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 How many times and how are the learners given feedback about their performance?

At the end of the every topic a feedback was implemented to evaluate the learning outcomes. After the
said tasked, they were given a chance to share their suggestions/ comments in the class for
improvement. The basis for checking the performance is through rubrics.

 How are learners’ performance reported to the parents? Is this done regularly?

It is done at the end of every quarter where the learners’ performance was reported to parents.

 What are the common problems that teachers experience in reporting learners’ performance to
the parents? How can this be avoided?

Some of the parents are not attending during the teacher-parents meeting due to hectic schedule or any
circumstance for the reasons why they can’t come. At the end of the day some of the parents are not
active to look for their children learner’s performance. Nowadays, those students who possesses low
performance in school are those considered as problematic.
What learning have you learned from this activity that you can apply when you become a teacher?
I have learned that each school will provide written information about their reporting procedures to parents
at the beginning of each school year and when a child enrols in the school. The key purpose of reporting
is to support student learning by providing information to students and parents about student achievement
and progress, and to indicate areas for further development. Reporting should foster partnerships
between parents and teachers to support a student’s learning and progress. A student’s report provides a
formal record at a point in time on the student’s progress and achievement. Reporting student
achievement provides a measure of school accountability for student learning and outcomes. Schools
have a responsibility to provide regular, accurate and comprehensive information about a child’s
intellectual, social and personal development.

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