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Journal of medical ethics, 1979, 5, 105-107

The origins of violence

H J Eysenck Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, London

Editor's note considerable improvement in all these matters, while

This is one of a group of papers read at the violence has increased rather than decreased!
London Medical Group conference on 'Violence' Anthropologists like Margaret Mead give descrip-
which was held at the Royal College of Surgeons tions of tribes like the murderous Mundugumor
of England, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London in and the peaceful Arapesh, suggesting that extremes
February I979. Professor Eysenck outlines the of conduct like these are entirely the product of
various hypotheses put forward to explain the social factors. All these groups hark back to the
origins of violence in our present day society and doctrine of Rousseau and John Locke; they seem to
examines in more detail the contribution the postulate, as Locke did, a tabula rasa as typical of
psychologist has to make in explaining the problems the mind of man, a tablet on which society can
associated with violence. He concludes that both write anything it wishes.
biological and social factors are responsible and that On the other side we have people like E 0 Wilson,
the development of 'conscience' in humans, when the father of sociobiology, Dawkin with his 'selfish
children, through conditioning is necessary to help gene', Ardrey, Morris, and the vaguely eponymous
control violent responses. Messrs Tiger and Fox, who take their clue from
ethology and zoology, and try to account for human
behaviour exclusively in terms of biological factors
Introduction we share in common with animals.
It is a platitude to state that man is a bio-social To say that clearly human behaviour is not
organism, and that his conduct is determined both exclusively governed by our genes, nor by our social
by biological and by social factors. Phylogenetically upbringing, is not saying very much, but it is the
the central nervous system, the cortical structures beginning of wisdom to discount such simplistic
organising it, and the autonomic system are the extrapolations from the extremists who fail to
product of hundreds of millions of years of evolu- discern the onesidedness of their position.
tion, culminating in some four million years' This is not to say that such simplistic and one-
development of recognisably hominid forms. It is sided statements are not often quite appealing.
absurd to imagine that this long-continued develop- W M S Russell, for instance, attributes violence and
ment would not have left traces governing many associated types of antisocial behaviour to over-
aspects of our behaviour. crowding, citing many animal studies in which
Again, man is a social animal, and the develop- there appears a statistical relationship between these
ment of language has made it possible for social two variables, and extends this to human society.
roles and modes of conduct to be handed down from Interesting as this hypothesis of his may be, it
one generation to another in written and verbal must be clear that this is merely an analogy, and
form. This is a relatively novel and very powerful that there is no direct evidence from the human
mode of social evolution which takes its place beside field to support this view. It might seem intuitively
biological evolution, and cannot be overlooked in obvious that in our society there is more violence in
deciding upon the major determinants of human groups of people suffering most from overcrowding,
conduct, including antisocial and violent behaviour. but a simple look at the methodological difficulties
In spite of its obviousness, this simple fact of attending such a comparison will make it doubtful
duality of determination is denied by extremists on whether any scientifically meaningful conclusions
both sides. Biological factors are denied by many can be drawn from the known facts. The fact (if
sociologists, anthropologists, behaviourists like it is a fact!) that overcrowding and violence are
Watson and Skinner, who advocate the doctrine of found associated in certain groups cannot necessarily
the 'empty organism' - i.e. a black box kind of being be interpreted to mean that overcrowding causes
which receives stimuli and produces responses, violence. Such a conclusion would only be possible
without any apparent intervening nervous system. if we had assigned people at random to an over-
Sociologists try to explain antisocial behaviour in crowded and a normal control situation, and it had
terms of social factors such as inequality of income, been found that those in the overcrowded situation
poverty, poor housing, etc., disregarding the fact developed violent conduct to a greater extent than
that for over the last 30 years there has been a those in the normal control situation.
zo6 HJ Eysenck

