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Restyas as a NARATOR
Novi as a PATIENT
Amanda as a PATIENT’S FRIEND 2
Alfionika as a PATIENT'S MOTHER
Heni as a NURSE 1
Triana as a NURSE 2
Risa as a DOCTOR


One day, a girl name is Novi climbed a mango tree and fell from a height and getting injured.
After that being rushed to Medical Sehat hospital by his friend, name is Velia and Manda.
*Novi fell from tree * backsound brakkk
Velia : (shock ) Novi!! Are you okay?
Novi : OMG!! (Hit Velia’s shoulder) I'm not fine, Vel. Look at my feet that couldn't be moved
and very hurt.
Manda : wait waittttt...I prepared the motorbike first, because my car is being used by my father
and I shall take you to the hospital.
*Manda bring Novi to the hospital by Manda’s motorbike*
Velia : I shall tell your parents
Then Velia go to Novi's home and tell to Novi's family
Velia: Assalamualaikum, Mrs Pio, Mr. Alfian, Tiara!!!!!
Family : Waalaikumsalam,
Alfian : What happen Velia??
Velia: Novi is fallen from the tree Mr
Alfian : OH MY GOD. How it can be?
Mrs. Pio : Are you kidding me Vel?
Velia : No Mam, im sure
Tiara : I will go to the hospital now, Mam
Mrs. Pio : Wait a minute Tiara, we must prepare your sister's things
Mr. Alfian : But Mam. I will go to the bank to take our money to pay the bills
Mrs Pio : It's okay honey. I will go to the hospital by myself
Tiara : How about me Mam??
Mrs Pio: Oh ya Im sorry I forget about you, dear..
Tiara : Hmmm Let me go to the hospital with you Mam..
Mrs. Pio : Yes, dear
Alfian : Ok I will go to the bank quickly
Tiara : Take care, Dad.
Alfian : Yes , dear.
Tiara : Let's go to the hospital, Mom, Vel
Pio&velia : OK

In the other side..

(Manda and Novi had reached in hospital)
Manda : Excuse me, My friend has fallen from a mango tree, can my friend immediately get
Sella : Sure, let me take you to the ward.
( Then they headed to the ward, after arriving there, the receptionist conversed with the
nurse )
Sella : Nurse, please deal with immediately, there is a single accident patient falling from the
Nurse 1: Well, We shall do an examination for patient.
( Then bring the client to the IGD room)
Novi is already lying on the Bed.
Nurse 1 : Excuse me. May I Know, who are you?
Manda : I am her friend, my name is Manda.
Nurse 1 : Do you know the identity this person?
Manda : Yes, I know. She bring an ID Card in his pocket. (hand over the ID Card taken by
Manda from Novi’ s trouser pocket) This is the ID Card, nurse.
Nurse 1 : Okay, follow me to take care of the registration of the patient. Do you want?
Manda : Yes, I want.

Then, Manda takes care of the Novi's registration and contacts her family. Meanwhile, the
nurse is handling the patient’ s accident.
*Nurse asks Novi*
Nurse 2 : Excuse me, Ms Novi. Can you hear me?
Novi : Yes, I can hear you. It really hurts, nurse. (whimpering with bruised facial bruises and
swollen feet)
Nurse 2 : Which one is hurts?
Novi : (only shows the part that feels hurt)
Nurse 2 : do you feel dizzy?.
Novi : Yes, I feel dizzy.

