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Dear Parents,

During the week of March 16, our class will be performing student-led parent
conferences from 4-6pm (each student has an assigned date and time, conferences
will last about 20 minutes). These are parent-teacher conferences that focus more
centrally on the students and their academic growth over our latest unit we have
been studying. I have provided each of your children with an assignment that lists
what is required at this conference. In addition, they are provided with a rubric
with what is expected of them before, during, and after their conferences.
This unique type of conference will allow students to hone their preparation,
presentation, and self-assessment skills. You may help your children, but I urge
you to not aid them too much in preparing their presentation; it is a test based on
how well they can prepare and deliver a professional presentation. Business-casual
attire is highly recommended; however their assessment is not based on this.
The list of assigned dates is attached below, as well as the rubric and the
assignment they received in class today. Dates are not set in stone, you may email
me at for any questions or concerns about dates. I can’t wait to
see each of you and your students for their conference.

Nicholas Kron

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