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Interview Assessment #1

Name of Person Interviewed: ​Dr.Saleem Akbar

Profession​: ​Interventional Cardiologist
Location and Business Name:​ ​Cardiovascular Physicians of North Texas
1105 N Central Expressway
Allen,TX, 75013

Date of Interview: ​October 21, 2019

Time: ​11:00 AM

As this was my first interview, I definitely felt like I contracted a case of bouncy nerves
leading up to the appointment. The butterflies were quickly put to rest as I was reassured by the
hospital receptionist’s high praise of Dr.Akbar’s friendliness and compassion. Throughout our
interview, Dr.Akbar’s humility and attempts to make me feel comfortable were unparalleled in
enabling the smooth, natural flow of our conversation. I think the interview allowed me to gain
authentic insight about the future of medicine as a whole and helped me cultivate a deeper
perspective on what the job constitutes.
Dr.Akbar accentuated the drastic change that he experienced in terms of patient
interaction throughout his twenty year career. To expound upon, he illustrated how the
proliferation in wearable technology that measure cardiac rhythms and abnormalities have
tremendously reduced the role in consultations to prescription of medications due to increased
patient awareness. Furthermore, he emphasized how the accessibility of medical information and
diagnosis on search engines has further contributed to the increased role of patients and the
corresponding decreased role of cardiologists. In that I sense, I was able to relate to his
perspectives regarding how the volatility of technology has undermined the active role of
physicians. With my curiosity sparked, I gauged his views regarding the propagation of da Vinci
robotic thoracic programs on a national scale. To my surprise, he stated that the recovery times
associated with robotic thoracic surgery are not significantly lower than traditional procedures.
On that note, I think it was a clear cut example of how the book doesn’t always translate to the
practical reality as my research assessment #2 analyzed the comparative effectiveness of a da
Vinci system.
What truly opened my eyes was Dr.Akbar’s profound insight on the monopolization of
medical services and the increase in hospitals adhering to a business mentality. I view this shift
in the medical landscape as a disconnect between the patient and administration, thus
contributing to the flaws and loopholes of the American healthcare system. Therefore, to hear
these words come from an accomplished and respected figure such as Dr.Akbar, it was validating
for my ambitions in advocating for the transparency of patient costs. I feel that the views
Dr.Akbar professed were a testament to the exploitation of these business tactics and
reinvigorates a sense of passion within me.
To my surprise, Dr.Akbar asserted that the future of medicine lies in neuroscience due to
our increased reliance on technology as a society. In his own words “ you can’t give a two-year
old an electronic device and expect their brains sustain for more than 60 years”. The frank nature
of this depiction opened up my horizons and consequent life ambitions. After the conversation,
those words resonated and revolved through my mind as I understood the importance of
maintaining an open mind to enable life to weave its magic. These words also reminded me of
the advice given by Mr.Langley at Business Symposium regarding the role of introspection in
discovering our passions. On that note, I aspire to cultivate a deeper understanding of who I am
and continue to meet amazing professionals like Dr.Akbar to diversify my views.
I think that my interview with Dr.Akbar was phenomenal in that I was able to balance the
discussion between the prognosis and evaluation of cardiac disorders and gained profound life
views. I truly appreciate the genuine nature in which Dr.Akbar presented his advice in adhering
to an ambition, but never settling on it. The personal connection that Dr.Akbar shared in terms of
his own journey was a testament to that notion. At the end of the day, I have the deepest level of
respect for Dr.Akbar and will honor his advice by exploring different avenues through my ISM

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