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Unit 1: Task 2 - Defining Concepts 1

Ana María Quintero

Laura Carvajal Correa

Nolberto Arley Marín

Luis Alberto Charris Villa

Maribel Fajardo

First And Second Language Acquisition And Learning

Course Code: 551018_14

Tutor: Andrés Orlando Blanco

First and Second Language Acquisition and Learning

B.A in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación

March, 2020
Laura Carvajal Correa 1

Task 1a. Defining concepts

Task 1b. Understanding language :


Analysis of the case study of Nolbert Arley Marin: Hi NOLBERT ARLEY MAR?N

Regarding your case study I observe that you choose the cognitive study, for this type of

activities it is important to use the system of symbols in a logical way allowing the resolution of

problems, in this case being able to make sentences. It would be helpful if, together with writing

the words, they could see the images so that the other classmates understand what they are

talking about and can develop their activities more easily.

Nolbert Arley Marin 2

Task 1a. Defining concepts

Task 1b. Understanding language:

Analysis of the case study of Ana María Quintero: You propose a very successful case for the

analysis according to the activity. You clearly detail the step by step case and the different

elements that compose it. In your case, you explain Vigotsky's theory but focused on the social

and community environment, for example, you describe the different factors that allow the

cognitive development of Salome who develops in a context where violence other abundant

social problems, these factors to despite being psychologically harmful to children, it can also be

used as a tool for building knowledge based on critical analysis. The educational constructivism

proposes a paradigm where the teaching process is perceived and carried out as a dynamic,

participatory and interactive process of the subject, so that the knowledge of the sea is a real

construction operated by the person who learns (by the " cognitive subject "). In your

presentation, it is important that you integrate the constructivist approach in Salome's education,

that is, use all the environmental factors to use them in the learning process, for example, by

identifying and analyzing social problems by students, search for solutions to these social

problems and implementation of actions to improve that situation.

Ana María Quintero 3

Task 1a. Defining concepts

Task 1b. Understanding language:



Analysis of the case study of Laura Carvajal: Hi Laura, about your case: I have retaken some

things that you have taken into account in the theories: * Radical constructivism focus on the

construction of individual knowledge. * Personal constructivism: It cannot expect that all

individuals have given or uniform cognition.

Vigotsky's: * Education should promote individuality. * Emphasizes the role of the social and

the collective. And I see that you have taken them into account and even more so in Bryan's case

in the sense that you initially consider that you must create a social environment for Bryan where

he feels happy and comfortable and develops his knowledge, you talk about the level of the

activities that Bryan could achieve with the collaboration of the teacher and partners. Finally, the

interaction with his family and the list of strategies to develop to achieve collaboration,

expression, cognitive abilities, logical thinking ... I think your case is so complete and I have

learned a lot about it. I recommend you to correct some mistakes.

Luis Alberto Charris 4

Mind map



Hello Nolberto

I would like to start by saying that the fact that you use a case with an English teacher I liked it a

lot. According to your proposal for solving the case, I see that you talked about the scaffold that

Vygotsky proposed in his theory. In fact, he says that the learning process is giving through

socialization in which Adults, or other people with bigger skills, help others that have no abilities

to do something (scaffold). In this case, you say the English teacher helped them by putting them

to work in pairs with the words the five words that each one has. Then they compare and join the

words to make sentences, probably it would be easier if you arrange the pairs with kids that have

more capacities to understand the language. That's the way I see your case.

Thank you
Maribel Fajardo 5

Task 1a. Defining concepts

Language: Language is a system of linguistic signs

that is used for communication. A person can

communicate with another through different forms

such as written, oral, gestural or sign. For me it is

clear that from birth the person does not bring with

them the learned language but with the passage of

time and their social and family environment the

child acquires the language naturally. For example, I

has a student that does not specifically acquire a language but he was acquiring it through his social

and family environment. Learning: Acquisition of knowledge intentionally and conscientiously.

In our case when we speak of learning a language we refer to the acquisition of language

intentionally, consciously and programmed, that is, we will study the linguistic signs and grammar

rules of the new language from various points of view and in different ways as through reading,

writing, listening and speaking that through these will be acquiring the communicative skill.

Teaching: for me teaching is the way in which I transmit a knowledge to other person. It is

important to use different methods and methodologies when teaching because not all students have

the same skills, that is why as teachers we must use different teaching strategies, forms and styles,

in addition to varying the content and using creativity for the creation of materials that allow the

student to learn and focus their attention and motivation on what they are learning.

Task 1b. Understanding language: Constructivism%20according%20presentation.wmv

Screenshot of Laura’s participation 6

Screenshot of Nolbert ’s participation

Screenshots of Ana’s participation: 7
Screenshots of Luis’s participation 9

Screenshots of Maribel’s participation

Bibliography 10

Liu, C. H., & Matthews, R. (2005). Vygotsky's Philosophy: Constructivism and Its Criticisms

Examined. International education journal, 6(3), 386-399. Retrieved


Doughty, C. J., & Long, M. H. (Eds.). (2008). The handbook of second language

acquisition (Vol. 27). John Wiley & Sons.313-337 Retrieved



Guillen Ramirez, M. ( 10,12,2018). Unit 1 Language learning and teaching. [Archivo de video].

Retrieved from

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