Unfortunately (or fortunately) such random salivation to the sound of the bell, pairing the bell
assignment of individuals is impossible on practical with the sight of food, so conditioning associates
and ethical grounds, and what we have is a much previous neutral stimuli with emotional reactions.
more difficult situation in which people differing As I have pointed out in my book on Crime and
considerably in intelligence, personality, predisposi- Personality, man has to learn to behave in a socially
tion for mental illness, etc. sink into the poorer and acceptable manner, and to acquire a 'conscience';
more deprived sorts of conditions, or rise out of them this is done by means of a process of conditioning,
into more salubrious positions, thus confounding in which antisocial acts constitute the conditioned
personality qualities and status. It is known, for stimuli (corresponding to the bell in Pavlov's
instance, that the psychotic and psychopathic experiment), and the punishment meted out by
individuals tend to sink in the social scale, this parents, teachers, peers, and people in authority
frequently ending up in poor and overcrowded constitutes the unconditioned stimulus (correspond-
conditions; it is also known that such people are ing to the food in Pavlov's experiment). Thus on
more given to violence. Thus the possibility cannot hundreds or even thousands of occasions a child
be ruled out that it is precisely those personal misbehaves and is punished; slowly he learns to
qualities which lead to violence and antisocial anticipate punishment for antisocial activities, and
behaviour, which condemn a person to live in the anxiety and fear produced as a result of this
overcrowded conditions. There are no easy solutions conditioning effectively prevents him on future
to complex problems of this kind, and the public occasions from acting in such an antisocial manner,
appeal of simple, single-cause explanations should even though he may be unobserved, and no punish-
not lead us to forego scepticism and critical scientific ment may be forthcoming. There is ample experi-
evaluation of such proposals. mentation with animals and children to demonstrate
this process, and to show that we can indeed acquire
The contribution of psychology a 'conscience' in this manner.
Individual differences in antisocial behaviour
What is the contribution that psychology can make under similar conditions arise because there are
to the solution of the problem of violence ? The first marked individual differences in conditionability,
point to note is that there are two problems here. i.e. in the way with which conditioned responses are
The first relates to individual differences. Under formed, the strength of these conditioned responses,
similar conditions, some people will act in an anti- and the difficulty of extinguishing them. It has been
social and violent manner, others will not; what is it shown that cortical arousal is highly correlated with
in the personality make-up of a given individual that the speed of forming conditioned responses, their
leads to one type of behaviour or the other? The strength, and their resistance to extinction; this
second problem relates to changes in antisocial and cortical arousal is correlated with certain personality
violent behaviour in a society over time; why is it types, particularly introversion, and if indeed
that there has been a considerable increase in conditioning is at the basis of socialised conduct,
violence over the past 30 years in most Western (and then we would expect introverts to behave in a
also Communist) countries? These two problems socially responsible manner, extraverts to be rather
may or may not have the same explanation, but it is more asocial or antisocial in their conduct, a
important to keep them separate as clearly the prediction that has been amply borne out in many
possibility exists that quite different explanations studies, not only in the Western world, but also in
may be called for in order to account for the fact. Third-world countries like India, and in countries
Psychologists start out with the fact that, as behind the Iron Curtain like Hungary. Thus
Professor McLean has pointed out, man has a personality differences account for a substantial
triune brain, i.e. a brain morphologically divided part of the variability we find in human reactions
into three main parts, arising at different times, and to similar situations, as far as antisocial and violent
serving different functions. First, there is a reptile behaviour is concerned.
brain, i.e. the brain stem and the hind brain; next
we have the paleo-cortex; last the neo-cortex, whose
tremendous growth over the past four million years Personality and genetics
has distinguished human beings from all other types It is important to note that these personality
of animals. The neo-cortex is the organ of rational differences are largely genetically determined, and it
learning, mediated by language; much more ancient, would therefore come as no surprise to find that
and responsible for emotional behaviour and antisocial behaviour too is to a marked extent
reactions, is the paleo-cortex, and in particular the genetically determined. Studies of monozygotic
limbic system, which coordinates and governs the and dizygotic twins, for instance, indicate that the
activities of the autonomic nervous system. The former are much more concordant for criminal
limbic system too has a language, but it is non-verbal behaviour than are the latter; if one twin is a
and uses the mechanisms of Pavlovian conditioning. criminal, the other is four times as likely to be
Just as Pavlov conditioned dogs to respond with a criminal if he is an identical twin than if he is a
The origins of violence I07

fraternal twin of the proband. Similarly, studies of prevalence of violent and criminal conduct may be
adopted children have shown that with respect to due very largely to a failure on the part of society to
antisocial and violent conduct these resemble their provide the conditioning experiences which are
true parents much more closely than their adoptive required for the child to grow up into a law-abiding
parents, although the latter provide practically their citizen.
entire social environment. There is thus very little
doubt about genetic determinants of this type of Conclusion
conduct, mediated through personality differences
and differences in arousal and conditioning. This, in brief, is the kind of message the psychologist
would have to contribute to a discussion of the
origins of violence. Inevitably the account here
Explaining the amount of violence given is much too brief and dogmatic, but a more
How can we explain the changes in the amount of detailed treatment of the topic is available in my
violence observed during the past 30 years or so? book on Crime and Personality, where also references
Clearly genetic factors cannot have changed to any are given to the very large experimental literature on
extent in such a short period of time. However, the this topic. It will be seen that the major causes of
conditioning theory provides us with a suggestive violence in human society are partly biological,
and possible answer. Successful conditioning is in partly social. There are innate propensities towards
part a function of the innate properties of the violence, antisocial and criminal behaviour which are
organisms, making it easy or difficult for the associated with low cortical arousal and extraverted
organisms to be conditioned; it is also in part a personality; these can be partially controlled by
function of the number of conditioning trials. Pavlov social influences, exerted through a process of
already noted that all dogs can be conditioned, but Pavlovian conditioning. Society may choose to
some are easily conditioned, taking only two or three exert a strong influence through these mechanisms,
pairings of the conditioned and the unconditioned allowing parents, teachers, magistrates and other
stimuli, whereas others may take two or three persons in authority to provide the necessary
hundred. Thus, given that genetically the population conditioning experiences which the child needs to
today is no different from that of 30 years ago, the develop a proper 'conscience', or society may prefer
differences in the prevalence of antisocial and violent a state of general permissiveness, in which parents,
behaviour may be due rather to a lowering in the teachers, magistrates and other persons in authority
number of conditioning trials to which children are are discouraged from exerting their influence in this
exposed during their period of growing up. The direction. We are now reaping the consequences of
general climate of permissiveness has led many preferring the second of these alternatives to the
parents, teachers and other people in authority to former; no doubt in due course the pendulum will
reject the very essential role they play in trans- swing back to a more sensible and reasonable half-
mitting and enforcing the rules of society, and way position between permissiveness and extreme
children nowadays grow up with a much reduced severity.
chance of acquiring a proper 'conscience' due to the Gradually, then, science is feeling its way towards
lack of conditioning experiences to which they are the more precise interpretation of social and bio-
exposed by their elders and betters. Sometimes the logical factors and their interaction in producing
Government takes a hand, as in passing the I969 antisocial, criminal and violent behaviour. It is
Children and Young Person's Act, effectively making already quite obvious that no view leaving out one
it impossible for the courts to take a part in this set of factors or the other is tenable any longer;
conditioning process; children and young persons what is needed is a more precise statement of the
are nowadays permitted to indulge in almost any role played by biological and social factors, and
kind of violent and ciminal activity without any experimental studies to verify or disprove hypo-
serious fear of punishment. Thus differences in theses based on these views.

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