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Class Schedule: ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Test I. Multiple Choices: Select your answer from the given choices after each statement then shade the box that corresponds to your
answer. Use only Mongol no. 2 pencil in shading and black ink pen in answering test II and III. Use of friction pen is strictly prohibited.

1. It refers to the aspects that are essential for keeping the body in the best conditions.
a. Intellectual health c. mental health
b. Social health d. physical health
2. Our ability to accept and cope with our own feelings, as well as emotions experienced
by others defines as emotional well being. Emotions contribute to almost all aspects
of our life, at times, even setting course of actions.
a. Only first statement is correct c. both statements are correct
Only second statement is correct d. both statements are incorrect
3. Social health refers to your ability to interact with other people, respect to yourself and
other, developing meaningful relationships and develops quality communication skills.
This allows you to establish a support system of family and friends.
a. Only first statement is correct c. both statements are correct
b. Only second statement is correct d. both statements are incorrect
4. Helps to stimulate our creativity and improve our decision-making ability.
a. Intellectual health c. spiritual health
b. Social health d. emotional health
5. Many factors that contribute to mental health problem; EXCEPT:
a. Life experience c. selfishness
b. Biological factors d. family history of mental health problems
6. This dimension has ability to think clearly and reason objectivity.
a. Intellectual health c. mental health
b. Social health d. emotional health
7. Mental health refer to the state of the body, and its ability to perform bodily functions. It refers to the
aspects that are essential for keeping the body in the best condition.
a. Only first statement is correct c. both statements are correct
b. Only second statement is correct d. both statements are incorrect
8. Focuses in ensuring that you are attentive to your feelings, thoughts, and behavior.
a. Intellectual health c. mental health
b. Social health d. emotional health
9. It includes issues of access (for whom and to which services), expenditures, and resources (healthcare
workers and facilities). The goal of a healthcare system is to enhance the health of the population in the
most effective manner possible in light of a society's available resources and competing needs.
a. Only first statement is correct c. both statements are correct
b. Only second statement is correct d. both statements are incorrect
10. Medical care provided by a specialist or facility upon referral by a primary care physician
a. Quaternary Service c. Secondary Care Service
b. Primary Care Service d. Tertiary Care Service
11. Schistosomiasis control units operated by the DOH;
a. primary level of health care facilities
b. tertiary level of health care facilities
c. secondary level of health care facilities
d. None of the above
12. The highly technological and sophisticated services offered by medical centers and large hospitals.
These are the specialized national hospitals.
a. primary level of health care facilities
b. tertiary level of health care facilities
c. secondary level of health care facilities
d. None of the above
13. During this stage, children often start to grow more quickly. They also begin notice other body changes
a. Early adolescence c. adult
b. Elderly d. late adulthood
14. The ability to find peace between your leisure time and work time while managing stress from your
relationship with co-worker effectively is essential to social health. Your work takes up a great deal of
your time so it is important to find something that you love to do and gives you a sense of purpose.
a. Only first statement is correct c. both statements are correct
b. Only second statement is correct d. both statements are incorrect
15. Our good health is incomplete without being spiritually healthy. Being spiritual translates to the ability to
accept and cope with our own feelings.
a. Only first statement is correct c. both statements are correct
b. Only second statement is correct d. both statements are incorrect

16. Mental Health Counseling is part of what primary health care services
a. Preventive care c. Secondary Care
b. Primary Care d. Tertiary Care
17. This is the principles for Primary Health Care wherein helping on community to strengthen the
socioeconomics conditions that contributes to good health.
a. Accessibility c. Health Promotion
b. Prevention and control d. NOTA
18. It is low weight-for-height
a. Wasting c. stunting
b. Overweight d. none of the above
19. It is a transition period from childhood. It is a based on childhood experiences and accomplishments
a. adolescent c. childhood
b. elderly d. adult
20. It is a time of tremendous physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, and language development.
a. adolescent c. childhood
b. elderly d. adult
21. Your body needs it for proper blood clotting.
a. Vitamin A c. Vitamin B6
b. Vitamin K d. Vitamin D
22. Developmental tasks of young adults; Except:
a. Establishing identity c. Establishing a career
b. Achieving autonomy d. have concrete black-and-white thinking

23. Endocrinologists focus on hormone system

a. Preventive care c. Secondary Care
b. Primary Care d. Tertiary Care
24. Essentials components of Health care:
I. Promotion of mental health
II. Treatment of common diseases and injuries
III. Promote quality of life and life expectancy
IV. Prevention of locally endemic diseases
a. I,III c. II,IV
b. I,II,IV d. I, II, III, IV
25. Period from birth up to six months after child birth.
a. Fetal period c. initial period
b. Sub acute postpartum period d. delayed postpartum period
26. The stage characterized by knowledge and respect for one’s own language, access
to appropriate guidance and supports.
a. Infant c. adult
b. Childhood d. elderly
27. This dimension has ability to think clearly and reason objectivity.
c. Intellectual health c. mental health
d. Social health d. emotional health
28. Social health refers to your ability to interact with other people, respect to yourself and
other, developing meaningful relationships and develops quality communication skills.
This allows you to establish a support system of family and friends.
c. Only first statement is correct c. both statements are correct
d. Only second statement is correct d. both statements are incorrect
29. Discovering b a set of beliefs and values that brings purpose to your life.
a. Intellectual health c. spiritual health
b. Social health d. emotional health
30. Marked by physical and mental changes which accompany the cessation of the reproductive
capacities of both man and woman.
a. Early childhood c. early adult
b. Early adolescent d. early mid adult

Test II. Definition of terms. Define the following. Use black ink pen only in answering. (3pts each)
1. Health care System

2. Health Care

3. Disease

4. Nutrients

5. Teratogen drugs


1. Vitamins have multiple functions and are essential to your well-being and to maintain normal body functions (good eyesight,
energy levels, cell growth, bone health, a healthy immune system, blood coagulation, etc.). Your body needs sufficient
vitamins to function properly. Then what are the vitamins needed for our body. Give at least five vitamins with their functions and
sources. (10pts)

2. Pregnancy occurs when an egg is fertilized by a sperm, grows inside a woman's uterus (womb), and develops into a baby. It consists
of four stages: germinal period, embryonic period, fetal period, and post partum or postnatal period. In humans, this process takes
about 264 days (9 months) from the date of fertilization of the egg, but the obstetrician will date the  pregnancy from the first day of the
last menstrual period (280 days 40 weeks). In terms of different stages, state the various changes in fetal growth and development.
(10 pts)

3. The five dimension model of health includes physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects. The quality of life of an
individual or the overall well-being of an individual is determined by the interactions between these five dimensions. It’s important to
understand these dimensions, and find ways to ensure a balance mind, spirit, and body. Choose two among the five dimensions of
health which you consider to be most important and explain. Also, give ways on how you can improve such wellness. (10pts)

Prepared by:


Faculty, College of Pharmacy

Recommending Approval:


Dean, College of Pharmacy

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