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Assignment 1 (Observations)

Observation 1: The classroom is very warm and friendly. It is very open and organized. Mrs.

Hernandez has her bookshelves and resources that the students will use throughout the day

against the walls of the classroom and the students desks are in the center of the room. The

desks are pushed together in groups or 4 or 5 and are in clear view of the board and teachers

desk. The walls are decorated with bulletin boards that are specific to each subject such as

math, reading, social studies, writing and science. The boards display the weekly vocabulary

words, objectives and showcases students work for that subject. There is a cozy reading area in

the corner of the room that has a comfy rug and chairs for students to gather around.

Observation 2: There are 27 students in Mrs. Hernandez’s fifth grade class. The ethnicities

range from all kinds, however most of the class is made up of males that are either African

American or Hispanic. I did not observe any students that have any apparent physical

disabilities. There is one student in the class who is special needs, his name is Tony. Tony is a

student that I have already met through my field observation in special education and he has

mild autism. Due to Tony being special needs, he spends a majority of his day in Mrs.

Hernandez’s class and is randomly pulled out of class by the resource teacher to work on his

skills in a more secluded and focused environment.

Observation 3: I did not locate a classroom rules poster or reference in the room, I believe this

is because the students are in 5th grade and should know the basics of being respectful and

classroom rules.
Observation 4: Mrs. Hernandez enforces good classroom etiquette and holds all students

equally accountable for their actions and because she teaches fifth grade, she constantly

reminds them this behavior is not acceptable for middle school. Students are given the same

amount of letters at the beginning of a given time frame and have to hold on to them by the

end of the given time frame in order to attend the Friday party. Students lose letters based on

bad behavior, therefore those who have letters remaining when it is party day are considered

to be in compliance and get to attend the party as a reward. Those who do not attend are

required to sit in another class and miss out on the party.

Assignment 2 (Classroom Layout) See image in packet.

Classroom Layout Question 1: The space is used as efficiently as possible, students are grouped

together in the center with enough of a walkway between groups for the teacher to move

through the classroom and monitor work. Students are all able to see the board and feel

included in instructional time. Cabinets and bookshelves are against the walls of the classroom

that keep materials contained and out of the way until needed.

Classroom Layout Question 2: Personally, I would design my future classroom almost exactly

how I see this one. I believe it provides maximum space and organization. I like how the desks

are grouped together rather being in rows and I like how the teachers desk faces the class.
Assignment 3 (Instruction)

Instruction Question 1: The students come in in the morning and have breakfast in their

classroom and do the pledge of allegiance. At 9:10 the attend their “special” which depending

on the day of the week it could be P.E, music, art or library. They are in specials until 10am.

When they come back they begin doing math until 11:10 am, writing is from 11:10am to 12pm

when the students will then go to lunch and recess. When they come back from lunch at

12:45pm they begin literacy and work on that until 2:15pm, from 2:15pm until 2:45pm they do

RTI and then Science from 2:45pm until the end of the school day at 3:21pm.

Instruction Question 2: Instruction is divided up in a combination of small groups, centers,

whole groups and minimal individual time. The teacher is constantly walking around the

classroom regardless of the form of instruction.

Instruction Question 3: Mrs. Hernandez’s teaching style strikes me as very well put together.

She has been teaching for many years, therefore she does not easily get overwhelmed and

seems a bit more relaxed. Because she has been teaching for awhile she has her classroom

management skills down meaning she knows how to achieve desirable results without

exhausting herself.

Instruction Question 4: No, she does not.

Instruction Question 5: Students seem very engaged in lessons because most lessons include

technology. Each student has access to a chrome book and students sign on to different

programs that the teacher also has displayed on a larger scale on the board. They work through

subjects like math together using the programs and they submit their answers together and see
the results on the teachers screen on the board. Students get excited when they see their name

pop up next to those who get the problem correct.

Instruction Question 6: There is only one student that is semi-isolated from the class, which is

Tony. Most students sit in groups of 4-5 and tony sits at a table with one other boy towards the

back of the classroom. Because Tony and Dewayne have some behavioral issues that could be

distracting to other students learning, they are not placed in the middle of classroom integrated

with students that are more focused and determined.

Instruction Question 7: Yes, instructional time is managed efficiently. The teacher does not

waste any time going from one subject to another. She tells students at the start of the school

day what they will be doing and sets clear expectations. Throughout the day she will remind

them of what is coming up next so they are prepared for it.

Instruction Question 8: She has one strong student from each table get up and gather supplies

for the whole table for the next activity or subject meanwhile she explains the objectives and

gets it started. Transitions are also smooth because the students are used to a routine and for

the most part know what materials they need to have out for each subject throughout the day.

