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First and foremost, writing is a big part of our life everyday.

Writing for me has never

been the best subject for me. I always like to express myself visually like talking to someone. I

have never liked to expressed my self through a piece of paper. Through this class I have learned

so many things about writing and how it is important for us not just as college students but to

live a good life. It always depends on the topic I have to write about if I am super enthusiastic

about it then I really enjoy writing but if the topic is boring I really don't enjoy it. Writing is a

way to also keep your thoughts expressed and permanent. Think of your pen and paper as an

extension of your mind. I believe that the University makes students take this English class

before any other English class it is because we should be more prepared for what is coming. For

example me, I have a knowledge of writing but I may not have the skills to write a really good

paper and have a good grade. Like I have mentioned above I am not very good at writing essays.

Writing is not as easy it sounds it has its hard times and its easy times. I do not hate writing but it

does get boring depending on the topic. Overall I really enjoyed taking this class and if I had to

take it again I would.  

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