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Definition: A project is a specific activity that has a well-defined target and capable of being

evaluated by the SMART criteria. The project has three phases to pass through before hitting its
target. These are: the identification, evaluation and implementation.

Project identification: the process of identifying those projects that puts the city in a relatively
better position should pass through certain steps. This process of identifying such projects should
be scrutinized using the following points. These are:
 All stakeholders which are going to be impacted by the project should be involved in the
identification process. (the public should be first consulted about its needs and priorities)
 The identification process should first come up with all possible alternative projects so
that the best would be easily chosen from using some objective set of criteria (as
discussed in the past subtopic and to be also discussed in detail in the later paragraphs).

Example how to context TOR project

 The main objective of this task is to produce LED strategy for X town/
Scope of the task
 Action area of the task refers to area which fall within the administrative jurisdiction of
X town, however the analytical boundaries of the local economy assessment cover all
areas which have strong economic relationship such as a metropolitan region travel to
work areas or vicinity urban center and its rural hinterland, sectorally, the plan focus on
economic issue but looks in to other sectors (social, institutional, legal etc.) which
determine competitiveness of the city and place of local economic growth.
Major activities: - the major activities to be undertaken in this task include
 Assessment on existing situation of the area in question
 Organizing extensive stake holder forums
 Producing LED program as well as cross cutting projects
 Producing planning documents for various development issues considered in the LED.
Deliverable major deliverable of the project are,
 A shared vision regarding LED of X town.

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