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DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES (Oraciones de relativo especificativas)

WHO (THAT)  para personas (que)

WHICH (THAT)  para cosas  (que)

WHOSE  posesión (cuyo, cuya, cuyos, cuyas)

WHO, WHICH (THAT) como sujetos de la oración de relativo.

Examples:    I spoke to the woman.

                     She lives next door.

I spoke to the woman WHO lives next door.  (WHO=sujeto de la oración de relativo)

                     The man was very nice.

                      He interviewed me.

The man WHO interviewed me was very nice. (WHO = sujeto de la oración de relativo)

                      The keys have disappeared.

                      They were on the table.

The keys WHICH  were on the table have disappeared. (WHICH=sujeto de la oración

de relativo)

A.      Read the two sentences and then write a sentence with

WHO or WHICH. (Lea las dos oraciones y luego escriba una
oración con WHO or WHICH.)

1. She is the woman.  She gave me my first job.

2. He picked up the book.  It was on the desk.
3. She  is the woman.  She telephoned the police.
4. He´s the person.  He wanted to buy your house.
5. We threw out the computer.  It never worked properly.
6. This is the lion.  It´s been ill recently.
7. The man was badly injured.  He was driving the car.
8. The childlren broke my window. They live in the next street.

  WHOSE para indicar posesión.

  Examples: There´s the man.  His wallet was  stolen.

                    There´s the man WHOSE wallet was stolen.

B. Read the two sentences and then write a sentence with
WHOSE. (Lea las dos oraciones y luego escriba una oración con

1.      There´s the  lady.  Her dog was killed.

2.      He´s the person.  His car was stolen.

3.      They are the people.  Their shop burned down last week.

4.      I´m the one.  My flat was broken into.

5.      That´s the student.  Her parents complained about the school.

WHO, WHICH (THAT) cuando no son sujeto de la oración de relativo. 

Normalmente WHO y WHICH  se omiten.  (Contact clauses)

Examples: The man was away on vacation.

                  I wanted to see him.

The man WHO/(THAT) I wanted to see was away on vacation. (El sujeto de la oración


relativo es  I  (no who) y en este caso podemos omitir el relativo)

The man I wanted to see was away on vacation.

                  You found the keys. 

                   You lost them.

You found the keys WHICH/(THAT) YOU  lost. (El sujeto de la oración de relativo

es YOU

(no which) y podemos omitir el relativo.

You found the keys you lost.

C.Read the two sentences and then make a sentence without

WHO or WHICH. (Lea las dos oraciones y luego haga una oración
sin WHO o WHICH).

1.      The meal was delicious.  Ben cooked it.

2.      This is the chair.  My parents gave it to me.

3.      The man was holding the gun.  We saw him.

4.      The TV programme was very sad.  I watched it last night.

5.      The girl had red hair.  We visited her.

  PREPOSITIONS + WHICH AND  WHOM (Podemos usar una preposición delante de


  Examples: That´s the town in  which  he was born.  (Esa es la ciudad en la que

                    The people  with whom I stayed were very nice.  (Las personas con

                     me alojé eran muy agradables)

 No obstante es más usual  omitir el relativo y  dejar la preposición al

final.             That´s the town he was born in (omisión del relativo porque “he”
es sujeto preposición al final.)

                   The people I stayed with were very nice(omisión del relativo porque “I”
es sujeto  y preposición al final.)

D.     Read the two sentences and then make a sentence.(Lea las

dos oraciones y luego haga una oración)

1.      The man is Sue´s cousin. I introduced you to him.

2.      The hotel overlooked the sea.  We stayed at it.

3.      The shop is closed.  I bought the shoes from it.

4.      The people like him very much.  He works with them.



1.      We visited the father taught.

2.      I met her last month...............she came to our house.

3.      Did they tell you the reason................they were late?

4.      I´m talking about the time..................they didn´t have cars.

5.      I never liked the husband was born


A.     Join each pair of  sentences using  WHO, WHICH or WHOSE.

1.      He is the man.  He painted my house.

2.      What´s happened to the money? It was on my desk.

3.      The lock has now been repaired.  It was broken.

4.      Most of the people are very nice.  They work in Peter´s office.

5.      They are the couple. Their children were injured in the accident.

6.      She is the person.  She gives me a lift to work every day.

7.      I´m the person.  My credit cards were stolen.

8.      They´re the people.  They offered Sue a job.

9.      The car has now been found.  It was stolen.

10.  What is the name of the boy? He telephoned you.

11.  She´s the woman. Her husband teaches at Annie´s school.

12.  He´s the man. His flat was broken into.

B.     Complete the sentences using WHERE, WHEN or WHY/THAT

1.      Did they tell you the reason ........... they wanted you to do that?

2.      What´s the name of the had lunch?

3.      I can remember a time ..............there was no television.

4.      The place..............we spent the weekend was very nice.

5.      I don´t understand the reason..............he was late.

6.      Do you remember the time...............your car broken down on the motorway?

7.      Is this the were born?

8.      The hotel...............we stayed was very small.

9.      Is there a don´t want to come to the party?

10.  I would like to live in  a country...............there is plenty of sunshine.


A.      Lea las dos oraciones y luego escriba una oración con el mismo
significado. Haga

una “contact clause” dónde sea posible.

1. The street is very wide.  The street leads  to the school.

2. The person is not very clever.  The person is sitting next to me.

3. The music is  a  Strauss waltz.  The orchestra is playing the music.

4. The doctor is famous. She visited the doctor.

5. Women are to be admired.  Women work in hospitals.

6. The cigarette is a Player´s.  You are smoking the cigarette.

7. The lady has gone to London.  She was here yesterday.

8. The letter had no stamp on it.  We received the letter yesterday.

9. The girl is very pretty. She lives opposite my house.

10.  The dress is lovely.  Mary is wearing the dress.

B.      Oraciones  de  relativo con preposiciones. Lea las dos

oraciones y luego escriba una  oración.

1. The paint on the seat is still wet.  You are sitting on the seat.

2. The knife is very sharp.  We cut bread with the knife.

3. The man has died.  I gave the book to him.

4. The horse came in last.  You were telling me about it yesterday.

5. The pretty girl slapped Cyril´s face yesterday. You were speaking to her.

6. The glass hasn´t been washed. You are drinking out of it.

7. Here comes the girl.  I am hiding from her.

8. The house is my house.  They are looking at it.

9. The girl is very attractive. He is going out with her.

10.  The music is very beautiful.  You are listening to it.

C.     Lea las dos oraciones y luego escriba una oración con WHOSE

1. There´s the lady.  Her purse has been stolen.

2. What´s the name of that man? His wife has run away and left him.

3. The policeman is at the door.  You knocked off his helmet.

4. The girl has left the room.  I was talking to her mother.

5. The woman came to see me.  Her husband was arrested by the police.

6. The girl went to the police station.  Her passport had been stolen.

7. The man was worried.  His wife had been taken to hospital.

8. The woman is a teacher.  Her son lives in Birmingham.

9. The woman is crying.  Her baby is in hospital.

10.  The man is an actor.  His wife is a millionaire

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