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A historical analysis was made on the coast line in San Bernardo del Viento,
through the use of computer tools, such as Google Earth and the changes in the
coastline were recognized by comparing the reference line of the year 2000 with
the lines obtained with the others years, a critical point was also recorded, thanks
to the photographic route that is made in which there is greater involvement due to
the increase in sea level than in other places, this is the corregimiento of Paso
Nuevo. The slopes of six points per year of study and their elevation were recorded
and compared graphically to visualize the changes in the terrain. In addition, they
determine the variables of the Coastal Variability Index equation allowing to find
this value with which the vulnerability of the study area is defined. Finally, it is
concluded that the risk of vulnerability is very high, so it is necessary to start with a
management plan to relocate those who live on the coast line and
geomorphological studies to advance natural solutions along the coast line and
thus help that this has a better capacity to respond to dynamic changes, of course.

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