Suddenly Velia and Novi’ s family come to the hospital
Pio (Novi's Parent) Tok tok tok...knock on the door and go straight in
Pio : Oh my God. MY DAUGHTER!! What happen with you?!!
Novi : I was climbing a mango tree at Manda's house. Suddenly I slipped and then fell. My foot
hurts mom.
Tiara : What will you do, Nurse?
Nurse 2: Calm down, Ms. Here I will check your sister's vital signs. Please sit down first, Ms. I
shall confirm to Ms. Novi first.
Tiara : Alright nurse, please
Nurse 2 : Okay. I will check the vital signs, Ms. Novi, which is like measuring body
temperature, blood pressure, pulse and breathing. So, I can get a further diagnosis. Are
you accept, Ms. Novi?
Novi : yes, please.
Nurse 1 : Okay, just wait a minute, Ms. Novi. (Put up the handscoon)
Nurse 2: Excuse me, Can you open your armpit? then, please put this temperature in your
Can you do it yourself, or may I help you?
Novi : I can do it myself.
Nurse 1 : Okay, put it and spread your hands on your stomach. While we wait for the
thermometer to ring. I will check your blood pressure. Are you ready, Ms. Novi?
Novi : Ready
Nurse 2: Excuse me, Fold your sleeves. (feel the arteries first, then put ice or tissue to the cuff,
then attach the cuff, hold the bell stetoschope, then pump). I will pump it, just relax Ms.
Nurse 1: Ms. Novi, could you tilt your body to the left?
Novi : Okay, nurse.
Nurse 2 : (counting the pulse and breathing for a minute. Don’t tell the patient because if she
knows she will breathing fake)
Nurse 1 : Okay, Ms. Novi. You can turn around as before (as ordinary supine) Excuse me, I shall
take up a thermometer in your armpit. (wipe the ends of thge thermometer directly by the
Novi: Okay, please nurse.
Nurse 2 : Alright, Ms. Novi I will notify the results of the examination of vital signs. Your body
temperature is 38 degrees Celsius. Your pulse 80 Your breathing 27/minute and your
blood pressure 150/90 But your breathing is not normal, maybe because you were
shocked after falling from yesterday's tree, Ms. Novi?
Novi : You're right, nurse.
Nurse 2 : Okay, Ms. Novi. You just take a rest, don't move a lot. If there is a need, please
contact me in the nurse's station, ma'am. Later I will come back again to check the health
progress of your girl.

( a few moments later) spongebob
A few minutes later, the nurse came back
Nurse 1: Excuse me, Mrs. Pio. You are asked to see a doctor now.
Pio : Okay. So who is looking after my daughter?
Nurse 1: Please see a doctor first. Your daughter, I took care of her.

In the emergency room, the patient's fatherr met the doctor
dr. Risa : Are you a family of Ms. Novi?
Pio : Yes, Dok. How about my daughter?
dr. Risa : Sit down, please. I will explain about your daughter's condition
Pio : OK dok (while sitting)
dr. Risa : It seems that there is a disruption in the bones in Ms. Novi's foot, and she has
complained about dizzy, so to know the condition of the bones in her foot we
should do x-rays first and also we should do a CT scan to determine the condition
of the inside of the head to the foot your daughter.
Pio : Even if it's not to do, why Dok?
dr. Risa : If X-rays and CT scans aren't to do, we don't know the exact conditions, so we
can't take further action.
Pio : I will think about that first, Dok.
dr. Risa : Yes Mrs. Pio But, please immediately make a decision. So that we can take the
next action.
Pio : Okay dok, Excuse me.

Mrs. Pio come back to her daughter’ s room.
Nurse 1: Mrs. Pio. How about the your daughter?
Pio : The doctor said, it's best to do an x-ray and CT scan on my daughter, but I'm not sure,
Nurse 1: It should be to do, So that if something happens it can be immediately known and dealt
with, how is there something unclear?
Pio : Oooo ya, Thankyou for the information, nurse Heni.
Nurse 1: You're wellcome Mrs. Pio
After get the information from the nurse, Mrs. Pio sure of the decission she was going to
make, and headed for the doctor’ s office to confirm it.
dr. Risa : Mrs. Pio. Do you agree?
Piobb : After I thought about it, I agreed that my daughter would be x-rayed and on a CT scan.
dr. Risa : Alright Mrs. Pio, you can sign an agreement to do this. Please read first. Then,
sign on this side.

And, finally Novi was taken to the radiology room to do x-ray. From the X-ray results, it is
known that the patient has a fracture, and must be hospitalized for surgery..

THE END.....

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