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First Love

First love,
Where we fall in love in the first sight,
To see them is our happiness,
Their smile and laugh heal the broken heart,
But their sadness and tears make the world scattered.

First love,
Where we fall in love for their voice,
To hear them is our remedy,
That cure the depression and anxiety,
But to lose them is insanity.

First love,
Where we fall in love in their arm,
The touch that make us feel safe,
The feeling that make a heart alive again,
And make us feel threaten when we lose contact.

First love,
Where we fall in love with their colors,
That filling our heart and create a new world,
That give a new hope to a person,
And losing it such a suicide that kill our own heart.

First love,
People said that it’s fake, also it might be real,
It’s can be serendipity, also get us philophobia,
It’s can be heaven, also make us feel in hell,
So which one is true?
Who is my first love?
And who is your first love?
Its remain as a secret that being decide by a heart,
That finding a true meaning of happiness.

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