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-Internet is useful and also have many benefits in this era because internet provide many
information, connect people around the world, and search the material of studying easily.
II. Internet provide information easily and fast
A. The information can get from the application
1. Google Chrome
2. Mozilla Firefox
III. Internet provides connection people around the world
B. Social Media’s application
1. Instagram
2. Whatsapp
IV. Internet provide materials for studying
C. The materials can get from the application
1. Google
2. Youtube
V. Therefore, internet must use as well by people because internet give and provide many benefits
to make activity easier

Did you know that the internet was created for military purposes first? At the time, the US
Department of Defense made the system of the scattered computers connect the computer in the vital
area for solving problems if a nuclear attack comes and to avoid the occurrence of central information
if that happens the war can be destroyed easily. Over time, the internet always goes through updating
to make it perfect. Almost of people in the world use the internet in their life now. The internet is
useful and also has many benefits in this era because the internet provides much information, connects
people around the world, and searches the material of studying easily.

The internet provides us with a search engine. We can get anything from the internet fast and
easily, so we just need to type what we want and the result will come out, but we need to have an
application or web earlier to access the internet for getting the information. The primary applications
are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Those are the applications generally is used by people in the
world. Google Chrome for the first time was released by Google on 2 September 2008 and at the time,
it just for Microsoft Windows because it still in beta status, then on 11 December at the same year
Google was released for all operation system because had reached stabilized version, and then on
January 2012 Google Chrome was nominated as top three of the world that had been using by its users.
Mozilla Firefox is also an application that we can use for accessing the internet. Mozilla Firefox is the
application that was developed by the foundation of Firefox and 100 volunteers on 23 September 2002.
Mozilla Firefox had downloaded by around 5 million for 12 the days of its releasing and during 2 years
Mozilla Firefox was downloaded by 6 million people around the world. So, we can choose the
application that we like to get the information from the internet fast and easily.

The internet provides a connection for people around the world through social media’s
application to makes us be able connecting each other and helps to disappears the feeling of worry
that we have. The meaning is if we got long-distance relationships with someone that we love for
example wife, husband, or friend. We don’t need to worry about it currently, because the internet
provides the connection for people around the world through social media’s application to makes us
be able connecting each other, so for the first, we have to download the application. There are many
social media applications that can help us to connect with people that we want chatting and calling.
Those are Instagram and WhatsApp. Instagram is an application for sharing photo, and videos. From
there, we can know people’s daily life and view of some places around the world. Usually, people
can take a photo where they live or what they think some objects are interesting and then they will
upload on Instagram and give a caption to explain the photo that was uploading. Different from
Instagram that offering to share photo or video around us, WhatsApp is an application that providing
just for chatting, calling, and video calling that’s why many people around the world download the
application because the application is simple but include everything needed especially for people who
are undergoing long-distance relationship. As a result of this, we don’t need to worry if we got a
long-distance relationship right now because we have a social’s media application for the solution.

The internet also provides us materials for studying. It is an efficient way to access materials

for helping our studying. We can find the materials through the internet and it also needs to have an

application to access it. There are Google and YouTube. Google is the United States of America’s

multinational company engaged in internet services and products. One of the products is offered by

Google is a search engine. In from there we can search and discover any materials for helping our

studying, but from Google we just discover the material in the form of writing of pictures and It is

recommended for you that like study use just visual method, but if you are type of audio-visual and

want to find the material in the form of video, you can download and access YouTube as the solution.

YouTube is a sharing video’s website created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005.

The website allows users to upload, watch, and share videos that making the users also enjoyed the

application to get anything especially the materials for studying that can be useful for adding their

comprehension. So, we can discover anything materials for helping our studying and comprehension

from the internet through the application such as Google that is recommended for people who use

visual methods and YouTube for people using audio-visual.

The Internet is useful to helping get many information, connecting people, getting material

for studying around the world as much as possible, because internet has provided many applications as

an intermediary to access the information that we need such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox as

applications that being intermediary to get the information easily and fast. In addition, we can be calm

if we have long-distance relationship because we have social media’s application to keep in touch with

our families such as Instagram and WhatsApp, then if we have trouble in our study or we are difficult

to understand the materials from the book we can use the internet to getting the materials if you are

type of just visual you can choose Google for the solution, but if you are type of audio-visual you can
choose YouTube for getting the materials. Therefore, the internet must be used as well by people

because the internet gives and provides many advantages to make the activity easier.

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