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1. Assalamualaikum and a very good morning ladies and gentlemen.

2. My name is Murni binti Mohamad.

3. Before I start my presentation, I would like to ask all of you, have you involve or know
someone who are homeless?

4. What do you know or expect from people who are homeless?

5. And what are their problem actually?

6. Before I go further, let me give you some idea about homeless.

7. We already past Stone Age and marched towards the modern where we can see
fascinating technology but homeless still exists and is on the verge of increasing day by

8. Spending every day and night either depending on someone or finding a shelter where
they can have a nap.

9. Waking up with the noises of cars, finding food by the garbage and the least option would
be begging for other humans that look alike.

10. Why this happen? Is it because of money?

Ladies and gentlemen, this brings to the the topic of my presentation which is The
Homeless in Malaysia.

11. Based on my topic, I want to inform all of you that the number of homeless people is
increase annually.

12. Whats make me shock is many homeless are men.

13. According to the report by Ministry of Women, Family and Community

Development on the Social Welfare Department’s 2010 survey of 1,387 persons
experiencing homelessness in Kuala Lumpur based on gender and age, men are
overrepresented in the homeless community (85%). Senior citizens (60 years and older)
who make up 22% of the survey’s participants but only comprise 5.1% of the population
65 and above in 2010.
14. Besides, there are many reasons of why they become homeless.

15. According to Wong Kay Li, in his document about The Homeless in Malaysia: Issues and
Policy Solutions the most reasons for homeless based on survey from Department of
Social Welfare is 46% because of unemployment, 18% low income, 11% older age, 4.8%
drug addiction, 2.2% mental issues and others 18%.

16. Many homeless women and children are fleeing from abusive relationships.

17. Domestic violence is a serious issue that many people struggle with.

18. Sometimes choosing homelessness is preferable to suffering physical or mental abuse.

19. However, due to the current cost of living is unaffordable nowadays and the homeless are
unemployed make this become a huge problem for them to have a house to shelter.

20. Therefore, the government should make it cheaper to live in house by providing more
affordable housing.

To prove my point about unaffordable housing market in our country, let me present
you this chart which was obtained from The New Straits Times.
21. The graph presents the faster growth in median house prices compared to level of

22. So, how can homeless people which is unemployed can have their shelter?

23. Before I end my speech, every homeless have their own unique story. Never judge them
by its cover.

24. More than anything else, homeless people need a stable residences.

25. Decent housing is not only socially desirable but is necessary for the prevention of
disease and the promotion of health. 

26. Whatever the reasons for homelessness, there are many people working hard to help the

27. From individuals working at homeless shelters to city, county, state, and federal
government programs, efforts are being made to provide more affordable housing and
good-paying jobs, as well as necessary food and medical care to the homeless.

28. A person might only be homeless for a day or a week, while others might
remain homeless for months, years, or their entire lives.

29. Each person can do his or her part to help the homeless, whether it's volunteering time at
a local shelter or providing food, clothing, or money to help the homeless.

30. What can you do in your community?

Homelessness - Wikipedia

The Homeless in Malaysia - Wong Chen

Homelessness in Our Cities - Penang Institute

KRI report: House prices increase 9.1pc annually

Housing: (un)affordability is key issue

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