free of seizures a year was greater for surgery than for drug treatments. However, it
is possible that the drugs are as at least as effective and we got these differences due to sampling variability.
To decide I will conduct a c 2 Homogeneity of Proportions test ( a = .05).

2. H 0 : Surgery and drugs are equally effective.

H a : Surgery and drugs are not equally effective

3. Conditions:
a. independent random samples of patients in each region? Not stated. We must assume
b. large sample size? Expected counts all > 5 (see table above)
c. samples < 10% of populations? Yes, assuming at least 360 / 400 patients taking the respective

4. c 2 = 17.48,
df = (2 - 1)(2 - 1) = 1,
P-value = 0.00003

5. Since P-value < a , I reject the null hypothesis and conclude that surgery and drugs are not equally
Why can’t we conclude that surgery is better?

Chi-square tests are always two sided. Since each difference is squared, the c 2 test cannot tell which
proportion is higher, only that they are different.

Could we have done this problem another way?

-Yes, with a 2 sample z-test for p 1 - p 2 :
p 1 = the proportion of patients who have surgery that have seizures
p 2 = the proportion of patients who use drugs that have seizures
H 0 : p1 = p 2 H a : p1 ≠ p 2
-TI-83: 2P(z > 4.18) = .00003
Note: the P-value is exactly the same and z 2 = c 2

When df = 1 (2 x 2 table) and the test is two sided (≠), a c 2 Homogeneity of Proportions test is the same as a 2-
sided 2-sample z test for p 1 - p 2 . However,
 If the table is greater than 2x2, you must use c .

 If the table is 2x2 and the alternative hypothesis is one sided, you should use the z test.

Note: It is still possible to use the c 2 test for a 1 sided test if you show that the sample proportions agree
with your alternative hypothesis and you cut the P-value from the c 2 test in half.
The Music and Wine Study
We are comparing a random sample of the amounts of wine sold at one wine store using different music types
in the background. The observed counts are as given. Find the expected counts. Is there evidence that the type
of music differently affects the amount of wine sold?

1. At first glance, it appears that Italian Music and No Music are more effective than French Music when
trying to sell wine since the proportion of wine sold for no music and Italian music was greater than when
using French music. However, it is possible that the music treatments are the same, and we got these
differences due to sampling variability. To decide I will conduct a c 2 Homogeneity of Proportions test ( a
= .05).

2. H 0 : French Music, Italian Music and No Music are equally effective.

H a : French Music, Italian Music and No Music are not equally effective

3. Conditions:
a. independent random samples of patients in each region? Given
b. large sample size? Expected counts all > 5 (see table above) except for Italian wine and French
Music. Proceed with caution
c. samples < 10% of populations? Yes, assuming at least 2430 bottles of wine have been sold by the

4. c 2 = 18.28,
df = (3 - 1)(3 - 1) = 4,
P-value = 0.001087 (x2cdf (18.28, 999999,4).

5. Since P-value < a , I reject the null hypothesis and conclude that French Music, Italian Music and no
Music are not equally effective for selling wine. The type of music differently affects the type of wine sold.

HW #93: 12.34, 12.44

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