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TO: My Mother

SUBJECT: My weekend for the beaches of Piura

Hi mom,

How are you? I hope you are well.

I wanted to tell you that my weekend on the beaches of Piura was amazing! I
had a few days off, so I decided to do something special. I traveled to the city of
Piura and enjoyed its beaches. I traveled by bus on Friday night and arrived in
Piura at 11 p.m. I have a friend in the city, so I stayed with her and I didn't have
to book any hostels. It was very cheap! I left the city and did a tour of its
beaches. First I visited Organos beach and swam with the turtles. It was great!
Then I went to the beach of Máncora, I enjoyed surfing and eating a delicious
ceviche. After that I visited Punta Sal beach. I burned a little on the beach, but
otherwise I enjoyed the cool weather, the food and the beautiful scenery. bye
for now, take care.

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