She also encourages students to put away previous subjects materials to keep a clean organized


Instruction Question 9: The most popular way Mrs. Hernandez attempts to get the students

attention is by saying “Class, Class” when they are being noisy, in which the students should

quite down and reply with “Yes, Yes”. Primarily, this is pretty effective. When specific students

do not adhere to this command and continue to be disruptive they are personally dealt with by
taking away one of their good behavior letters which will ultimately cost them their entry to the

class party if too many infractions are made.

Instruction Question 10: Specific behavior issues that Mrs. Hernandez has to deal with are

talking and students having small objects that they are focused on playing with

Instruction Question 11: I do not believe there is any time wasted due to specific policies or

procedures. The students are dropped off in the morning and go directly to class and begin

working on a reading journal entry while waiting for the whole class to be in attendance and the

morning bell rings. Students have no down time between subjects, the only time not used for

instruction is the 15 minutes they have for lunch and the 15 minutes they have for recess.
Assignment 4 (Culture)

Physical Characteristics
1. The school is located in a very residential area right next to another elementary school
so the location gives a very family friendly vibe. The front of the school is well
landscaped and looks inviting. There are signs asking the visitors to sign in the front
office right when you walk in. There is also fencing that surrounds the perimeter of the
school minus the front entry way so it feels safe for students.
2. When you enter the school you will find yourself in a small entry room facing double
doors that will take you into the rest of the school after you sign in. The school has a
computer that you walk up to and give your name and reason for being there along with
a picture that prints out on a pass that you must have on you to enter the school.
Walking around the school you will find that each hallway is decorated with students
works and achievements. In the hallways you can also find posters advertising the
schools upcoming events like the fall festival they had or the upcoming book fair.

Culture of the School

1. Mission Statement: “We will work together to increase student achievement by
providing an instructional program in which identified student needs will determine
curriculum implementation, staff development, and instructional planning. We will
maintain a concerned and caring environment, fostering self-responsibility and respect,
and creating pride throughout our learning community. We will establish a positive
working relationship, generating activities, communication, and on-going support
among staff, students, parents, and the community.” Motto: “Today we make a
difference for tomorrow building academic and social success now and for our future.”
Mascot: Mountain Lion
2. The office staff is very friendly and organized greeting parents and guests to the school.
The faculty is friendly when coming across students in the halls or at lunch and recess,
but also makes it their responsibility to be watchful of students that aren’t their own
and monitor behavior.
3. The bell schedule is the same every day, the lower grades go to lunch and recess first
one at a time and fifth grade goes last. The school uses a pull out program for special
education students.
4. Students gather only in the classrooms, lunch room and playground. Activity in the hall
way is brief and limited used only for getting from point A to B.
5. Every few months the school recognizes students who have had perfect attendance and
who have read over 200 books during the timeframe and awards them with a necklace
that they keep adding charms to every time they accomplish these things.
Culture of the Classroom
1. Mrs. Hernandez cares about her students and you can feel that when you enter her
classroom, she is firm but fair. She focuses on reminding them that middle school will
expect more from them and starts to expect more from them herself because she cares.
She asks students how certain aspects of their lives are and meets with parents any time
they want to discuss their students success.
2. Everyone in the class participates the same amount in every activity except the two
students with disabilities that are allowed to do computer based learning most of the
time which keeps them content and from disrupting others learning.
3. I would say the rapport and cohesiveness is strong in the classroom. Mrs. Hernandez
does not have to exert herself trying to get students to behave or follow along.

Assignment 5 (Cooperating Teacher Interview)

1. Mrs. Hernandez feels like she has a lot of offer the kids and went to a teaching
conference with her daughter and became inspired by what a teacher is capable of.
2. The most challenging part is the lack of supplies. She has a lot of teaching experience,
just no supplies.
3. The best part is seeing that moment of a lightbulb clicking and knowing that they truly
understand what you just taught them.
4. Using Kagan strategies and placing high performing students with ones that need more
help so it creates balance.
5. Groups are based on their ability levels.
6. Quizzes, study island and constructive responses are used as assessments.
7. Every three weeks a progress report is sent to parents and the online gradebook must
always be up to date, parents can always request a meeting.
8. If parents request to meet, they will talk about behavior issues or grades.
9. At least once a week, on Fridays and keeps it as simple as possible
10. Doesn’t take long. Uses previous lesson plans. In the beginning it took about 2 hours per
11. Not allowing a ton of bathroom breaks, breaking out the chrome books as soon as they
are in the class before the first bell even rings, picking them up from lunch right on time.
12. Taking privileges away, missing Friday party.
13. They are not involved.
14. nepf rubric administration comes in and observes at least once, but this specific
principle comes in about 3 times a year.
15. Coaching and observing other teachers, recommend additional classes.
16. None
17. How gratifying it is and the impact that is made.

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