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Genetic Basis of Inheritance GENETICS © Gregor Johann Mendel is called Father of genetics © The term Genetics was first used by William Bateson (1906) — Father of modern genetics. Heredity © Like begets like i¢; every living organism reproduces its own kind, Frog reproduce frogs, rats reproduce rats only. Variations No two individuals (except the identical twins) exhibit exactly similar characters, Differences are found even between the children of same parents. These are called variations 1, Moist Vapour Theory © It was proposed by a Greek philosopher Pythogoras in 500 B.C. * Each organ of an animal body emitted some kind of vapour and that a new individual was formed by combination of the vapour from different organs. Preformation Theory (1632-1723) ‘Scientist Malpighi propounded the preformation theory. This theory holds that the sex cells (sperm and ova) had the miniature copy of adults called ‘homunculus’, and the development of embryo was actually only the enlargement of parts that were already present in the sperm or egg. 3. Particulate Theory ‘© Maupertius (1689-1759) proposed that the body of each parent give rise to minute particles. ‘In sexual reproduction, these particles from both the parents unite together to form the daughter individual 4, Pangenesis Theroy © Charles Darwin propounded pangenesis theory. © According to this theory every cell, of animal body produces many minute particles known’ as pangenes or gemmules 5. Theory of Germplasm © August Weismann (1889) suggested the theory of continuity of germplasm, «He referred to the reproductive cells as germplasm and to rest of the body as somatoplasm, © In cach generation it also produces the somatoplasm. Soma is ‘Mortal’ because it eventually dies and disintegrates, the germ is “immortal”, because it is continues forever. Grecor JOHANN MENDEL Mendel was born on 22 July 1822 at Heinzendorf in Austra. Mendel worked in Augustinian Monastry in Brunn, as monk. In 1856-57, he started his historical experiments of heredity on pea plant. His experimental work continued on pea plant till 1865. The results of his experiments were published in the science Journal, ‘This Journal was published by ‘Natural History Society of Brunn’. ‘A paper of Mendel by the name of “Experiment on plant Hybridization” published in this journal, + Bhrlnerccnargunrges mmm

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